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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Conversation with reader:

Been meaning to ask  this for sometime now. Please don't take offence because i know many people like making fun of you about this.
When you have visions, do you have them when you sleeping, just about anytime or when you having your personal study?

The series of visions occurred during the night, 37 years ago. It was exactly like Daniel (Dan.7:7) and Paul (2Cor.12:1,2,3,4,5,6,7: he was speaking of himself). Notice that Paul says that he does not know if he was really taken into the spirit realm or was just in vision. This is because the visions are real. So when you ask if I was Paul...I do not know. I do know they were real, but I don't know if my body was still in my bed.
I think likely it was, and that I was taken into those places, "in spirit".
Don't worry, I am not at all "offended". I myself would wonder about such things (and certainly doubt them), if it had not occurred to me myself.

Thanks for sharing with me. And for the record i don't doubt you. Like you said it is fascinating to those that haven't experienced it themselves

It was reality...I was wide awake. I will never forget what I saw.

That is something one can never forget

If you see Rev.1:10 and 4:1,2, those are two places where John mentions being "in the spirit", "in the power of the spirit". It is going into the spirit realm, which can only be done through Holy Spirit's power and direction. We can not do it ourselves.
Everything there is spirit in meaning...everything one sees, hears, or feels. It is invisible to our eyes of flesh.
It makes me feel very sober, about what I must do and teach. I would never believe I have been given the job of prophet, unless it was for that experience. (Num.12:6)

This is not an easy task you have. Thinking about the winepress vision i can only imagine what it feels like to have that message and to long to save as many as you can. But Jesus gave his word to be with you until the very end. He'll guide you all the way.

Oh yes...the grief and urgency was so heavy in the vision....but it was not until recently that I came to understand what and who it meant. Then the grief and urgency I felt all those years ago, returned with open eyes as to who they were. I then realized that the reality of the vision was now taking place.
At realizing the fulfillment, I knew it was now time to prophesy.
I want you to know, that Jehovah's spirit even showed me those who were saved off the line of Babylon the Great, and who weren't, regarding those alive now. You were among the few saved ones. My daughter (who was not yet born at the time of the vision), was not saved.
 I did not know who any of the people were, but I recognize them now. It was my daughter just as she looks now, but I didn't know she was my daughter then.
 I just thought I would let you know. You were among the saved ones from the winepress.
I worry, because my husband was not saved. I only hope that it was because at the time of the vision, he was committing serious sins. He would continue to do so for many years, unrepentantly. Yet at the time of the vision, I was totally unaware of his sinning. I know it is not Jehovah's will that any be destroyed. As far as I now believe, he has repented and turned around.  If this remains true, I know my husband has been forgiven (Ezek.18:21). I hope whoever can, will make it through.

This is sad
If i may ask when last did you have a vision?

That was the only night I had them....the night I was anointed. I have had dreams since then, but they were not like the visions.
In the dreams, you know you are sleeping and dreaming. During dreams, I am taught the meaning of scriptures, and given understanding of the Kingdom. With the visions, I was interactive with them. I was in them. I was a part of their outcome...a contributor to the result.
Very different than just learning.
It is sad now. But Jehovah guarantees that our tears will be turned to joy. We should believe it, because with God, nothing is impossible (1Cor.2:9).
 Love for God and for neighbor, just as Jesus said. If we do these, we have pleased Jehovah.

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