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Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Babes" and "Bait"

I have received two questions, which are  highlighted as follows:

#1. How would one answer a brother or sister who points out that the truth about Jehovah and Jesus originated with the Society? 


The "truth" originates with God (Prov.2:6; James 1:5;  2Cor.4:6) and His Word (John 17:17;  2Tim.3:16), Jesus Christ (John 14:6), those who listen to Jesus (John 18:37), ...those who worship with spirit and truth (John 4:24,14), and in the last two references, I speak especially of anointed ones who have been given the truth, through that very anointing (1John2:21,20,27;  1Pet.2:9) and live by it (1John3:17-18,19). 
It seems arrogant to me, to rob God, His Word, Jesus Christ, and the Temple priests of God's choosing, of any credit for being sources of truth, independent of this modern-day Organization. I know that they are not God's mediator (1Tim.2:5; Matt.23:8,10;  1Cor.12:21,22; John 15:5). This can be discerned by their fruit (Matt.7:15,20) (see:

I have taken a segment from the following post at the site:

That segment begins with
a question I was asked along the same lines as yours.....

Do you appreciate that because of JW organization you have learned the truth?

I appreciate that when God's Word tells us that Satan is an angel of light and his ministers seem to be ministers of righteousness....that it is sure enough, true (2Cor.11:14-15; Matt.7:15; 24:24-25; Rev.13:7-8; Col.2:8;  1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13-14;  2Cor.11:3).
I appreciate that Satan has created a "threshing sledge" in the form of a Wild Beast, to oppress and sift those chosen who threaten to remove the creation and inheritance of the earth, from the Devil 
(Luke 22:31; Acts 14:22; Matt.24:22-23; Luke 13:23-24; Matt.7:14). 
Satan has created a "great tribulation" to cause the anointed stars to fall 
(Matt.24:24-25; Rev.8:10-11; 12:4; Acts 20:30; Dan.11:35; 12:10; Zech.13:9; Mal.3:3; Matt.24:48) . 
The world under Satan's control is not being tested. It has already been judged, is in sin, and under the power of death (John 16:11; Rom.5:12;  1John3:8; 5:19). As with Job, Satan is interested in those who pose a threat to his lasting power, authority and dominion. After his release from the abyss, he successfully misleads the entire inhabited earth (Rev.12:9; 2:20; Matt.24:4-5; Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; Rev.13:14> see:WEB). This applies to the remnant of the Chosen. God's own people "New Jerusalem" are His footstool, the symbolic Earth (Isa.66:1; Eze.43:7; Ps.132:7) (Lam.2:1).
If you were baiting a trap....what would you use?
What is the best lure to trap the newly Chosen ones?
What is it that they long for and desire? 
(Matt.5:6;  2Cor.11:15;  1Pet.2:2; Psalm 119:40,123)
How would you bait a trap to ensnare those who have been given "a little" Holy Spirit (Matt.25:21; Luke16:10; 1Cor.13:9)? Satan is much smarter than you or I. He baits his death trap with some truth (Matt.4:5,6). Remember....his ministers appear "righteous". Like Satan, they make use of scripture. They themselves even believe they are working for God (John 16:2; Matt.7:22-23).

 Isa.5:20; Luke 11:35

Do I "appreciate" that I was ensnared into believing that the Chosen are supposed to be fed by means of the wicked steward, rather than Holy Spirit? (violation of Isa.43:12)... that the Chosen are to be dominated by those not anointed... Gentiles who have robbed the priesthood?    
Do I appreciate that expressions inspired by demons are killing my own children (Eze.14:20;  1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13)? Do I appreciate that I have been shown in vision the condemnation of millions of "Jehovah's Witnesses", who are on the line to the wine-press of God's wrath (Rev.14:18,19; Deut.32:32; Joel 3:13; Jer.25:29,30), and that they are all swallowing Satan's lies leading to death? (Rev.12:16). 
Am I appreciative that God's anointed people are blind and deaf and can not be reached because of Satan's greatest and final test...his deceptive curse aimed at the chosen remnant? (Isa.42:19; Rev.12:15)

I have not yet found anyone else on the face of the earth, who has been taken by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be shown the slaughter of all those branded slaves of false witness liars, who profess to call themselves by the Creator's name. As such, I think it likely, that I am actually the only one who really does "appreciate" the reality of how "Jehovah's Witnesses" are using some "truth".
Remember... the anointed star that falls (Phil.2:15; Rev.8:10-11), pollutes the living waters, so that they become lethal. That fallen star is granted a key to open the abyss (the wellspring of demonic deception), releasing its messengers of darkness (Rev.9:1-2,3). (Rev.8:11).

These counterfeit "witnesses" unwittingly go "door to door" with the bait they've been given....searching out for Satan, the sons of God....
that they might take the bait...becoming ensnared, enslaved, and "destroyed" before they have a chance to grow to sealed maturity (Eph.4:13;  1Cor.2:6; Gal.4:19)....just as the soldiers of Herod sought through every home in Ramah, to destroy the promised seed 
(Rev.12:17; Heb.12:23; Rev.14:4;  2Thess.2:13-14; Matt.2:16-17,18; Isa.49:21; Eze.14:22; 6:8; 7:16; 12:16).

Like Paul, I did not receive my prophetic visions from an Organization, nor all my understanding and knowledge of Bible Truth (John 16:13;  1John2:20,27;  1Cor.1:12,13; Gal.1:11,12,20). 
I was chosen as a prophet before I had any contact with the Organization (Num.12:6). I was brought in contact with the WT in order to have my questions about the identities in Revelation answered. I asked God who it is that fulfills the entities in Revelation. How shocking it was when I finally realized that the Watchtower and its leaders fulfill the identities of the sea-beast and harlot. God showed me through my personal contact and experience with them. I learned His answer, first hand. He also sent me to warn those in Covenant with God, who are being held captive inside that organization.
God's "people" inside the organization (1Pet.2:9-10), are captives of Babylon the Great (Rev.18:4), her Harlot daughter/false prophet leaders, and her Beast Organization of spiritual Gentiles (Rev.13:7,10,16).
  - (https://Harlot&Beast.html)

In speaking of the glory of the final remnant, our heavenly Father makes a clear point...
(Zech.4:6,9,7,14; Rev.11:3,4;  1Cor.1:28; Matt.23:12; Job 22:29)
...That the victorious remnant over Satan and this world, are not the powerful, honored, supported, famous, and exalted anointed men who are backed by an army of "Gentile" "elders" in subjection.
 The victorious are the "LEAST" of Christ's brothers, who are being slandered and "killed" (Rev.12:10-11; 11:7,9-10; 6:11; Mark 8:35; Rom.6:5). These have the singular support of God's spirit (Zech.4:6,9; Isa.59:1; 52:10).

The Organization was the means by which I had implanted within my mind, many strongly entrenched errors, which I must progressively weed out as spirit forgives and guides me. (2Cor.10:5; Eph.4:25; 5:26; Dan.11:33; 12:10; Matt.13:12).
For accepting and drinking from the Harlot's wormwood cup, (through which I had joined the Harlot in entering her covenant with Death); I am in sackcloth (Rev.11:3; Joel 1:13; 2:13).

"Have you ever known a spring to give sweet and bitter water simultaneously? Have you ever seen a fig-tree with a crop of olives, or seen figs growing on a vine? It is just as impossible for a spring to give fresh and salt water at the same time." James 3:11-12
Poisoned doctrines cause death, even if they seem to be camouflaged with truth (Matt.4:5-6; 24:24; 2Thess.2:10).
All religions have some truth. This does not make them the path of life (Eph.4:5; John 14:6; Matt.7:15-16,17-18,20-21,22-23,24).

#2. What about those just coming to a knowledge of basic spiritual truth through house to house bible study?

When Jesus Christ foretold the first century destruction of Jerusalem; he inferred that it was a pattern to his last day presence and arrival (Matt.24:3,29-30,31-32,33-34,35,37).
That description helps to answer your question, about these spiritual "babes" who are still taking in "milk" (1Pet.2:1-2,3; Heb.5:11-12,13-14;  1Cor.3:1-2).
  - (http://pregnant-woman-and-nursing-mothers.html)
The events to occur to these spiritual identities in the time of the end, are depicted here:
(see Matt.24:19; Luke 23:29; 21:23; 19:44)

The "door to door" ministry is a counterfeit one, designed to ensnare the anointed into subjection to Satan, through the powerful signs and portents of a false Mount Zion.

(see YHVHs-genuine-mountain.html )
    - (https://the-good-news.html)

Although the Organization interprets Acts 20:20 as meaning a public door-to-door witnessing to strangers, the context of Acts 20:20 (as well as Rom.16:3,5;  1Cor.1:11; 16:19; Col.4:15; Phm.1:2), proves otherwise. Those whom Paul is speaking to (about teaching them "house to house"), are the same ones he is speaking to in Acts 20:18-19,20,28,34,36-37,38 and are those whom Paul knew well.

The "houses" where Paul went to teach, were Christian meeting places...Congregations...not the doorsteps of the public. They did not have church buildings or "Kingdom Halls" in the first Century. These Congregational groups met in the private homes of their fellow local members.
For those who were not yet associated with one of these groups, they could choose to listen when Paul and others taught "publicly" in market places, synagogues, etc.
those interested would be directed to the "Living Stones" of the Holy Priesthood/God's Temple (Eph.2:20-21,22;  1Pet.2:5,9) directly by Holy Spirit (Acts 10:47-48) or the anointed would be sent by spirit to those of complete heart (2Chron.16:9; Acts 8:26,29; Acts 9:6,10-11).

As stated before:
    These counterfeit "witnesses" unwittingly go "door to door" with the bait....searching out for Satan, the sons of God....that they might take the bait...become ensnared, enslaved to men, and "destroyed"
    before they have a chance to grow to maturity (Eph.4:13;  1Cor.2:6; Gal.4:19)
    ....just as the soldiers of Herod searched through every home in Ramah, to destroy the promised seed
    (Rev.12:17; Heb.12:23; Rev.14:4;  2Thess.2:13-14; Matt.2:16-17,18; Isa.49:21;
     Eze.14:22; 6:8; 7:16; 12:16). The convincing powerful signs and portents behind this organization, is, the Great Tribulation. God has allowed it, to test, sift, and separate those who love and serve the God of Truth, from those who love and serve an Idol.

Unfortunately, Satan did not care that innocent babies were killed in his rage (reflected in Herod) against the promised "seed" Jesus (Gal.3:16; Matt.2:16). Neither does he care today, that interested Bible students are perishing from the poisonous waters he has unleashed to target the anointed remnant of today (Gal.3:29,26; Rev.12:4,15-16,17).
  - (http://earth-swallows-satans-river.html

There is nothing superior about the indoctrination offered to the Bible students of "Jehovah's Witnesses".
They are learning lies just as members of Christendom are learning lies.
The only path to life, is Truth.
Whether you are "babes" in learning the doctrines of men, or babes to the real truth of Jesus Christ;
the Great Tribulation will be a severe spiritual test, which most will not survive (Matt.24:22,24,13)
...Not because the test is unfair, but because most Bible students,
prefer the idol of deception (2Thess.2:9-10; Matt.7:13; Jer.5:31; Hosea 4:6; Rev.13:11,15).
For lovers of truth, all things are possible, including salvation.
Matt.19:25-26; Zeph.2:3; Luke 21:36)

Thank you for writing me. I hope these thoughts have been helpful.
If you have any further need, please let me know.
Love in Christ,



  1. Good morning sister D

    Thank you once again for a lovely post based on scripture.

    The point you mentioned about Paul witnessing to christians and not to strangers caught my eye.

    How is the ministry supposed to be carried out? Are we supposed to witness to Christians like Paul did? and also minister in the market places for those that are not familiar and associated with "Jehovah's Witnesses"?


  2. While the goal of our ministry is the same as Paul's,
    the means to reach that goal has changed.
    The reason why Paul and Jesus preached in the synagogues and public places (markets, gates, local homes for gathering/meetings) was so that the greatest number of people could be reached. If we employ the same means as the first century, we will not have the same results they did. People no longer gather in City gates or market places en mass. The majority of the populace is no longer gathered and concentrated in small hubs.
    We live in different times and circumstances in comparison to the first century.
    Like Christ and Paul, we seek the most effective means of reaching as many as possible, appropriate to the time in which we live. If I stand at the entrance to my town, I MAY talk to a handful of people, likely none of which are in the spiritual jeopardy of those who have already recieved an understanding of the truth. These must be reached first.
    Today we have the internet, with which I reach thousands weekly. Without this tool, I would reach hardly anyone; especially since my disfellowshipping and being shunned.
    I beleve that the internet is the "little help" promised to the remnant in the time of the end (Dan.11:34).
    We should not overlook though, that a witness to those inside the Beast is imperative. This can be done with the same approach as Paul and Christ. They witnessed to those in covenant with God first, by going to where they gathered...the synagogues. We do have this venue today, when the anointed inside the Beast gather at assemblies and conventions.
    Regarding those who are not anointed, these God will judge (1Cor.5:12,13). There is still a provision for them in the future (Acts17:31; 1Cor.6:2; Acts24:15), unlike those anointed and their associates (Heb.10:26; 6:4,5,6; 1Sam.2:25; 2Pet.2:20,21; 1John5:16) who are in the greatest peril.
    All the Best to you,


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