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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mother Covenants

Good day sister Doxsey,

I know the woman spoken about in Rev 12 is not a literal one but a promise that gives birth to her children just as mentioned by Paul in Gal 4:28. With that said can you please explain the difference between that one and the one mentioned in Jeremiah 3:14?


Jer.3:14 reads:
"‘Return, O faithless sons,’ declares the Lord;
‘For I am a master to you,
And I will take you one from a city and two from a family,
And I will bring you to Zion.’"

There are two "women" in Revelation (Rev.12 and Rev.21) (Rev.17 and Rev.18).
We know, my means of the scriptures, that symbolic women, mean Covenants (Gal.4:24)
( )

Each of these two women in Revelation, have daughters...
Daughters of "Jerusalem" (Micah 4:8; Zeph.3:14; Luke 23:28;  1Pet.3:6; Gal.4:28,31), and Daughters of "Babylon" (Isa.47:1-2,3-4,5-6,7; Zech.2:7; Ps.137:7,8).
The identifying mark of slavery to their "mother" covenant, is found on the foreheads
of their "daughters" (Rev.17:5; 3:12,13; 14:1).

We find that in the last days, ALL those in covenant (anointed) with YHVH,
have left him for an organizational idol as their "head" (Rev.13:14; Hosea 9:1; Jer.3:19,20; 2:21; Eze.22:30)...rather than Christ (Eph.5:23). They are ALL defiling themselves. God disciplines them, by subjecting them under, and "scattering them among", the Nations/NOT-anointed "Jews" Rom.2:29/spiritual "Gentiles"/Organizational Elders.
Some repent and are taken back by God (Zech.1:1-2,3-4,5-6; Acts 3:19-20,21-22,23; Eze.33:11; Rev.11:3; 2:4-5,16,21,23; 3:1-2,3,15-16,17-18,19,22)
some do not repent nor return to the Father (Jer.23:10-11,12,14-15,16-17,18-19,20-21,22-23,24; Rev.11:8; Eze.3:19; Rev.2:21; 9:20-21).
The "promise" in Heaven which you see as a woman in Rev.12:1,
being a Holy Promise made by God by means of Christ's blood,
never became defiled or became a Harlot. Only those anointed who imitate her
will in the end, be accepted to become a part of her (1Pet.3:6; Rev.7:14; 19:8). The only path to this outcome in the time of the end, is repentance.
As your cited verses show, those candidates are referred to, as "sons" to God (Jer.3:14,22; Rom.8:14,16,23).

To help clarify Jer.3:14, are verses 21-23:

"A voice is heard on the bare heights,
The weeping and the supplications of the sons of Israel;
Because they have perverted their way,
They have forgotten the Lord their God.
“Return, O faithless sons,
I will heal your faithlessness.”
“Behold, we come to You;
For You are the Lord our God.
“Surely, the hills are a deception,
A tumult on the mountains.
Surely in the Lord our God
Is the salvation of Israel."

From these verses you can see that only those anointed who realize our heavenly Father as their only Savior,
(not the Wild Beast, nor the ruling Harlot above it), 
have hope of forgiveness (Rev.4:11). This is why the depiction of the faithful ("two witnesses"), includes them being donned in sackcloth of repentance Rev.11:3; Joel 1:13).

To clarify...
the Holy Covenant established by the blood of Christ, is a promise in heaven (Gal.4:28,26,24).
The only anointed sealed to inherit it must also prove Holy (1Pet.1:16)...even if after repentance (Isa.1:18)--(Rev.17:3,4). The faithful WILL BE TRAMPLED BY SPIRITUAL GENTILES *UNTIL THE KINGDOM COMES* (Dan.7:21,22; Rev.12:10,11)
Previous to being sealed as faithful,
those chosen are also depicted as "women", because they have been inducted as candidates into a vow with God...into a covenant (to bring forth saved "seed"), although not yet sealed as accepted members.
You might compare this difference to "engagement" (being promised in marriage),
to full consummation in the eternal bond as an accepted wife (Rev.3:12; Dan.2:44).

The entire chapter of Jer.3 is rife with detail pertaining the last day circumstances of the anointed today. All the verses of it are related. Really, to do justice to that chapter, a long article could be written...and I'm sure all of it would relate to your question.
Regarding Jer.3:14 .... Matt.24:40 , Luke 12:53; Matt.10:21,34-35,36;  Luke 21:16,19,21-22,24,36; Micah 7:6 are all parallels. 

Jer.3:14 :

"‘Return, O faithless sons,’ (chosen ones) declares the Lord;
‘For I am a master to you
("Baal" means "master", and has wrongly become the idol of those in covenant with God. Only God and Christ are the true rightful masters of the Chosen anointed.),
And I will take you one from a city (congregation) and two from a family,
And I will bring you to Zion.’ (
Luke 17:30,35,37; Matt.24:16; Matt.24:28NKJV)

In trying to keep it simple, I have tried to limit my response to your precise question.
I know there is much more that could be said. Hopefully, this information answers what you had in mind.
If it is not sufficient, please follow up with another pointed question.

Thank you for the excellent scriptural reference, and your good question, which is so 
relevant to our day.

Love in Christ,


  1. can you please explain to me what heaven is. And going back to Rev 12 it is said that Satan and his angels (anointed that prove unfaithful) are hurled down to earth. That can't be the physical heaven where Jehovah is.

    An you please help.


  2. Excellent question Modise :)
    Jehovah's Word gives us an indication of what this symbol in Revelation means,
    at 2Peter, chapter 3.
    Notice that at 2Pet.3:7,10,11,12,13,14,17;
    the meaning of the "heavens" is made clearer, as well as the meaning of the "earth".
    When 2Pet.3:6 tells us of the original destruction of the "world" by a deluge, comparing it to the destruction of our day, just ahead. If we look at what Jehovah said about that past destruction of the earth, he said "The end of all flesh has come before me" (Gen.6:13). So although the Bible says the past world was destroyed, we see that it was the flesh upon it. Further scriptural insight, reveals that such flesh is the sinful flesh (Gal.5:17; Rom.8:7). THIS is what was destroyed...and what IS to be destroyed, when the "earth" we know now, passes away. For, the earth to go is not the planet, but what this symbol stands for (Ecc.1:4; Isa.45:18).
    So then, if we start at
    2Pet.3:7.... When the presently existing "heavens" and "earth" are consigned to "fire", it will mean "the destruction of the ungodly men". Both... the established "heavens" and the "earth", now contain unfaithful men.
    2Pet.3:10.... Here we see that those receiving this adverse judgment, are not even aware of their perilous circumstances. Other scriptures refer to them as being drunk and asleep. Only those blessed with spiritual discernment are aware of their being inspected and refined by the returned Christ. It may help to define some of the revealing words in verse 10. ROAR: Jer.25:30; Amos3:4,7; Joel3:16; Rev.10:3; 14:2 ................You know what Modise....this is opening up. It needs a full post. I am going to post what I have written here thus far, and hold the rest of what I am being given, and finish writing this on the front page as soon as I can. Love, Pearl


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