Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)

Friday, January 29, 2016

"Elijah" Turns the Hearts

The following is an addition to:
Guide-to-baptism Lesson One
as follows;

"Baptism by John was the symbol of repentance for the Jewish nation (Mark 1:3-4) who were physical Jews (John 8:33,37,39; Matt.15:24; 10:5-6; Luke 1:54-55).  
John the Baptist was " 'greater / more' than a prophet" (Matt.11:7,9-10), because he had the spirit of an Elijah Herald (Luke 1:17,16; Matt.3:3; 11:14)... whose purpose is to awaken and cleanse God's nation to receive the arriving Messiah (Mark 1:3; Matt.21:5). 
Such a Herald/Watchman, was also prophesied to arrive in the time of the end... 
(Mal.4:5-6; Matt.17:11; Isa.49:8; Matt 19:28; 25:6; Mal.3:1; Zech.4:9,14,11; 
Rev.11:4,3; 10:7; 16:17; 11:15; Isa.52:7; Rev.22:6,16; 1:1; John 16:8-14; Hab.2:2; 
Rev.4:8; 15:7) (Rev.12:14; Isa.40:3; 35:8; Matt.7:14; Rev.22:2), 
...previous to Christ's final arrival (Matt.24:30,37; 16:27; Rev.1:7; 22:7). 

At Mark 1:3 and Luke 1:17, we learn the work of the Herald, and how he prepares the heart to receive the arriving Messiah.
What does "turning hearts" between fathers and children, mean? 
Is this to be taken as a reconciliation between literal physical relatives? No. See the context of Luke 1:17, by reading Luke 1:16. Verse 17 also says, "to turn the hearts of...the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous". Who are the disobedient children, and who are the righteous and wise fathers? 
(Dan.12:4,10,3; Phil.2:15; Rev.1:20)
The Herald comes to restore spiritual relationships...
" 'A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?' says the LORD of hosts to you, O priests who despise My name.' " (Mal.1:6)
(Mal.4:6) (Luke 1:16) (Eze.14:5-6) (2Cor.5:20; Col.1:20; Matt.17:11)
 "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."  (Isa.9:6)
 "If you love me, obey my commands." (John 14:15) 
 (James 1:18)
 "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with a promise" (Eph.6:1-3) (Deut.4:40; Isa.59:21; Deut.11:18; Rev.14:1) 
 "Like Isaac, we are children of promise (Gal.4:28)...Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother." (Gal.4:26) 
  (Heb.8:6) (Gal.4:24 a)

"Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel." (1Cor.4:15)
(Eph.6:1,2,3;  2Tim.3:2;  3John 1:4;  1Cor.4:14;  2Cor.6:13;  1Thess.2:11;  1Tim.1:2;  2John 1:4;  1John 2:1;  1John 5:21; etc.)
"I am writing to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I have written to you, children, because you know the Father. I have written to you, fathers, because you know Him who has been from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one." (1John 2:13,14)

And so when we read that during the "Great Tribulation" (LINK), the relationships between spiritual fathers, mothers, and children, are ripped apart (Jer.47:2,3; Luke 21:20; 19:43,44;  Matt.24:15; Dan.11:31; Jude 1:17,18,19) and need to be restored through the Elijah Herald (Matt.17:11; Mal.4:6; Isa.61:4,1,2,3,4);
we understand better why God will  "devote the whole land to destruction/a curse" (Mal.4:6) (Satan - 1Cor.5:5) (Zech.5:3), if these bonds are not repaired."
 (Luke 1:16; Rev.22:3,18-19).
For more information on this subject:


  1. “And so when we read that the relationships between spiritual fathers, mothers, and children, are ripped apart and need to be restored,we understand better why God will "devote the whole land to destruction/a curse" (Mal.4:6) (Satan - 1Cor.5:5) (Zech.5:3), if these bonds are not repaired."(Luke 1:16; Rev.22:3,18-19)."

    Why are these relationships ripped apart? For the same reason The Temple is being Trampled upon. The whole temple arrangement,which consists of those who are involved in those varied spiritual relationships are WITHIN ANOINTED. As the temple is trampled,so are those spiritual relationships within Anointed. By being Trampled,the spiritual family is dysfunctional and separated from each the GB wants. That way,these dysfunctional spiritual family members rely on them,rather than Christ. They are restored when anointed wake up and Christ tells them how to restore "Israel"...and reconnect with their spiritual Father,Christ. Luke 1:16 says Gods prophet will "bring back many" of Israel,but not all. But those Anointed who listen to Christ,will form a family again.

    ALL Anointed within "jws" have no idea about where they fit into Christ's Body of family members. The GB call themselves "mother"...and their LIES have confused Anointed about even Christ's role towards them. Is this not damaging their relationship between their spiritual Fathers,if they dont listen to them? The Beast enforces the spiritual dysfunction,Trampling even these sacred relationships of anointed and their Fathers,which is their right. The Trampling of these relationships is coming to an end.

    Mal 4:6 “He will turn.... the hearts of the children to their parents” Listening to the message of Gods Prophet is reuniting Anointed children with their lost spiritual parents,Jah and Christ. Something which was stolen from them by the GB.

    1. Amen. The GB aptly perceives themselves in a mother role.
      But the scroll of Revelation perceives and depicts this even clearer (Rev.17:15,5)
      That "mother" covenant feeds her children deception, resulting in death (Gal.4:24. Isa.28:15)...
      and the last harlot who channels her mothers spirit/teachings, perfectly represents her
      (Eze.16:44,1-2,15,20-21,23,30,32-33,35-40,43-44; Rev.17:5,1-2,12-13,16; 18:5-8).


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