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Friday, January 1, 2016

One flock / " Sheep " and " Goats " / " firstborn "

A Question I received:
Hello Pearl, thank you again for your last email.
I have been studying the "little flock" & the "sheep not of this fold". I read your articles regarding this too. (Link:Little-flock)

I can certainly see now & accept that the small flock are of anointed Jews from Christ's time & the other sheep are made up of anointed gentiles, this makes sense but remember that the disciples/apostles of Christ were given Holy Spirit to go forth & teach & make new disciples from all nations (gentiles). 
Christ said all that listen & live by His commands become children of God, so ALL those who take Christ & His message/teachings into their heart & actively display this in their lives are seen as God's people, they become Christ's brothers & sisters. Now I would imagine that not all that accepted Christ & teachings became anointed but they still remain faithful disciples of Christ all the same & still God's children anointed or not, so that being said then, these ones would certainly by no means be classed as "goats", so where do these fit into it all with regards to Christ's sheep/flock? What of all those that Christ healed who believed & became followers of Christ, are they not part of His flock & His sheep?
So aren't the non anointed also known as Christ's sheep? if so which is the fold they belong too? Christ is the Good Shepherd not just of the anointed but to the non anointed on earth, the anointed are there to benefit those of the earthly class who have made it into the new kingdom are they not, that being the case then are these earthly ones not also part of Christ's flock?
I hope you can grasp what I am saying?

My Reply:
Regarding becoming God's children... eventually all who are graced with eternal life, will become God's children (Rom.8:19-21). Yet, not all come to life in the same way, nor at the same time. Have you considered that not all children, are the same in those ways? Here is a link to the search results for "firstborn".

The "creation awaits"  the firstborn children of God to be revealed (Rom.8:19; Col.3:4; Luke 8:17; 1Cor.4:5; 3:13-14; John 16:13,8).
Thereafter, the creation itself is then set free as God's offspring/children (Rom.8:21). The translation of Rom.8:19 and Rom.8:21 make no distinction between the two groups of the "children/sons of God". But if we use our discernment, we see that the first sons mentioned in verse 19, are those that creation is awaiting the revelation of. The second mention of God's children in verse 21, IS of the creation.
Both attain inclusion in God's family, but the first group has creation eagerly awaiting their being identified.
As a result of their being revealed, the second group of children (creation itself), is then enabled to attain inclusion. 
To understand the distinction of the first group (firstborn sons), you may also want to consider:

God gave Adam dominion over creation (Gen.1:28), but he lost it, through unfaithfulness to his Father, and through death
(Hosea 6:7; Gen.2:17).
After all Adam's corrupt offspring were removed from the planet by means of the flood, the dominion was then given to Noah (Gen.9:2).
As we well know, most of humanity once again, chose Satan as father and god. Even God's chosen people, tended toward corruption and sin. So, what about a permanent solution, to bring all creation back to the sovereignty of God?
Is that adoption, the same as being one of Christ's sacrificial lambs/sheep? 
(Rom.8:36; Ps.44:11; 2Cor.4:10; John1:29; 12:24,25,26; 1Cor.5:7; Rom.6:5; 8:9,17; Mark 8:35; Rev.6:9-11) (Rev.5:6; 14:1)
No, only the footstep followers of Christ, are meant to be sacrificial sheep...
yet the goats (unfaithful anointed and their adherents -Eze.14:10; Zech.10:3KJV) will become a sin offering in the wilderness, a scapegoat for "Azazel" (Lev.16:7,8,9,10,21,26,27,28; 17:7). This is a parallel to the "earth" being used as a ransom for the faithful (Isa.43:4; Prov.21:18; Rev.12:16)

Recall, that Jesus Christ, was the new/second Adam (1Cor.15:45).
Christ became the second Adam, to inherit what Adam lost... Creation, a forever dominion without corruption and death.
Yes, as Adam was the original father of all living, Jesus Christ would become the new father of all those who will forever live (1John 5:12; Isa.9:6; 1Cor.15:45). 
But through whom, would all God's children come? 

Eve was the mother of all who were given life in a physical way (Gen.3:20).
Who would become mother of all those fathered by Christ? Is that mother, the same as all her children to come?
Naturally... No.

The mother of those to become children of God's family, is the Bride of Christ. Naturally, that mother is not her children. Yet God is the father of Jesus Christ, and also the adoptive father of his Bride. So Jesus Christ and all those of his bride, are also in the family of God (John 10:36; 3:17) (Rom.8:14-15,16-17). Their children also become a part of God's family (Gal.4:19,26-28), because in the Bible, grandsons/grandfathers, are also sons/fathers (Luke 1:32,73; James 2:21; John 8:39; Gal.3:7), making the children of Christ and his bride, also God's family (grandchildren).
And the children born first... the firstborn to eternal life, are not the same as the children to come to life afterward 
(Heb.12:23; Rom.8:23; James 1:18; Rev.14:4; 20:4,5).
As you will see through the links above, the firstborn bear a special place and responsibility before God.

Please do not confuse spiritual Gentiles, with physical Gentiles.
The "one flock", made up of the little flock of physical Jews;
and the "other sheep" not of that "little" fold, who are physical Gentiles who become spiritual Jewsare all anointed.
(Rom.2:28-29; Gal.3:28-29,26; Eph.2:11,12,13,14; Col.2:11NIV; Rom.2:28-29) (Jew/Gentile)
That one flock of anointed, do not include those not anointed... just as the Bride, is not her children.
Becoming anointed (and joining Christ's anointed flock/"Bride") is not the same event as becoming children of God.
Anointed do become "firstborn" sons of God (James 1:18; Rom.8:23; 2Thess.2:13; 1Pet.1:23; Rev.14:4-5; Eph.1:4; 2Cor.11:2), 
and non-anointed can become children of God, through anointed spiritual parents... 
Christ, is the original one anointed by God's spirit. The chosen priests/Christ's to follow him, are also anointed by God's spirit.
That spirit gives life (John 6:63; 1Pet.1:23), not only to Christ and the anointed, but to all God's family, through Christ and his bride. 
The power of life, is contained within the words of God, which Christ and his bride priests, provide (John6:45,63; 12:49; Rev.22:16a; John16:13; 8:47a; Matt.10:20; Acts 4:31; 1Cor.2:1,7; Mal.2:7)
Non anointed come to life, by obeying and imitating their own spiritual parents, who already belong to God's spiritual family 
(Eph.6:1; Prov.1:8; 6:20; Isa.9:6; Gal.4:26; John4:14; Rev.22:17).
(Obey-men?)The Bible is clear about how non-anointed can share in the inheritance given to the heirs.

The faithful anointed bride members, inherit the promises given to Abraham...
that of an appointment over the earth, healing all the nations, and restoring creation to freedom from corruption. (Rom.8:19,21; Rev.22:2; 5:10; Heb.6:12; Gal.3:7,9,29)
(from; "Who are Kings of Earth")

Those of the chosen priesthood are the only "witnesses" God has chosen to declare his praises 
(Isa.43:10,21; 1Pet.2:9).
These have received a circumcision of the heart by God's spirit, sanctifying them to be acceptable bearers of Truth 
(Rom.2:28-29; Mal.2:7; 2Chron.23:6; 1Pet.2:5; Hosea 14:2; Heb.13:15).
None others may substitute this job of sacred service 
(2Chron.23:6; Num.3:10; 18:7). 
...His spiritual Temple (2Thess.2:4; Rev.11:2; 1Cor.3:16-17), which Temple, the priesthood is (Eph.2:20-22; 1Pet.2:5).
Others not anointed, can give support to the work of anointed (Heb.6:10; Matt.25:40; 5:14-15; Rev.1:20; 22:17; Matt.22:8-10). 

The final remnant must repent and be cleansed (Mal.3:1-3; Zech.13:9; Rev.9:18,20; Zech.13:8)...awoken... and set out with a single determination to fully perform their assignment within the body of Christ (Matt.25:25-26; Rev.3:2-3; Matt.25:5-7,13; Heb.6:12).

As a reward for their victory over Satan's final deceptions 
(Rev.12:15; 16:13-16; 17:14; 19:14), 
the faithful ...become agents of life to those few who accept them 
(Matt.10:40-42; Zech.8:23; 1Cor.14:25; Rev.3:9; John 7:38; 13:20; Rev.22:17; Matt.7:14; Luke 17:26-27; 1Pet.3:20).

Here is another link that gives insight into that same subject:

Do not parents lovingly share their entire life and all it's riches, with their beloved children?
Just as the fathers of antiquity in the bible, decided what each son would inherit, based upon that father's approval or disapproval;
so too, Christ and the anointed have been given divine authority, to judge, and therefore, to decide how their own children will share their inheritance of the earth (Rom.4:13; Gal.3:16,29,26), with them (1Cor.6:2; 2:15).

I am having a struggle with your last comment...
"the anointed are there to benefit those of the earthly class who have made it into the new kingdom are they not, that being the case then are these earthly ones not also part of Christ's flock?"

The "Earthly class" is a term that comes from a false doctrine of the WT.
Can you explain what your understanding of this term is, since the faithful anointed inherit the earth along with the second Adam, Christ? ( They in turn, will share it, with those who cling to them (Zech.8:23; Rom.2:28-29; Luke 10:16; John 13:20) as spiritual children.
Presently... the anointed are primarily "there", not to benefit those not anointed, but to build up the body of Christ (the forming "Bride"). (2Tim.2:10)
That "body" is comprised of all "chosen ones". This is in harmony with my last explanation about the parts of Christ's body, all chosen and placed in the Body, to support the anointed body as a whole (Eph.4:11-12). "God's People", are these... His chosen priests (1Pet.2:10,9,5).
Think of that body as being one with Christ, so that seed can eventually come forth, spiritually.
(as a wife is one flesh with her husband, the sealed anointed are one in spirit with Christ) (Mark10:7-8; 1Cor.6:17)
Which comes first?
Does the Bride come first, or the children from the Bride?
The young bride contains within her, seed. She must first mature, and then join with her husband, before the children exist, and all focus is then turned to those children.
First the Bride, then the marriage, then the children receive their lives and inclusion in the family of God.

The illustration of the sheep and goats, the wheat and weeds, the faithful and wicked slaves... all apply before the eternal kingdom arrives, before the harvest of anointed is done, before anointed receive their reward and eternal kingdom. The non-anointed who are faithful, are written in the Lamb's scroll of life.

The children come to life through a living, spiritual mother. She must first be established. 
If a non anointed accepts and obeys God's truths from Christ and his faithful priests, they will be written in the Lamb's scroll of life. 
(Zech.8:23; Matt.10:40-42). Their eternal life, occurs after the arrival of the Kingdom of God.

Christ's illustrations are in regard to the establishment and completion of that spiritual Eve...
"the mother of all the living" to come (Gen.3:20; Gal.4:26)
as well as those of the elect, who fail to attain their calling to belong to the Bride. Those unfaithful are also spoken about in the parables of Jesus.
The "sheep"/lambs, are sacrificed for God's truth and praise, just as the original Lamb of God was (Rom.6:5; Mark 8:35; Rev.6:9,10,11).
The goats are sacrificed for sins, to atone for wickedness, being surrendered to Azazel in the wilderness...
depicting prophetically... the entire removal of sin from his faithful, carried upon that rejected and exiled goat 
(Isa.43:4; Prov.21:18; Rev.12:15-16; Jer.50:20; Prov.21:18).

Azaz means power/dominion---el means god. "Azazel" is the god of the wilderness, where the goat was sent (Matt.4:1).
That goat is separated from God's camp (Lev.16:10,21-22,32-33; Rev.20:9) during the end of the harvest, and given to the wilderness to carry away the stain of sin from God's camp, and to appease God's wrath (by means of their rightful destruction, by Azazel)
(Prov.11:8; 21:18; Rev.14:19; 20:13,10; Matt.25:33,41; Isa.43:4,3; Rev.11:8; 17:17,16; Prov.21:18).
The "goats" of Christ's illustration at Matt.25:33,41 is the same identity as Rev.20:15 and Rev.13:8,
as well as Rev.14:9-10,19. The idea that Revelation's various illustrations, contain repetitious identities, should not surprise us. Jesus is known for such repetition (Matt.22:2; 25:1; 13:24,33,44,47), so that the information in each illustration can be combined, to form a whole, detailed, and truthful interpretation of prophecy.

The goat leaders of Matt.25:41 are thrown into the "lake of fire"(Zech.10:3KJV; Rev.20:10). Those not written in the Lamb's scroll of life, are also (Rev.20:15).  Those not written in the Lamb's scroll of life, are worshipers of the Beast (Rev.13:8). 
Worshipers of the Beast, are also said to suffer God's "winepress" wrath (Rev.14:9-10) as does the identity of "earth's harvest" who feed from the false prophet (Rev.14:19; Deut.32:32-33; Rev.20:2; 13:11; 12:9; Deut.32:33)(Eze.14:10).
Such scriptural connections accomplish a great deal by association, for establishing a full and clear profile of each identity within each illustration.
More about "Goats": 
(LINK - for "goats"#1) ("goats"#2)

I am glad that you let me know which areas are fuzzy or unclear to you.
In that way, I can tailor the scriptures to your need, and I will continue to strive to do that.
(The contact form in the right column, is available for use to all readers.)
Much of this is deep and touches upon the deeper meaning behind Christ's parables and their connection to prophecy.
Please let me know if that gives you a clearer perspective of Christ's one flock of sheep, who are finally completed, before God's Kingdom arrives, and before all Creation is healed/receives son-ship to God
(...and who the "sheep"/lambs, and "goats" are, and why Jesus chose to use these allegorical designations, for each).

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this article, Pearl. I believe you couldn’t have described the role of chosen ones any clearer; which alleviates the WT’s idea of an elevated “heavenly class”, but rather elevated in the sense to serve humbly in bringing life to the rest of God’s children through the sacrifice of praise and a devoted life to Christ.

    Isa 54 shows that once the Kingdom is established, this Bride (mother) and Christ (Father) will be blessed abundantly.
    “Shout for joy, O barren one, you who have borne no child; Break forth into joyful shouting and cry aloud, you who have not travailed; For the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous than the sons of the married woman,” says the Lord. Enlarge the place of your tent; stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; lengthen your cord and strengthen your pegs. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left. And your descendants will possess the nations and will resettle the desolate cities.”

    As we wait for this fulfillment we are told to “fear not, for you will not be put to shame; and do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced; but you will forget the shame of your youth, and reproach of your widowhood you will remember no more.” Isa 54:4

    “No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me, declared the Lord.” Isa 54:7

    I love these scriptures of promise; I’ve always wanted to see all people live in beauty and in peace. To possibly have any part in helping that come about is beyond any thought, idea or dream I have had. And to think the WT suppresses this beautiful arrangement that our Lord has given us by shutting the mouths of Christ’s brothers, as well as teaching the rounded lie against what it is truly meant by being anointed.

    “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. Matt 23:13

    Thanks, Pearl!


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