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Monday, May 7, 2012

Sleeping [] Abomination of Desolation today

Here is some basic information about the spiritual peril of this hour. I wrote it for an anointed one who has difficulty understanding English, so it is simplified. She is asleep as to the hour. I will not post her initial letter to me. But perhaps the reply will benefit those who are new, or that have had trouble understanding the deeper things...

I do not believe the GB is the wild beast. 
The GB is the Harlot who rides the wild beast. 

The wild beast is the organization, made up of those not anointed under the governing body.
  The anointed are spiritual Jews (Rom.2:28-29; Col.2:11; John4:22; Zech.8:23) (Gal.3:29; Gen.22:18)
Those who are not anointed, are spiritual Gentiles. The Gentiles are not appointed by Holy spirit, do not have the circumcision of the heart, and are not God's anointed priesthood. 
(Rom.8:18-19,29,14; Gal.3:26,29; Rev.11:15; 5:10)
The elders, circuit overseers, etc. are not spirit appointed...that is one of their lies! (Rev.9:3,7)  (who-was-twelfth-apostle)

               For educational purposes, I am including this picture from the Watchtower's organization, regarding it's claimed hierarchy. 
Though this same picture has been repeatedly used, the listed hierarchy has changed.

These non-anointed in positions of authority, exercise judicial and teaching power over the rank and file anointed of God (Rom.8:33-34,14-17), who are inside the organization (Ec.10:7;  2Cor. 11:20,4,2-3,12). The Gentiles are usurping the headship of Christ, over his bride members (Eph.5:23,30-31; Col.1:18). They have robbed our heavenly high priest (Heb.8:1-2), of God's Temple (1Pet. 2:5; Eph.2:20-22; 1Cor. 3:16-17; 2Thess. 2:3-4; Mark13:14; Dan.8:11; 11:31; Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; Luke21:24; Rev.11:2). 

The divine responsibilities of the anointed priesthood (Mal.2:7; John14:15-16; 15:16; 20:21-23; 13:20; 1Cor.6:2-3), has been robbed by JW elders, and sanctioned by the Watchtower's top leaders.  
--(trample-how-does-it-happen.html)<Rev.11:2; Luke21:24
 --(the-greatest-tribulation-why.html)<Matt.24:8; John16:21,20)
This is what Jesus was meaning, when he said "the disgusting thing" ruling in the Holy place (See Matt.24:15,16; Mark 13:14; Lam.1:10; Eze.44:6,7,8,9 --(The NWT is the only version which has changed these verses in Ezekiel and has recently corrected them due to this exposure. Check an older NWT). 
The "holy place" referred to at Matt.24:15, is God's temple (1Cor.3:17; 1Pet.2:5; Eph.2:20-22) 
By replacing God's priest with Gentiles, Mark13:14 is fulfilled.

There are many more scriptures about it, but that should give you the right idea. 
For more scriptures, please consult the included links.

It is very important to get out of the Organization (Rev.18:4; 14:9-11; Jer.51:6; Matt.24:15-16; Eze.36:8; John15:16). 
Otherwise, you have the mark of the wild beast on your forehead or hand... (letting them teach you or direct your actions).(see Rev.13:8,16; Deut.11:18) and crediting that Image with salvation (Isa.43:11)

There was a time when I myself thought that I could avoid having my thinking and actions directed by the Organization, and that as long as YHVH held that power in my life...I was spiritually safe inside the Org. 
But now the Organization is demanding what amounts to worship. It is teaching lies at every meeting. It is an act of unfaithfulness to Christ, if we are silent in the midst of that (2Cor. 11:4; Rev.2:20) (Ps.26:4NIV ; Eph.4:25). 
The Bible clearly says that ALL those who DO NOT ("in any way") worship the image of the Beast, ARE thrown out and wrongly condemned to spiritual death (Isa.57:1-2; John16:2; Rev.6:9-11; Rom.6:5)(spiritually "killed" Rev.1:1NKJV symbolism) (Rev.13:15; 11:7; 6:9-11; Mark 8:35).

Only Yhvh and His Word have the right to judge. (Rom.8:33,30; 5:9; 14:4,12; Matt.25:19)

If you tell the elders that you believe the things you are professing to me, they will form a judicial committee and wrongly condemn you to spiritual death (symbol- Rev.11:7; 13:15). They only believe, teach, uphold, and practice what the organization decrees (Rev.13:16-17)....NOT what Jesus or the anointed teach 
(John6:63; 7:16-18; 20:21-22; 6:57; 13:20; 16:13-14; Matt.10:27) 

The Organization IS NOT THE KINGDOM!!!! (see 1Cor. 15:50) (Luke 22:69; Ps.110:1;  1Cor. 15:25)
The Watchtower's "mountain-like organization" is Satan's counterfeit decoy of the Kingdom, so that he can ensnare the anointed, taking them captive to deception (Matt.24:4-5,24-25; Rev.13:10; Luke21:34-36,24; Col.2:8). Captivity is the result when the anointed follow as their head, Satan's minions instead of Jesus Christ, our true leader (Eph.1:22; 4:15; 5:23; Col.1:18; 2:10,19; Matt.23:9,10). 
( *(Yhvhs-genuine-mountain)

Those who obey the Beast/Organization instead of Jesus... are drunk and asleep! 
(1Thess.5:7-9; Rev.18:3; Jer.51:7; Eph.5:18; 1Pet.5:8; Luke12:45-46; Isa.28:7-8; Joel 1:5-6; Rev.9:7-9; Joel 2:25,32)
(2Thess. 2:1-3;  1Tim. 4:1; Rev.16:13-15)

All those on the line to the wine-press believe that the Organization is the Kingdom (2Thess. 2:9-12; Rev.13:11,14-15; 19:20), instead of YHVH, Jesus, and his Bride...and Yhvh is going to abandon them to the Destroyer for that idolatry!!!!!
Exodus 20:5
Rev.14:9,10,18,20.  They are condemned for worshiping the Image of the wild beast (organization) instead of Yhvh (Rev.13:15,8,7).

If you "wait", you will remain under God's condemnation.
Get out if you don't want to share in the harlot's sins! (Rev.18:4; Matt.24:15-16)
Babylon the Great is the mother of the Harlots (Rev.17:5; Gal.4:26,24) and is the Covenant with Death (Isa.28:15)
  [The harlot is the GB...her last daughter. [the same identity as the false prophet and wormwood (Rev.20:10; 8:10,11; 9:1) 
They ride and control the beast. (Rev.17:3,7)]

Do you listen to the Bible anymore?
(John 8:47,31; 6:57,63,68-69; Matt.7:24)
If you believe that you should stay inside Yhvh's greatest enemy, something bad is about to you.
(Matt.11:6 NIV; Matt.21:44 NLT )
You must take in knowledge right from the Bible, like I tried to tell you to do (Hosea 4:6; John17:3,17; John6:63; Matt.10:40-42,14-16). Neglecting this is costing you God's favor!
Please wake up! I care about you!

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