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Sunday, November 7, 2021

When are the Enemies of Jesus, Subdued Beneath his Feet? [] Four Watchmen

Questions received:
1. Can you please add more understanding to 1 Corinthians 15:25?
There it says that Jesus reigns until all his enemies are subject to him. Yet you teach that his 'thousand year' kingdom has already ended. Yet we see that all his enemies are not yet made powerless, removed, and gone.
2. When are all Jesus' enemies conquered and made subject to him?
3. What caused Jesus' thousand year kingdom to end?
4. Why would anyone want to let Satan out of the Abyss? 
5. Who was responsible for that, and why?
Thanks. Obadiah.

My reply:
Well, we've got lots of ground to cover. :)
I'll respond to each of your questions, by number.
To begin, it may help to consider a detail of the verse that follows 1Cor.15:25, and that is, 1Cor.15:26.
You may note that all the initial enemies of Jesus, are lumped together in verse 25. But in verse 26, the conquering of "Death" is mentioned separately, and as occurring after the previous enemies.

That fact is consistent with the depiction of the enemies of Jesus, contained in the book of Revelation. 
At Rev.6:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, we see the 4 living creatures. They are the 4 anointed watchmen of the night 
[Isa.21:6,8,9,10,11,12 (<Dan.8:13,14); Rev.2:28; Eze.3:16,17; 33:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9; Isa.62:6; Rev.4:6-8; Isa.62:6; Mark 13:34 NIV ; Luke 21:36]. 
These watchmen are special prophets (Hosea 9:8; Matt.11:7,9,10; 17:10,12,13,11)
(Mal.4:5; Luke 1:17; Mal.3:1,2,3; Dan.8:14; Eze.14:4,5,21,22; Rev.6:7,8; Luke 19:41,42,43,44; 21:20,21,22,23,24; Matt.24:42,29; Joel 2:31; Amos 5:18; Rom.13:12; Rev.2:28,29).
Their assignment is to remain awake spiritually, and sound a warning when God's nation is threatened by an encroaching enemy.
My reason for explaining the 4 watchmen/living creatures, is that at Rev.6:7-8 we see there depicted, that last enemy, Death (1Cor.15:26) 
and we see that it arises in the time of the 4th and last Watchman.
The previous enemies (as stated at 1Cor.15:25) arise previous to the time of the 4th Watchman.
You may also note that in the time of Death's attack; there are simultaneously, all 4 plagues released against God's nation... Sword, famine, plague, and wild beasts (Rev.6:8). God allows the release of this curse, due to His nation's gross unfaithfulness, 
just as noted in Eze.14:21,5 cited above. 
That greatest time of trouble and adversity, is the Great Tribulation. It occurs during the era of the 4th watchman, when Death yet needs to be conquered.

Now to get back to a further opening of 1Cor.15:25;
we may assume that this verse is asserting that Jesus' reign must be continual, in order for all his enemies to be subdued. It is more accurately understood as saying, that in order for all enemies to be subjugated... he must be reigning. Is there a difference? 
Please be patient while I use an illustration to portray this truth.
A carpenter is working on a project and is using electric power tools. That project consists of 4 major tasks. We may assume that in order for his job to be finished, he works non-stop with no interruptions. But now imagine that after he completes three of the tasks, he loses electric power due to an outage. During that outage, he cannot make progress, because his tools are not working. During that interim, he is not functioning as a carpenter.
When power is restored; he resumes his work through his power tools, and completes the last of the 4 tasks. He must be working, if he wishes to finish the entire project.
When 1Cor.15:25 states that Jesus must be reigning in order to subdue his enemies, that does not necessarily infer that there is no interruption in his reign, between his subduing his enemies previous to Death, and his subduing the last enemy, Death (1Cor.15:26).

I do hope that at this point, you can see that there is no contradiction between 1Cor.15:25 and this blog's teaching, which asserts that the symbolic thousand year reign of Christ, ends before the conquering of the last enemy Death.
For those of you readers who are not familiar with that timetable; I suggest reading this post 
plus the first few posts that can be found in the search result at this link:
If you do not find what you require, please contact me.

So to respond to your first two questions;
Jesus must be reigning over his living anointed slaves... 
       (through which he battles as they conquer the world as individuals -Ps.110:1,2; Rev.17:14; Eph.2:6; Rev.19:14;  2Cor.10:3-5) order to make progress against his enemies. That corresponds to a carpenter needing his tools to be working, in order to finish his project.
Prophecy indicates that just as with an electric outage that disrupts the usefulness of a carpenter's tools and stops his progress;
Jesus' reign over his anointed temple priesthood, is interrupted 
(Dan.8:11,12; 7:25; 9:26,27; 11:31; Mark 13:14; Luke 21:20,24). 
Satan's victory over the anointed remnant (when he is released from the abyss), marks the end of Jesus' 'thousand year' reign over his living Body members (Rev.20:7)... interrupting the progress of subjugating his enemies, through them. That occurs during the Great Tribulation and trampling of the anointed remnant, by the Gentiles. 
It is also the period when the Gentile anti-Christ/man of lawlessness, is enthroned above God's Temple (2Thess.2:3-4; Mark 13:14) (1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:20,21,22;  1Pet. 2:5), which ends the daily sacrifices of that Temple priesthood, in their service to Christ. That is an interruption of Christ's reign over his living congregation, and ends his uninterrupted 1,000 year reign.
The last enemy Death is not conquered, until the remnant seed (also mentioned separately -Rev.12:17;  1Cor.15:23-24) of the woman covenant, conquers that last enemy to be unleashed by Satan. (Rev.20:7-8,10,14). The attack by the last enemy Death, is unleashed after Satan is liberated from the chains of the abyss. That last enemy Death is conquered, during Armageddon.

Here is an excerpt from the post: "WHY MUST SATAN BE RELEASED FROM THE ABYSS?"

"Upon Satan's release, he goes off to wage war with the remnant of the woman's seed (Rev.20:7,8; 12:17)
Satan's agents (Rev.16:13,14,15,16; 13:11;  2Thess.2:9,10,11,12;  1Tim.4:1) are successful against the saints 
[Rev.13:7; Dan.7:25; 11:36; (2Thess.2:4); Dan.8:12,13; Rev.11:2; Matt.5:13; 24:24,25]

Through an alliance with a fallen star/false prophet (Rev.8:10,11; 9:1,2,3; 13:11; 19:20)
Satan is released, and brings with himself a flood of his agents of deception, both spirit and human 
(Eph.2:2;  2Tim.3:13;  2Cor.4:4;  2Cor.11:13,14,15; Matt.24:24,25;  1Tim.4:1)... who successfully alienate the saints, from Christ... 
resulting in the remnant of the saints, being taken captive to deception and death 
(Hosea 4:6a; John 17:3; 6:63; Eph.2:12; 4:18; Col.2:19; John 15:16).
(Rev.12:15; Col.2:8; Rev.13:10; Dan.11:33; Luke 21:24,20; Rev.20:9a).

Satan employs the dark powers of his abyss/Hades, and through his alliance with "Wormwood", releases the agents of the Abyss, upon the remnant... resulting in the captivity and spiritual death of the remnant.

When the Chosen elect then alive, become enslaved to Satan... Is Jesus still their ruling king? 
Is Jesus still the Head over his Body and Temple? 
At the time that God's Temple is overcome and trampled by the Gentile "man of lawlessness" (2Thess.2:3,4; Dan.11:36,37,38,39)... the "abomination of desolation"... the "disgusting thing, standing where it does not belong" (Mark 13:14;  1Cor.3:16,17), Satan becomes ruler over the remnant. The "thousand year" kingdom of Jesus Christ over his living saints, ends. 
-  -  -  -  -  -  -

The period of time that we are presently in, encompasses the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. 
This is the period which the Bible refers to as Satan's "short period of time" (Mark 13:20; Rev.12:12; 20:3; Matt.24:22,32,33; Luke 21:28). 
Satan's victory over the anointed during the Great Tribulation, ends during Armageddon. The Great Tribulation and Armageddon are the interim between the end of the symbolic Thousand Year kingdom of Christ, and the start of God's eternal Kingdom. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *
QUESTION 2. When are all Jesus' enemies conquered and made subject to him?

The messenger of the covenant mentioned above (the 4th living creature/4th watchman), turns the hearts of God's sons, back to God 
This causes the restoration and function of God's spiritual temple and priesthood, when their being trampled, ends 
(Mal.3:1,2,3; Dan.7:25; 8:11,12,13,14; Rev.11:2,3).
Just as electrical service resumes for the carpenter's tools; the servants of Christ and members of Zion are once again found faithfully exposing the falsehoods that took them captive and made them subject to Death (Ps.110:2;  2Cor.10:4,5; Eph.6:11,12; 5:11; Mal.2:7; Rev.5:10)
(Rev.3:1,11; James 1:12; Luke 12:39; John 10:10; Heb.2:14; Rev.13:2,7,10; Col.2:8 NIV ). 
Christ is then again, reigning over his anointed congregation, and finishing the conquering of his enemies, including Death. As 1Cor.15:24,25,26,27,28 explains, the last of Christ's enemies are subdued by the remaining members of Zion...
       (Rev.12:11; 3:9;  1John 5:4; Rev.2:26,27; 3:21; Dan.7:25,21,22,26,27; Rev.15:2), 
...after which, Jesus gives their accomplishment over to God. The eternal reign of all the faithful in the kingdom of God, then commences.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *
QUESTION 3. What caused Jesus' thousand year kingdom to end?

Rev.20:7 states plainly, the reason why Jesus loses his authority, power and control over his temple priests. Satan's release brings with it, a sweeping power of deceptive darkness, which overtakes the remnant of anointed 
(Rev.9:1,2,3; Joel 2:1,2; Isa.59:10; Rev.8:12; Isa.60:2;  1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13,14,15,16;  
1Kings 22:21,22,23; 
  Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8 NIV ; Dan.8:12; Matt.24:5,24,25,22)
Satan's is then able to mislead the previously enlightened nations belonging to God (1Pet.2:9,10; Rev.20:3;  1John 5:19; Matt.16:18), 
during the Great Tribulation (Dan.8:11,12,24; Col.2:19; John 15:5,6).
QUESTION 4. Why would anyone want to let Satan out of the Abyss? 

The first thing to keep in mind is that Revelation is written in symbolism. Jesus has bound Satan in order to prevent his ability to mislead Christ's anointed priests 
(Mark 3:27; Rev.20:3; Luke 10:17,18,19;  1John 2:20). 

Neither the chains nor the abyss, are literal or physical.
If Satan is enabled to gain his power to deceive the anointed, that would be symbolically depicted as his release from that previous constraint.
To understand Why Satan is released, we must first understand How Satan is released.
In order for Satan to be able to mislead the saints, the saints must be apt to be guided and nurtured by an agent of Satanic and demonic deception. Such false prophets are a reality 
2Cor.11:3,4,5,12,13,14,15;  2Tim.3:13; Matt.24:24,25;  1Cor.10:21;  1Tim.4:1; Rev.2:20; 16:13,14; 19:20; 13:14,7,10; Col.2:8 NIV  

If a genuine steward appointed by Christ (Luke 12:42) becomes unfaithful, he will not be providing the proper food (fine fruit/the truth) at the proper time (when needed). Those eating from that leader's table, are not receiving the truth 
(Isa.28:7,8,15; 42:22; 49:24,25; Mark 3:27; Rev.20:2; Luke 10:19; Matt.16:18).
Why might such a steward, compromise to teach demonic lies, rather than the truths of Jesus?
Anointed ones have free will, and those still immature are not immune to being corrupted by worldly desire. 
They are warned to reject the enticements of Satan's world 
(Num.15:39;  1John 2:15-17; James 4:4; John 18:36).

Jesus said that the faithful would be required to walk the path he walked (1Pet.2:21;  1John2:6; Luke 22:28,29), 
   despite Satanic testing (Luke 22:31;  1Pet.5:8). 
The path of Jesus, started out with Satanic temptation (Luke 4:5,6; Matt.4:8,9,10). 
What did the Satanic test at Luke 4:5,6 consist of?
Satan offered Jesus worldly blessing and power, in exchange for subjection.
When the anointed follow in the footsteps of Jesus, they also are offered this enticement. 
The wicked steward, fails that test. 
He accepts the powers, riches, prominence, and authority offered by this world (Rev.18:3,7,11,12,13,14,15,16,17). But... they must also pay Satan's price. That one must become a servant of Satanic interests.... primary of which, is the enslavement of the saints who are under the guardianship of that wicked steward 
(Gal.4:1,2,3,8,9; Rom.6:16; Gal.1:10;  1Cor.7:23).

Even if such a pawn of Satan is unaware of his role in misleading God's elect; there will be times when that leader will knowingly compromise the truth, in favor of retaining his worldly position of prominence, authority, riches, and power (Mark 10:42,43,44,45;  1Pet.5:3;  2Cor.1:24). He will go so far as to "beat his fellow slaves" in order to prevent them from exposing the wicked slave's unfaithfulness (Luke 12:45; Isa.28:7,8).
We saw a clear example of this type of leadership, in the first century 
(John 11:47,48; 9:22; 8:13,23,37,40,43,47; Matt.23:2,4,5,6,7,25,28,30,31,32,34,35; Rev.18:24).

Such leaders turn away from God's protection and care, to garner the power of those outside God's spiritual nation (John 19:10,11,12,15; Jer.17:5). God considers this type of alliance, spiritual fornication (Eze.23:35; Isa.36:6) 

It is not as if the wicked steward is consciously aware that while teaching false doctrine to those in their charge, that they are releasing Satan's power to deceive. But when an anointed steward fails the test of worldly enticement and accepts the luxuries and power that only the world can afford them, there is a price to pay. Worldly position among false religious leaders, must be guarded and preserved in order to be retained. Misleading others always becomes necessary. By doing so, that compromising leader, unwittingly enters into a covenant with the Deceiver.
These precise events are depicted for us in prophecy, Bible history, and the book of Revelation...

Faithful anointed stewards/true prophets, are depicted as sources of light (John 5:35; Phil.2:15; Matt.5:15; Rev.1:20; Dan.12:3).
At Rev.8:10,11, we see one of them "fall" from that approved position (2Pet.3:17;  1Cor.10:12; Rev.2:5).
At Rev.9:1 we see what the king of the Abyss gives that fallen one, in exchange for that compromise Rev.9:11 NIV ; Isa.33:1 NIV 
It is a key, which represents the ability to open (or shut) a realm/authority/power (Isa.22:22).
The realm which the fallen star opens, is the abyss (Rev.9:2).
The deep, dark abyss represents Satan's power to deceive. 
Those who reside in that spiritual pit, are deceived and veiled from seeing God's light 
(2Cor.4:4; Isa.5:20; Luke 11:35;  1John 4:1;  2Cor.13:5; Matt.24:24,25). 

Every powerful lying sign and portent is made available to the fallen star/false prophet, Wormwood... along with her receiving the power of Satan's supportive beast, comprised of Gentiles (Rev.13:1,2,11,12,14,15; 16:13; 19:20; 17:3,15; 18:3,7,20,24; 19:2). In exchange, Wormwood opens the abyss, releasing Satan, which symbolizes his power to deceive the saints. That is symbolically depicted for us, as Satan's release from the abyss.

Hopefully you are able to perceive the answer to you question; "Why would anyone want to let Satan out of the abyss?". 
When a genuine anointed steward of Jesus Christ is willing to compromise truth in order to garner and maintain worldly power, that one unwittingly enters a covenant with Satan, and fails the temptation of Luke 4:5,6. It is not that they consciously want to release Satan's power to deceive those under their care. That is simply the consequence of their unfaithfulness.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *

QUESTION 5. Who was responsible for that, and why?
As explained, 
a genuine anointed steward who compromises the truth of Christ in order to preserve their worldly power, 
is responsible for unleashing the power of Satanic deception onto those who follow that prophet.
There is much more to learn about, when considering all the surrounding prophecies about these events and identities. I do hope you will make good use of the search box, and use the contact box for anything you have difficulty finding.
Love in Christ,


  1. Thank you for this thorough explanation.

  2. Thank you ... what I struggle to put together chronologically is, Jesus is enthroned, Jesus wars with satan in heaven and satan is thrown to earth, satan is imprisoned in the abyss. I don't understand the times ...

    1. My reply to you is located at this post:


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