Thursday, August 22, 2024


    μαργαρίτης δαξ   


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    You may also find writings in my FB profile (Pearl Doxsey)

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Click here for work of one of my anointed partnersThe Final Witness
Click here for the work of another anointed partner
(Rev.9:17,2; Ecc.4:12; Dan.3:22-23,25-26,27-28; Rev.8:13; Judges 7:20; 6:12,17,22; 8:22-23; 15:4-5;  1Cor.15:24,28; Rev.8:13; 14:6-8,9-11; Jer.51:27,24-25; Rev.8:8; Dan.7:5,8,24)

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Dear Readers,
I am going to leave this post as a constant feature at the top of this Main Page.
All new posts will be entered below it.

Since I first started this Blog, many readers have transferred their online reading from a computer, to a cell phone. Unless the phone reader makes compensation, the pop-up scripture feature, will not function. That loss is grave, because any wisdom in my work, is found in the cited scriptures. One of my cell phone readers has informed me, how you can compensate. I will put her words and picture, below:
"One way to overcome the scriptures not being able to be opened on the iPhone or any phone is to direct the audience to click the web version. If you scroll all the way to the end of the blog and right above the “About Me,” you will see a “Home” button. Directly underneath the Home button is a link “view web version.” Click that link. You will then be able to click scripture links. A soft click on a scripture link will create a pop up of the scripture. A hard click on the scripture link will open that scripture in another window bringing you to, for example, the blueletterbible or biblegateway websites with the scripture you clicked to read."
With whatever device you are using...
I request and advise that all cited scriptures be read. Most of your learning will occur while reading the cited scriptures. They will pop up for computer users, if you hover your cursor over them. Much of the theme and thrust of the article, as well as connecting points, will be found only as the scriptures are read. I leave many holes around my own words, which can only be filled and bridged by the scriptures contained.
I do realize that following this suggestion, takes time.
I hope you take the time needed, perhaps reading one post in sections, so that all scriptures can be read and their relevance, deeply considered as you come to them.
Please consider structuring your studies in this way,
because reading my words only, is a sad waste of both of our time.

There are currently, over 800 posts and additional blogs in my profile.
Introductory articles can be found in the right-side column, at the top of this page.
These readings should give you the foundation you need, in order to consider and understand more fully the current posts. A consideration of the scriptures they contain, should provide greater assurance about the deeper interpretation and application of God's Word, which is progressively posted here.

The underpinning scriptural truths of every post, will not usually be discussed again if that information has already has been covered. Please make full use of the search-box when needed.
If assistance is still desired, there is a contact box to message me, found in the right side column of this page.

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For ANY question which arises or remains, during or after your study;
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, also within the right-side column. Please feel welcomed to use it.
I will be able to refer you to the appropriate material, or I will answer you directly. If you do not want your question and my reply to be published, please specify that wish within your message to me.

If you are searching a scripture, rather than a subject;
consider also searching that scripture's cross reference.
In other words, if you want information about Mark 13:8; also consider searching Matt.24:7,8;
because I may have written about that scriptural subject, using Matt.24:7,8 instead of Mark 13:8. If you need help with that, contact me.

One of our readers told me this helpful tip about search results...
After your search result page shows up...
If you press "control" (ctrl) then press "F" at the same time, another little search box appears.
I put my same search word(s) (or scriptural verse) in that new search box.
After clicking "enter", that search word(s) (or Bible verses) were highlighted on my result page.

Please enter the site by a direct search for "pearl doxsey", or for "4womaninthewilderness",
unless the URL is saved on your PC.
If you wish to help our Google rating, do a search for a Bible topic that you know is addressed by this Blog, and then click on the result for this site.
Every time a search result ends in another visit here, the Google rating improves, along with the site's visibility to new searchers. However, please do not enter the site repeatedly through one particular post, or by searching on a search engine repeatedly for the same subject or post. When that is done, it adversely affects the list of "Popular posts of the Week" from refreshing. Other topics of reader interest are then crowded off the list of highlighted links. It is best to keep that list fresh, for the interest of new readers and availability of new topics.

We live during a time of revelation. New concepts and interpretations are becoming unveiled (Dan.12:4,9; Hab.2:3; Rev.22:10; 20:12). Many of these things are deeper and more complex than what we were previously taught. Many run contrary to the Satanic deceptions to which we as former "Jehovah's Witnesses" subscribed, and which have become deeply entrenched within our perceptions.
Such doctrine must be overturned consciously, by effort and grace, which only by a careful and intense scriptural study, can this be done for us.
As always, if any questions arise, there is a contact form on the right side of this page.

If you appreciate what you are learning here,
you are welcomed to join the forum or Facebook group, for support.
Both links are found at the top of this post.

I have deep appreciation for the many expressions I receive from readers, and hope that you will send me feedback and any suggestions for improving the reading experience. Please feel welcomed to use the contact form in the right side column of this page.
If you believe the scriptural things you learn here;
please share those scriptures and the truth they reveal, with others.
This can be done on the various internet forums which cater especially to "Jehovah's Witness", ex-"Jehovah's Witnesses", and the ideology, mindset, and experience of each.

May God continue to answer our sincere requests for heavenly bread (Matt.6:11; John 6:27,35,51,58,55; 14:21,6; Rev.2:17), which we receive through the true vine, and his faithful branches (John15:4,5,8;  1Cor. 4:1).
May God bless all of you with spirit and truth (John 4:23-24), and the eternal blessing to follow for those who worship according to them
(John 8:31; 6:63;  2John 1:9).
Love in Christ,

---And finally,

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Malachi Chapter Four [] Great Day of God the Almighty

 This post is a recorded meeting in response to a question about the Great Day of God the Almighty, from Mal.4:5.

Malachi chapter four reads;
“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. (Matt.7:19; 25:41; Jer.23:29; 20:9; Eze.30:8; Luke 12:49; 2Pet.3:7,10,13; Rev.9:2; 8:7; 18:8; 11:3-5; 20:9-10;  Deut.32:22,32-33; Amos 7:4; 2:5; Isa.66:15,16; Rev.2:16  etc.) All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. 3 Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty.
4 “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel.
5 “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.”

To listen to the meeting,

Main cited scriptures: Rev.9:1-3; Zech.13:9; Isa.48:10; 1Cor.3:12-14

Helpful links related to this topic:
              -- Elijah-turns-hearts.html
                   -- how-does-light-get-brighter_90.html (Mal.4:2)

Friday, June 7, 2024

First Horseman of the Apocalypse

What follows is a link to a recording of one of our meetings. It is for advanced students who have already learned many basic Bible lessons. The recording covers the identity of the first horseman of Rev.6:1-2 as well as the first living creature that announces the approach of that first horseman. If any questions arise, please leave a comment at the bottom of this page, or use the contact form on the right side of this page. Thank you.


The scriptures used in the first recording can be read here:

Rev.6:1-2; Isa.62:6; Mark 13:35; Rev.4:7-8; 6:1-2; Ps.45:5; James 1:12; Rev.1:18; 19:11; 2Cor.2:14; 10:3-5; Rev.19:14; Eph.2:6; John1:23,29-31,34

Link to Greek interlinear for Rev.6 (


Scriptures used in the second recording:

Rev.6:2; John 16:33; 1John5:4,1,18; 3:9; 4:7; 5:4; Rev.21:7; Rom.8:37,36; 1Pet.1:23; John 16:33; Matt.24:21,13,8; Rev.12:5; 2:26-27,10; 12:5; Eph.2:6; Rev.12:7; 19:11,14,8; 17:14; 2Cor.10:3-5


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Integrity Sourced in Clarity


Message received:
"I’m starting to give up and it scares me. I’ve been beaten down for so long, it’s hard not to blame God (whose name I feel I don’t know anymore) and Jesus for allowing me to be mislead all these years. I feel betrayed and I’m angry."

My reply:
Regarding the thought that it's wrong for God and Jesus to allow this great test of going through the spiritual abuse of the Watchtower; it's good to recall that Jesus warned us about a great test/tribulation 
(Matt.24:4-5,8,11,13,21-23,24-25,28; Rev.19:20; 16:13-16; 1Tim.4:1). 
There is so much information that Jesus and the prophets give us regarding that period of trial, but it takes time and a personal interest on our part, to learn about it all (Matt.5:6; John 6:35,63).

Jesus said to Peter; 
"31 “Simon, Simon, Satan has demanded to sift all of you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not give out. And when you have turned back (return to your faith), strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22)

 Luke 22:31

In God's heavenly court, Satan has demanded that he be able to test the faithful loyalty of the anointed, even to the point of death...
(Rev.6:9-11; 12:10-11; 2Tim.1:8; Mark 8:35; Rom.6:5; 8:17-18) 
...previous to their inheriting the creation away from the Devil. 
After all, if the anointed become unfaithful to God, then Satan can keep his dominion... because the anointed are proven as being no better than Satan is.

What has happened, is that the test by Satan toward the anointed, has also come upon all those that are with the anointed.
Satan's dragnet/organization that he has used to take captive, deceive, and control the anointed, has also taken captive many others 
(Luke 21:20; Hab.1:4NKJV; Hab.1:14-15,16-17; 2Tim.2:26NKJV; Rev.13:10; Col.2:8; 2Tim.2:26NKJV; Matt.13:47-49) 
   More information:

The campaign of deception that Satan has used against the anointed, is also deceiving many others.
But like the anointed who are waking up and taking a stand, others are also waking up and taking a stand 
(Rom.13:11; Matt.25:5-7; Dan.12:2-4; Eph.5:14; Rev.3:2NIV; Isa.52:1; Joel 3:12; Eze.37:3-5; Rev.11:7-8,11.)

The critical part of this test upon us, is similar to the faithful man Job. Will this test cause us to "curse God and die"? (Job 2:9; 1:22; 2:3; 27:5) Or, will we turn to God for answers to this terrible experience, and be open to find and accept His answer to us? Will we seek out and feed on His mountains? Will we look to Jesus for answers?
(Eze.34:7-9,10-12,13-14; Matt.24:15-16; John 10:11-13,14-15; Rev.3:20)
>Our personal responses to these questions, is what it means to be in the Valley of Decision (Joel 3:1-2,7,14-16,17-18). 

Exiles of the Watchtower who had previously made a dedication to God, are reevaluating their relationship with God after their awakening from their Watchtower captivity. As a result of their own decision regarding their relationship with God; God is then deciding His relationship with them 
(Jer.29:13; 2Chron.16:9; Isa.55:6; Prov.8:17; 1Chron.28:9).

As we read in Job 1:22, Job did not ascribe evil to God. He took that righteous stance, despite not even knowing that it was the Devil who was causing his trials (James 1:13). Even while believing that the source of his troubles were from God; Job refused to betray God (Job 1:20-21,22).

Jesus gave us a parable that illuminates an attitude that stands in contrast to Job. It is well worth considering the person's attitude in Christ's parable, for the warning it affords to us.
Jesus described the kind of service that he desires from his servants...
(2Cor.5:15; Col.3:24; Matt.11:28-29,30; 20:28; John 10:14-15). 
Jesus is a loving, self-sacrificing shepherd. 

In the parable of Jesus, he describes one of his servant's attitude at the time of Christ's return. Rather than knowing the loving nature of Jesus, that lazy slave answers Jesus...
"24 “Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours.’ " (Matt.25).
-- This slave has the wrong impression of Christ's nature.
Where did this foolish servant get this impression of Jesus as a threatening, harsh master?
Who is the servant confusing Jesus with?
Who really is the "hard man" that invokes fear, who the servant has mistaken for Jesus? 
Who is the master that the servant actually has above him, who is harsh and demanding?
Who is the leader that takes for himself, all the benefits that were gained through the hard work of others beneath them (Matt.25:24)(James 5:4; Micah 2:1-2)

Jesus indicates who the harsh master is, who is causing fear in Christ's anointed household and those with them. 
Jesus exposes that brute, within his parable of the steward of Christ's household (Luke 12:42-43,44-45,46).
  Take note of the unfaithful option open to the ruler* of Christ's household (Luke 12:42NKJV*), at Luke 12:45...
"45 But if that servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and starts to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and get drunk".
(Prov.26:9; Isa.29:9; 28:7,14,17,19)

Under such a ruler, there is no true spiritual sustenance, no mercy, no justice.
What do we learn from these two parables (Matt.25:24-25; Luke 12:45)?
We learn from Christ's parable that we must be very careful, not to confuse the wicked leaders we have had above us, with our true master. It is not wise to ascribe the sins of men, to our Lord.

Many blame God for the spiritual abuse they have suffered under the governing leaders of the Watchtower, along with the army of elders who are being directed by those leaders. 
Like the lazy slave; many who have been abused, blend together and confuse the two masters. Assigning the evil of the unfaithful steward onto Christ, is error. As we learned, that confusion ends badly for the one who blames Christ for the wicked steward's behavior (Matt.25:26,30).

--As you state in your original comment above;
"I’ve been beaten down for so long, it’s hard not to blame God and Jesus for allowing me to be mislead all these years. I feel betrayed and I’m angry."
Try to remember clearly... who it was who "beat you down" (Luke 12:45). It was the leaders of the Watchtower and their elder army. 
You certainly have a right to feel hurt and angry for the spiritual abuse, 'beatings', exploitation, hypocrisy, lack of mercy, injustices, misdirection, and harsh demands of the wicked steward. 
Yet hopefully at this point, you can avoid the error of the lazy slave of Matt.25:24. 
At Job.1:22, despite all the agony and trials to befall Job while in the hands of Satan; Job never ascribed anything evil to God (James 1:13). After proving his integrity; Job was richly rewarded by God for his faithful loyalty (James 5:11). That result stands in stark contrast to the outcome of the lazy servant (1Pet.3:17; 5:10).

All of our past experiences and circumstances while captive in the Watchtower, was prophesied. The more our spiritual circumstances come into focus, the more we can perceive what's really going on, and what we should do about it.
--I am here to help you with that, and anyone else who asks. Jesus said to "keep on asking, knocking, seeking" (Matt.7:7-9,10-11). 
For those who do, it will be given.
(More information:  https://who-is-to-blame.html)
*[Regarding your other comment... that of not knowing God's name, perhaps these links will be helpful: 

Monday, May 20, 2024

When did Jesus begin his symbolic 1,000 year Reign?

Please consider the scriptures to follow.
Let's first read two...
John 18:
"33 Then Pilate entered the Praetorium again, called Jesus, and said to Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”
36 Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from this source.”
37 Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?”
Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is on the side of the truth, listens to My voice.”

Jesus explained to Pilate that Christ's dominion, authority, and power was one of Truth. All who side with divine truth, have Jesus as their king, and it is his voice that they heed, serve, and obey. For those who love divine truth; Christ is their lord, master, and king (Col.3:24).
"1 Now when they drew near Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to Me. 3 And if anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord has need of them,’ and immediately he will send them.”
4 All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying: 5 “Tell the daughter of Zion,
‘Behold, your King is coming to you,
Lowly, and sitting on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey."
It would seem that Jesus had a royal dominion in the first century. Do we have further scriptures to confirm this?
Please combine the three main scriptures to follow, to see the truth...

Luke 22: 
"69 Hereafter the Son of Man will sit at the right hand of the power of God.”  (confirmed by Stephen at Acts 7:55; Eph.1:22-23)
[Jesus was placed at the right hand of God in the first century.]

Christ's reign was over the Christian congregation, not over Satan's world governments 
(1John5:19; Luke 4:5-6; John 18:36; 6:15). 
His kingdom over other kings (Rev.19:16) does not rest on anything of this world. 
(John 18:36; Heb.9:11; 8:2; 1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:20-22). 
  (1Pet.3:22; Matt.28:18)
The "kings of the earth" (Rev.16:14-16NET) are anointed (Rev.1:5-6NKJV) who are brought into spiritual battle with one another... the faithful, true prophet against the unfaithful, false prophet and its beast organization.
(Rev.16:13; 13:11; 19:20; 17:14; 11:3)
(1Cor.11:18-19; Mal.3:18; Matt.13:30; 24:6,8; Rev.12:1-2,7; John 16:21-22). (https://Who-are-gods-angels.html)
That false prophet imbues the sea-beast that serves him, with an image of being directed by holy spirit (Rev.13:11-12,14-15) 
(What does it mean to "give breath"? see John 20:22)

By his conquering the world and its ruler; Christ set his followers free from the deceptive power of Satan, by his overpowering that first enemy, and binding the Devil's deceptive power and influence against Christ's faithful disciples. 
(John14:30; 16:33; Eph.4:8; Col.1:13; Luke10:17-20; 4:18,21; Eph.4:8; Isa.49:24-25; Mark3:27; Rev.20:1-3; 3:21; Eph.2:6; 1John5:4; Luke10:20)
Note that those who are saved from captivity to darkness (Hades), are transferred into Christ's kingdom of light (Col.1:13; 1Pet.2:9). Who dare insist that Christ's kingdom did not exist?

From Luke 22:69, we now know that Jesus sat at God's right hand in the first century; Let's see why...

Psalm 110:
"1. The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

As God's right hand man, Jesus would be used and empowered by God to subdue enemies of truth and light. According to 
Psalm 110:2, that authority and power of Jesus would be
extended through members of Zion ...the 144,000 belonging to New Jerusalem (see Rev.14:1; Isa.2:3 c).
During each of their lifetimes, those members of Zion would battle against Satanic lies.
(Rev.19:11-14; 17:14; 2Cor.10:3-5; 6:7; Eph.6:10-12,13-15,16-17; 5:11; Ps.110:1-2; Rev.14:1)

Thus far, due to Luke 22:69 and Psalm 110:1-2; we have established that since the first century Jesus has been at God's right hand. During his position there, Christ's enemies are being subdued beneath his feet.

For our final main scripture, let's learn what Jesus is doing while his enemies are being subdued under his feet...

"25 For He must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet."
[Review of main scriptures: (Luke 22:69; Ps.110:1; 1Cor.15:25)]

Again scripture confirms that Jesus is reigning over his congregation, until through them 
(Ps.110:2; Rev.2:27NIV; 12:5; Eph.2:6; Rev.3:21), 
all enemies against his Kingdom of Truth, are subdued beneath the feet of Christ.
Ephesians 6
"12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
Ephesians 5
"11 Have nothing to do with the worthless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them"
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ"
"4 For whatever is born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that has conquered the world—our faith."
Col.1:13 reads;
Why is the era of Christ's reign, important to the prophecies in Revelation? 
Because it clarifies when his symbolic 1000 year kingdom takes place, as well as when it ends. Satan is then released (Rev.20:7-8; 12:17) and the Great spiritual Tribulation is ignited against the remnant of the woman's seed. 

Satan's release invokes a successful attack on the camp of the holy ones through the Great Tribulation 
(Rev.12:17; 13:7; 20:7-9*; Luke 21:20; Rev.11:3,5*)(Rev.12:1-4; Matt.24:7-8) (meaning of signs: 

That Satanic assault is expressed in multiple parables... 
...a flood to drown the woman/mother covenant of life (Rev.12:15; Gal.4:24,26; Dan.9:26; 11:32) 
...a war with the beast that results in the saints being conquered (Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; Luke 21:24; Dan.11:33)
...a trampling of the courtyard of God's temple (Rev.11:2; Dan.8:10; Rev.12:4)(Dan.12:3; Phil.2:15) 
...a man of lawlessness taking his throne of power amid God's temple (2Thess.2:3-4; Dan.8:11-12,24; 11:36-37,38-39; 12:7)
...and an abomination/disgusting thing, standing in the holy place/where it does not belong (Matt.24:15; Mark 13:14; Dan.11:31).
------- All these are various parables about the same events contained in prophecy.

How can we ever recognize these cardinal events of the Great spiritual Tribulation upon God's anointed people,
(1Pet.2:9-10,5; 1Cor.3:16; 2Thess.2:4; Luke 21:24; Dan.8:13; 12:7; Isa.63:18), 
...if the timeline we mistakenly believe regarding the 1000 year reign of Christ, will prevent it?
Have you caught sight of the abomination of desolation?
(Mark 13:14; 2Chron.23:6; Eze.44:6-7,8-9; Rev.13:15)
      - (Search result)

More information
If any question remains, please use the contact form in the right-side column and I will address your need.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Who are the Thirds?


Question received:

Greetings from South Africa. Just a quick question. It has always bugged me that one third of the angels chose to support and leave with Satan. Fortunately 2/3 did not. What was so bad or missing under God's rulership that made them choose Satan instead of God? These are highly intelligent powerful beings made in God's image and they are perfect. What was going through their minds when they made that choice that is ultimately going to lead to their death? Kind Regards 

My Reply:

Excellent question. Please be patient with each puzzle piece, because when they are all assembled, the picture will become clear.

we need to base our concept of the "third" and "two-thirds", upon scripture.  
Zech.13:8-9 reads; 
"And it shall come to pass in all the land,” Says the Lord, “That two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die, But one-third shall be left in it: 9 I will bring the one-third through the fire, Will refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them. I will say, ‘This is My people’; And each one will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’ ” 

So we see that the "third" are those who are refined and become God's PEOPLE (not demon spirits). 
The "third" are seen favorably, and the "two-thirds" fail to be refined, and so are cut off from God's saving grace. 

It's really important that the false teaching of the Watchtower (that these are demons) is cleansed from us. In this way, we too can be refined through a cleansing of what we believe (just as the "one-third" are refined -Zech.13:9). 
Only when we have the correct interpretation of these "thirds" can we be enabled to understand all of Revelation's referrals to the "third", and those fallen stars you refer to at Rev.12:4NIV. 

After describing an evil army that is empowered to torment (Greek:"treat unrighteously") the unsealed (Rev.9:7,3-4); 
we then see the army that murders a third of them. 
Rev.9 refers to those "thirds" once again. 
Rev.9:18-21 reads; 
"18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed (1/3) —by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. 19 For their (evil) power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm. 
20 But the rest of mankind (2/3), who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. 21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts." 

From Zech.13:8-9 and Rev.9:18,20 (among other verses), we see that a "third" refers to repentant humans who are forgiven, cleansed/refined, saved, and then killed by the evil army
(Mark 8:35; 13:13; Rev.12:11; 6:11; John 16:2; Rom.6:4-5; Rev.11:3,7; etc.)

So, to get back to your original question about the assumed "angels" who, according to the false, un-biblical WT doctrine... one third are bad, and two-thirds are good/faithful...
...In reality, the opposite is true! 
I believe that the scripture you are referring to, is Rev.12:4NIV. That's where is speaks of 1/3 of the stars, falling from heaven. 
Rev.12:4NIV is the verse that the Watchtower uses to teach their false doctrine about the "fallen angels" and the identification of them as the demons in the time of Noah. 

Let's look at that verse, and the one before it... 
"3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. (That's Satan - Rev.12:9)
4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and flung them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born." 

The context of verse 4 is relevant. A meeting could be spent on all that these three verses contain, and how they are all connected. 
But for simplicity's sake... 
We see that Satan's "tail"... 
    (a lesser manifestation of his authority and power -Deut.28:13,44), ...forcefully removes "stars" from their heavenly position. 
Forcefully yes
because it reads that he "flung them to the earth". 
Also in verse 4 we read that this is connected to Satan wanting to devour the seed of the woman upon his birth. 
The fall from a heavenly position (Eph.2:6; Luke 10:20)
actually IS associated with the spiritual death of newly spirit-born anointed (1Cor.10:12; 2Pet.3:17NIV; Rev.3:1; 2:10; 3:11). 

At this point Julia, I can now hand you over to what this post link to follow can give you, to finish your answer. 
In the post, you'll learn **who the fallen stars really are, (Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3) as well as the exposing of more false WT doctrine that we need to be cleansed of, which stands in the way of our gaining an accurate faith. 
Please be sure to read the scriptures as you come to them. That's where you'll find your answer.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Difference Between Adam and Eve [] Sinning Willfully

Question received:
Hi. Just a quick question. The bible mentions Adam's age at death was 930 years, yet never mentions when Eve died. I was curious as to why not. 
Kind Regards

My Reply:
Adams death was permanent, and so very notable. When he sinned; Adam knew what he was doing. 
In contrast; Eve sinned in ignorance (1Tim.2:14;  2Cor.11:3). 

Sins committed in ignorance can be forgiven through an atoning sacrifice (Eze.45:20; Heb.9:7; Rev.5:9; Rev.14:4YLT; Eph.2:13). 
This is the reason why, at Gen.3:15; God spoke of the promised seed as coming from Eve and not from Adam. 

Through Eve, it was still possible to generate forgivable, righteous seed by means of God's spirit (a righteous generation -Ps.14:5ESV)...
 ...not through Adam (Heb.10:26), but through the woman, Eve. 
(Job 14:1; 25:4; Eph.2:13; Rev.5:9; 19:8; 7:14; Gal.4:4; Luke 7:28)

-- The righteous generation adopt God and Christ as their fathers, through voluntary imitation
  (Isa.9:6;  1Cor.15:45,47-48,49,22; *Ps.15:1-2; Eph.5:1;  1Pet.1:23;  1John3:9; 4:7; 5:4,18;  1Pet.1:23; John 6:63; 1:13; John 10:10; Matt.28:20; 24:34; Phil.2:15).
-- The wicked remain generated by the spirit of the evil one, and remain under the lineage of Adam 
(Hosea 6:7; Ps.78:37; *Job 31:33; Deut.17:1-2,3,5; Rom.5:12;  1Cor.15:22;  1John5:19; John 8:44; 3:18; Eph.2:2; Deut.32:5ESV; Matt.17:17ESV).
 [* When we compare Job 31:33 and Ps.15:1-2 we learn a significant and important difference 
      between the hearts of the wicked and righteous generations. The wicked hide the truth 
      about their sins, even from themselves 
      (John 3:20; Isa.29:15; Job 15:31; 1John2:4; 1:6,8-10; James 1:26,22-24). 
      The righteous seek sanctification and honor (James 1:25,22; Ps.51:10; 19:12; Col.3:10; Prov.28:13)].

      (Jer.17:9; Rev.3:17-18; Luke 18:9-10,11-12,13-14; 1Cor.3:18; Gal.6:3; Deut.11:16; Ecc.12:14)

If it were not for Eve's ignorance and the possibility that Eve's offspring could be atoned for as righteous; no one generated by our original parents could have become anointed as a son of God (Rom.8:16,14,10; Gal.3:26; John1:12-13)...
Nor could Christ have been born into the human race (Gal.4:4; Luke 1:30-31,34-35). 
  Redemption by the sacrifice of Christ could not have been applied;
But due to the ignorance of Eve, redemption has been made possible for those seeking God's grace.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How do Anointed Rule as Kings?

Question received:

Hi Pearl, I was reading a really interesting post in Reddit where they were talking about the talk where we can trust ‘our kings’. They brought out that the New World Translation of the Jehovah's Witness Bible, inserted the words ‘as kings’ in Rev 20:4 and Rev.20:6. I had never noticed that before. I had always referred to the anointed as ‘kings and priests’ because that was what I was taught; But according to those verses, the anointed rule as priests and as Isaiah 32:1-2 brings out, as princes. 
Are there other scriptures which refer to the anointed as kings, or is that a false teaching to bolster the Governing Body’s power?
I know that in the days of Israel kings were anointed but the only scriptures I can find about the anointed refer to them as ruling as priests. It is so hard when you realise that so much of what you think is true is part of wormwood’s teachings and you don’t realise how much you still have to unlearn.

My Reply:

  I am wondering what their motive is, in adding "kings" to those verses. I suspect it is so that more subjection to the governing body can be invoked, and referring to them as presently being kings, firms up that idea.
  I also find it interesting that the contrast between a current kingship, and those not currently reigning, is described in prophecy (Rev.17:9,12-13). The governing body is rightly associated with the heads of the beast, who have already received their kingdom in this world. These prominent governing 7 rulers/mountains/kings/heads (Rev.17:9; Matt.5:14YLT) who direct and control the body of the Beast/organization below them, stand in contrast to the 10 horns of the beast, who are kings that "have not yet received their kingdom" (Rev.17:12-13). As horns, they are used in the aggressive power exerted by the heads.

To see that the anointed are indeed designated as kings as well as priests...
Rev.1:5-6 reads: "and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, 6 and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."             (See NKJV version: LINK)

-- Jesus is identified to have an anointing as High Priest of God's spiritual temple (Heb.4:14; 9:11; 8:1-2; Eph.2:20-22; 1Pet.2:5). This position as a priest does not nullify his position as king (Heb.6:20; 7:1; Gen.14:18; Rev.19:16; Luke 1:32). Neither does it nullify the position of king, to the priests under the high priest...
As Rev.5:10 reads;
"10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and *they will reign* on the earth.”
At no time did the usual anointing into the priesthood, include the capacity to reign. Priests are referred to as ministers 
(Jer.33:21NKJV; Ex.39:41; Isa.61:6; Joel 1:9; Heb.8:1-2; 2Cor.3:6; 6:4; Rom.15:16; etc.). 
Priests should not reign. Kings reign.

   When the Bible does make a single reference to priests ruling (Jer.5:31); it is referring to a time of apostasy. This situation refers to when God's genuine priests are forcefully replaced by a  non-anointed, not chosen nor accepted by Godcounterfeit priesthood. 
That situation is what fulfills Mark 13:14 and Matt.24:15. The holy place, is God's priesthood (1Cor.3:16-17; 1Pet.2:5; Eph.2:20-22). Trespass into that position by anyone else, is an abomination (2Chron.23:6; Eze.44:6-7NKJV; Mark 13:14; Matt.24:15).
(Dan.11:31; Eze.44:6-9; 2Chron.13:9; 2Thess.2:3-4; Eze.28:9-10).
       -   (https://who-are-gods?html)
       -    (https://FLEE-Where?html

Your verse at Rev.20:4 tells us that the kings that rule with Jesus DURING the 1,000 years, NEVER worshiped the beast or its image and had "not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands" (LINK). That unfaithful option to commit idolatry, arises after Satan's release, after the 1,000 years end, and after Satan creates and releases the great tribulation/test. (https://the-greatest-tribulation-what?-why?.html)
   At that point, the 1,000 years have ended (Rev.20:7), and the reign of the "first resurrected"-144000 who reign "with Christ" is then over (Rev.20:6,4)<end of verse 4. -- If Rev.20:4 tells us that the 144000 "reign with Christ for the thousand years"; is it being asserted on Reddit that during the thousand years, Jesus is not reigning as a king? If he is, then the 144000 are reigning with him 
(Col.1:13; Eph.5:5; Ps.2:6-7; Rev.14:1; Dan.7:13-14) (Dan.7:21-22,18,27; James 2:5; 2Tim.4:18; Eph.2:6; Rev.3:21).

  Rev.20:4 also describes these as being given authority to judge. That power was started in the first century, which can be seen at John 20:22-23 and 1Cor.6:1-2,3. 
Notice that in these references (Rev.20:4; 11:16; 4:4), it qualifies these kings and their authority, by mentioning that they sit on thrones. That is not a material throne, but that symbol points to their qualification (Rev.3:21; 1John5:4) in imitation of their teacher (John16:33).

-- Jesus also gave his apostles the example of washing their feet, to demonstrate how to behave toward other members of the Body of Christ, even while reigning. At one point, James and John, right after seeing the vision recorded at Matt.17:1-3, requested that they could fulfill the positions it depicted (Mark10:37). 
Jesus counseled James and John, at Mark10:42-45. 
The reign depicted by the organization, is a reflection of Satan's governments (Luke 4:5-6). No attempt is made to hide that, when using the title "Governing" Body. 
  At Mark 10:42-43,44-45, Jesus forbade that some anointed should rule in a worldly way, over their anointed brothers, OR over Gentiles who would be used to dominate and trample their anointed brothers. Obviously, that sort of domination would NOT be the kind of reign exercised by the kings over which Jesus himself reigns (Rev.19:16; 1:5; Rev.5:10NKJV).

-- So then, what kind of authority and power is exercised by anointed kings under Christ? He is always our exemplar (John 13:15). He refused to accept the type of reign he forbade at Mark 10:42-45 cited above (John 6:15).
The kind of power and authority that Jesus exercised, is the same sort exercised by his under-kings (Luke 22:29). He described that authority and power at Luke 10:19 and John 18:36-37.
-- Luke 19 reads; "37 Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice *for all the mighty works they had seen,* 38 saying:
“ ‘Blessed is *the King* who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!' ”

-- The royal, "mighty works" the disciples had seen, was their king's ability to raise the dead, cure the sick, and teach the light of truth. Christ offered God's grace of repentance and life to God's nation (John 1:11-13; Gal.3:26; Ps.82:6; 2Pet.1:4) and the promised inheritance of Abraham would be given to those who accepted Christ (John 1:14; 17:22,2; Gal.3:29; Luke 4:16-17,18-19,20-21; Gen.22:18; Gal.3:29). Jesus foretold that the kings under him, would do similar works (John 14:12; Matt.10:7-8), but in a greater way (John 6:63).

The "king of kings" has outlined the nature of a righteous, spiritual reign by his own example (Rev.19:16). Those kings who remain under the kingdom of Christ, reign as he reigned. He was always submissive to his own King, the Father. We faithful anointed must also, employ our authority and power into submissive service to God and Christ (Rev.4:4,10-11; 22:1-2,3; John 1:51; Gen.28:12,14; Heb.1:6; 2:5,16; Gal.3:29).
Those who do not recognize "the kings of the earth" as anointed (Rev.1:5), but rather as governments within Satan's world, do not realize that Satan (not Jesus) is ruler over the world and it's governments (1John5:19; Luke 4:5-6).  Jesus refused to be a part of the world (John 17:16; 1John2:15-17; James 4:4; John 18:36). To believe that Jesus is a ruler of this world's governments, is error. That erroneous belief prevents an accurate interpretation or understanding of Revelation's prophecies.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
As regards your reference to Isa.32:1-2...
As you can see by the translation being used on this page (and others), "princes" can be translated as "Rulers". Jesus himself, who we have already proven is a king, was also referred to as a Prince, at Isa.9:6-7.
Our idea of a prince conveys the thought that he is under his father who is the actual king (Isa.32:1NKJV).
That is true of both Christ (1Cor.15:24-25,26-27,28) and his fellow kings (Rev.19:16; 5:12-14; Gal.1:3-5).
Yet each assigned king, when found faithful with their use of royal authority and power, will receive their own dominion *(Luke 19:15,17), over which, is the dominion of a greater king.
[More information: *(https://two-appointments.html)

------------- Thank you for your good question!
-- For any question that arises for any reader, please leave a comment below, or contact me via the form on right side of this page. If you leave a comment, it will not show up immediately, but only after I post it.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Memorial Timing [] Unleavened Bread

As a primer to this post, it is essential that if you haven't yet read it, that you read this post to prepare:
The question below was left as a comment at the bottom of that link above.

Question received:
Good morning Perla, reading the post at the beginning I understand that the memorial takes place on the 13th Nisan and I agree but then you say that the whole thing takes place on the day of preparation, of the slaying which is parallel to the slaughter of the lambs and the beginning of the feast of unleavened bread then at sundown the Passover begins, but in the Bible I find only that the 14th is the day of preparation and at sundown that is the 15th the Passover "It was the day of preparation (i.e. the day before the Sabbath). So as the evening was drawing near," Mark 15:42 NIV.
In fact in a Scripture I added it says that the 15th begins the day of unleavening. "These are the feasts established by the Lord, the sacred assemblies that you are to proclaim at the appointed times: The Lord's Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. On the fifteenth day of that month begins the Lord's Feast of Unleavened Loaves; for seven days you are to eat bread made without leaven."
Leviticus 23:4-6 NIV
If the memorial takes place on the 13th and it is not the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, couldn't the bread be an ordinary loaf that is dipped as it is written? In the Septuagint, in the string of code concerning it, I find no unleavened bread but only loaf of bread...
It is true that Jesus made negative references to leaven, but he was referring to that of the Pharisees, for in one area he compares the kingdom of heaven to the leaven hidden in the flour, where it increases.
Mat 13:33 - Another parable told them, "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until the whole was leavened."
Since I got confused, can you help me understand my mistake?
-- -- -- -- -- -- --

My Reply:
I will copy each of your questions and respond in sections.
First you say;
 "I understand that the memorial takes place on the 13th Nisan and I agree but then you say that the whole thing takes place on the day of preparation, of the slaying which is parallel to the slaughter of the lambs and the beginning of the feast of unleavened bread then at sundown the Passover begins, but in the Bible I find only that the 14th is the day of preparation and at sundown that is the 15th the Passover "It was the day of preparation (i.e. the day before the Sabbath). So as the evening was drawing near," Mark 15:42 NIV."
- - -

If it is the Day of Preparation and the evening is drawing near, then the Sabbath starts when the evening arrives. The Jewish day is from sundown to sundown. Evening drawing near is the end of the present day (Preparation), and start of the new day (Sabbath). The next verse tells us that Jesus is about to be buried at that time (Mark 15:42-43NIV ).

I am not clear on how Mark 15:42NIV causes you to conclude that the 14th is the day of preparation, and that the 15th is the Passover.
If we consult the Greek interlinear, Mark 15:42NIV reads;
"And (G2532) already (G2235) of-evening (G3798) of-becoming (G1096) since (G1893) it-was (G2258) preparation (G3904) which (G3739) is (2076) before Sabbath (G4315).

"Of-becoming" (G1096) is being used here to convey "to begin to be". This means it was toward evening or at the approach of evening which is the approach of twilight. It is just as your quote of Mark 15:42NIV reads; "as the evening was drawing near". This means that the day of preparation was about to end when Joseph of Arimathaea requested the corpse of Jesus. When darkness fully arrived, it would be the start of the Sabbath... the Passover.
At this point, please consider John 19:31NIV; John19:31NKJV. John tells us that the Sabbath day after the death of Jesus, was a high Sabbath/special Sabbath. That is because the Passover and the Sabbath occurred on the same day in that year. 
Going back to Mark 15:42-43NIV which tells us that Jesus was being buried the day before the Sabbath, confirms to us that he was buried before Passover Sabbath started. He was buried as the Day of Preparation was about to end.

Now we can look at your reference of Leviticus 23:4-6NKJV. First let's look at Leviticus 23:5NLT.
Note that it tells us clearly... 
"In the fourteenth [day] of the first month at evening [is] the LORD'S Passover."

Even though seven days were to be special and holy, the one day of the Passover week which commemorated the flight from Egypt, was to occur on the fourteenth day of Nisan.
If we compare this to Mark 15:42NIV it confirms to us that Jesus had the Memorial, was arrested, died, and was buried, the Day of Preparation and the day before the Passover. That would need to be Nisan 13.
[Remember that the Jewish 24 hour day is from sundown to sundown.]

Next you say;
"In fact in a Scripture I added it says that the 15th begins the day of unleavening. 
"These are the feasts established by the Lord, the sacred assemblies that you are to proclaim at the appointed times: The Lord's Passover begins at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. On the fifteenth day of that month begins the Lord's Feast of Unleavened Loaves; for seven days you are to eat bread made without leaven."
Leviticus 23:4-6 NIV

We must look more closely at Leviticus 23:6NKJV. You used the NIV version, which includes the word "begins". However, if you go to the Hebrew interlinear, the word "begins" does not exist. The translators of the NIV assumed that the fifteenth day of Nisan was when the week of unleavened bread began. Not true.
A better word-for-word translation is found in the Hebrew interlinear, which reads;
"And on the fifteenth day
of the same month [is] the
feast of unleavened bread
unto the LORD: seven days
ye must eat unleavened
The end of Leviticus 23:6 tells us that there are seven days of unleavened bread. 
Are we to assume that unfermented bread starts on the fifteenth day of the month? 
If it does, then this means that on the Passover (fourteenth day of the month) it is permissible to have and eat leaven. Agreed?

Now we should consult Exodus chapters (12&13).
In reference to the Passover meal on the fourteenth day (Lev.23:5NLT), ...Exodus 12:8 reads; "Then they shall eat the lamb on that night; roasted in fire, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it."
(see Exodus 12:17-18)
No leaven on the fourteenth day either.
So even though Leviticus 23:6 tells us that the fifteenth day of the month is part of the feast of unleavened bread (and part of the 7 days), it does not tell us that it starts on the fifteenth day.
It merely tells us that the fifteenth day is a part of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, which lasts for seven days.

So let's return to Leviticus 23:6.
"And on the fifteenth day
of the same month [is] the
feast of unleavened bread
unto the LORD: seven days
you must eat unleavened
Please keep in mind that the requirement of no leaven, lasted for a week (Ex.12:15).
The Hebrew of Leviticus 23:6 never told us that the fifteenth day of the month was the beginning of the week of unleavened bread, which is proven by Exodus 12:8. 
Leviticus 23:6 only told us that after the Passover... after the fourteenth day of the month; The week of unleavened bread includes the fifteenth day of the month... and then God reminds them that the requirement to eat unleavened bread, continues for a week.
This reminder about the fifteenth day is understandable. Having just completed the central day of Passover on the fourteenth day (which is the most important day of the holy week), they may have been inclined to feel that the requirement to continue to keep their houses clean from leaven is not as important. God emphasizes that it must be upheld for seven days (Exodus 12:15) including and continuing into the day after the Passover.

What about the thirteenth day... the Day of Preparation?
Exodus 12:15 reads; "Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses. For whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off from Israel."
Preparations to purge and clean the dwelling could not comfortably take place after the start of the Passover on the fourteenth, because on that day, no work could be performed (Exodus 12:16). 
No mention is made in the Hebrew scriptures, about the Day of Preparation practiced by the Jews of Jesus' day. Through the years, the Jews added additional regulations, in order to comfortably assure the full compliance to God's own decrees. The Day of Preparation was instituted to accomplish all preparations ahead of the Sabbath, including the cleaning out of leaven and the slaughtering of the Passover Lamb. In the time of Jesus, that day also required that there be no leaven, in preparation for the Sabbath.

Luke 22:7-13 helps us...
7 Then the Day of Unleavened Bread came (sunset to sunset) when the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed (before the sunset of the next day). 8 Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover.”
9 “Where do you want us to prepare it?” they asked him. (Day of Preparation)
10 “Listen,” he said to them, “when you’ve entered the city, a man carrying a water jug will meet you. Follow him into the house he enters. 11 Tell the owner of the house, ‘The Teacher asks you, “Where is the guest room where I can eat the Passover (the week begins) with my disciples?”’ 12 Then he will show you a large, furnished room upstairs. Make the preparations there.”
13 So they went and found it just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover." 
[In the first century, The Passover week of unfermented bread begins with the Day of Preparation.]

Please notice that "on the first day" of the week, "you shall remove leaven from your houses" (Ex.12:15).
The leaven was removed, to prepare for the week of no leaven. Removing the leaven was like cleaning the house to prepare for the holy week. "On the first day" when all Israel must remove the leaven, that is the Preparation for the Sabbath. In the first century... on the Day of Preparation, the leaven is removed and not eaten.
Then notice that Exodus 12:15 continues... "For whoever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off from Israel." 
The Jews were very meticulous about these laws, even going beyond them to be sure there was no violation. If preparing for the Sabbath included removing leaven; we can be sure that the meal which is eaten on the Day of Preparation after the day began at sunset, contained No Leaven.
The Lamb's were slaughtered just before the Sabbath started at dusk (Ex.12:6). The Jews formalized and titled the day before the Sabbath began, to complete all preparations, including the decrees of leaven and the slaughter of the Passover lambs.

Next you write:
"If the memorial takes place on the 13th and it is not the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, couldn't the bread be an ordinary loaf that is dipped as it is written? In the Septuagint, in the string of code concerning it, I find no unleavened bread but only loaf of bread."
-  -  -

The "first day" must have No Leaven. The first century Jews removed the leaven beforehand to be certain that it was gone before the first day. The Day of Preparation (which arose in addition to the commands in the Hebrew scriptures) was the customary time to prepare the home to be without leaven. The Day of Preparation for the Passover includes removing all leaven.

Now what about the bread that Jesus offered his disciples as the symbol for his body, which occasion occurred on the Day of Preparation (Matthew 26:26; Luke 22:7-8)? Did it contain leaven, even though the preparations called only for the removal of leaven?

Matt.26:17 reads; "Now on the first day of the Feast of the Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying to Him, “Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover?”
    [Note: Although this verse already establishes that the requirement of no leaven was in place 
              for the Memorial; This verse speaks also of eating the Passover. To avoid confusion, 
              we must once again remember that to the Jesus and his followers, and all the Jews 
              of his day; the full Passover was understood to last a week. Their words "to prepare" is an
              apt reference, to the Day of Preparation (which is not mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures). 
              The disciples expected that Jesus would be with them for the Passover Sabbath. He was not.

Luke 22:7 associates the Day of Unleavened Bread...
              (meaning the first of multiple days, since it lasted a week -Acts 12:3) 
...with the day that the Lamb's are slaughtered. We know that is the Day of Preparation (Mark 14:12). 
That was Nisan 13 which spanned from sundown (Memorial) through the next day...
       (during which Jesus was betrayed, arrested, crucified, buried -John19:13-14,31,42) the next sundown, which started the Passover Sabbath, Nisan 14.

There are many verses in addition to Mark 14:12 which confirm that the bread Jesus used to symbolize his sinless body, was unleavened. It would not only symbolize his own sinless sacrifice, but also it came to represent the Body members belonging to Jesus (1Cor.10:17).

Leaven represents hypocritical teachings that are not from a sincere heart containing a love of truth (Luke 12:1; Matt.23:3; 15:14). It is associated with malice, wickedness, and sin. 
In contrast, Jesus is a king of truth (John 6:55; 18:37). Sincerity and truth are represented by bread that is free of leaven (1Cor.5:7-8; 1Pet.2:22; Heb.4:15; 2Cor.5:21). 
The unleavened bread represented Christ's Body. Those who become one in spirit with Jesus (1Cor.6:17; John17:21,23), become Christ's spiritual Body (1Cor.12:12,27). They must also become free of the leaven of hypocrisy, malice and wickedness (Col.1:22; 2:11; 1Thess.5:23; Heb.10:10; 1Cor.10:16-17; 1Pet.2:24). 

Then you write:
"It is true that Jesus made negative references to leaven, but he was referring to that of the Pharisees, for in one area he compares the kingdom of heaven to the leaven hidden in the flour, where it increases.
Matt. 13:33 - Another parable told them, "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until the whole was leavened."
-  -  -

In this parable at Matt.13:33, it is not the kingdom that increases, but the hidden leaven that works its way throughout the three measures, until the puffed-up appearance becomes evident.
Not all references and parables about the kingdom of heaven were positive (Matt.13:24-25,40,47-48,49-50). The kingdom can be taken from those who become unfaithful, as the consequence to the unfaithful can also be shown in kingdom parables (Matt.21:43; 5:20; 7:21).

Consider that Matt.13:33 can have a consistent meaning for leaven.
Just as an unleavened loaf represented the sinless body of Christ; a loaf can represent other bodies. They can start out sincere, but become corrupted (1Cor.5:6; 1Tim.4:1-2; 2Cor.11:3-4; Col.2:8; Heb.3:12; 2Pet.2:21). Like leaven, the corruption and hypocrisy within them can increase, until it permeates the whole being. 

In prophecy, we do see 3 separate measures of the same lump. A "woman" hides leaven in them (Rev.17:5), until the hypocrisy, malice, and wickedness comes to fully bloom (Heb.10:26-27; Rev.20:10; 16:13; Heb.6:4). 
It is true that the kingdom will begin as a single stone, and spread to fill the earth (Dan.2:35).
But I think it is wise to take heed that the parable contains leaven, and what leaven does symbolize throughout the scriptures.

We have learned that:
*Nisan 14 is The Passover Day amid a Passover week (Leviticus 23:5).
*Nisan 14 is a part of the week of unfermented bread (Exodus 12:8).
*Nisan 15 is not the first day of unfermented bread, but is a part of the week of unfermented bread
  (Ex.12:19; Leviticus 23:6).
*Leaven had to be removed from the house in preparation for the Passover, before it began.
*The Day of Preparation (when the lambs would be slaughtered) was also free of leaven 
  in the time of Jesus Christ (Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7). 
      [Keep in mind that the Day of Preparation started at sundown right before the memorial, 
       and continued until the next sundown. During that 24 hour Jewish day, 
       the lambs were slaughtered, and Jesus also died and was buried.]
*The bread that represented the sinless body of Christ, was without leaven 
  (Mark 14:12;  1Cor.5:7-8; John 6:55)

My last thought for you is that we no longer are under the Law Covenant that God had with the Jewish nation. Jesus fulfilled the law (John 1:17; Rom.7:4; 4:16). In the first century, Jewish tradition had developed buffer practices that assured that God's regulations would not be violated. The Day of Preparation is not mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures, but was practiced by first century Jews, the apostles, and Jesus. As such, it afforded Jesus the perfect timing for the Memorial, and his sacrifice on the Day of Preparation to coincide with when the Passover lambs were being sacrificed (1Cor.5:7; John 1:29; Rev.5:6,12).
As Christians, our primary guidance comes from Jesus Christ and the words of the apostles. Our observance of the Memorial is not the Jewish observance of the Passover. We rightly observe the occasion according to the timing and example that Jesus provided us.

Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)