Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How do we warn them?

A Question I Received:
"I have a great desire to warn those who are in WT organization and wondered if you and perhaps other anointed you associate with are making this recommendation.   My sister knows three JWs who have decisively left WT because of WT hypocrisy, and this just happened in the past two weeks.  I endeavor to share with them scriptural understanding."

My Reply:
In what way may we all share in giving a warning?
The following two links offer scriptural help with that question:

There are additional links within those posts. Depending upon your interest, you can choose which ones contain the information you wish to pursue.
I am hoping that the additional links will clarify just how each person can contribute to the warning being given to those in spiritual peril.

There was also a campaign of demonstrations, back in 2015. 
Pictures that depict the warning we gave, are still being posted on FaceBook, by Obadiah Doxsey (my husband).
The warning was a proclamation, that the accurate interpretation of Revelation, places the Beast as the organization... and the last harlot as the false prophet above it. The inferences connected to this in the book of Revelation, is that those who regard the organization as spirit-directed, are committing Idolatry, toward the Image of that Beast.
Those under the influence of that organization and it's leaders, are drinking the wine of the vine of Satan (Deut.32:32-33; Joel 3:13-14; Rev.14:18-20). Those who imbibe from that vine (instead of the vine and branches of Christ -John15:1,4-5,8), are spiritually drunk, and are unable to "Keep Awake" as Jesus commanded (Luke 21:34-36; 1Thess.5:7; John12:35). Just as it is nearly impossible to rouse an intoxicated person, it will be near to impossible to awaken one who is devoted to demonic deception (1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13-16). 
Spiritual blindness can only be cured by Christ, who opens that no one can shut, and shuts that no one can open (Rev.3:7; Luke 24:45; Matt.13:11). We are ready to offer our scriptural reasons for hope (1Pet.3:15; 1Cor.9:16)... but only God can make them able to hear what the spirit says to the congregations 
(1John1:5; Psalm 36:9; Luke11:13; 1Cor.2:10; Matt.11:15).

You will read at the links provided above, that we are under obligation to warn those in spiritual peril. But we also have the Bible's instruction, how, when, and who we warn.
We are commanded...NOT to enter the city to preach (Luke17:30-33; 21:21-22), but to invite those "leaving the city" (Matt.22:9-10) who have been enabled by God's spirit, to "hear" (Rev.22:17; 2:29).

Due to one of my visions, our demonstration campaign in 2015 was a one-time deal, which covered the Summer conventions of that year. 
The reason?
In one of the visions given to me, I was permitted to witness to the people on the line to the Winepress, but only for a short time. I was then removed from their midst. I was firmly told, "You are no longer allowed to be in this place!", and while protesting that decree due to my distress over those people's destination, I was jerked up and away by my hair. I have understood this as a divine directive, to not repeat the witness given in 2015.

Does this mean that our need to warn, is over?
Upon the completion of that warning to the blind and deaf (Matt.13:13,14,15)...
we are all given other instructions.
We are to find and avail ourselves of God's timely provisions. If we grasp and appreciate what we consume, we are to invite yet others (Matt.22:9-10; Rev.22:17)

As you will see from the scriptures in the following link; Not all can grasp and appreciate what spirit is offering...

Many who do grasp and appreciate the present spiritual provisions, feel as desperate to share it with their relatives and friends, as I felt when trying to warn those in the vision of the winepress. But we are told repeatedly in the associated parables of Jesus, that some are "taken" and some are "abandoned". (1Sam.16:7; Matt.13:11; Luke17:34-35,36-37).
Even within families, there would be both sorts...
And so....
Regarding your conversation with your JW mother... 
Yes, you could try to reason with her, and clarify that Deut.18:20-22 is not speaking of a continuing to exist as proof of faithfulness... but rather, failed prophecies as being the indication of a false prophet. 
Jesus spoke of failed prophecy, as "rotten fruit"... an offering that does not last, but rather, fades in time, becoming useless to consume. That is the reality of a prophecy that can no longer be offered, because it has obviously, expired. (Matt.7:15-17,20)
The WT interpretation and prophecy of "This generation will by no means pass away, until all things take place" (Matt.24:34-35).
Both the WT interpretation of "generation" and the generation itself, passed away like rotten fruit. It expired. It had to be replaced, because it was not the truth and was proven so with time.
Genuine prophets convey sayings of God. Like the words of Jesus (Matt.24:35), their teaching, lasts (John15:16; Rom.3:4).

Although this is obviously true and clear, to those "awake" and "sober" (1Thess.5:6);....
....those drunk and under a dark demonic veil, cannot see it (1Thess.5:7,2-4; 2Cor.4:4; John12:35; Prov.4:19). This may be the reality for both your mother, and my own daughter (Rev.18:3; Jer.51:7; 25:27).

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