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Friday, November 9, 2012

Christ's "presence" and "arrival"

What makes the presence of Jesus with the anointed throughout the Centuries (Matt.28:20), different than his last day presence mentioned at Matt.24:3?


Astute question :)
Please consider Mal.3:1-2,3-4
When the last of the chosen anointed candidates are chosen (previous to being sealed as faithful), Satan creates an impossible spiritual climate (Great Tribulation). All these last ones, in ignorance, fall into sin (Matt.25:5; Isa.63:5; 59:16; Eze.22:30; Jer.5:1; 8:6; Eze.13:5; 14:14,20). If it were not for Christ standing up in our behalf (Dan.12:1; Psalm 94:17; 13:3; Rev.13:7,8,9), we would have been finished (Matt.24:4,22).
If you will notice in Mal.3:1,3...Jesus goes to his "temple" to cleanse them of this sin. Only those "written in the book" (Dan.12:1 d) will receive this "rescue". Who are they?
Rev.13:8,14 and Rev.20:4,15; 14:9,10; 15:2; 19:20 help us to see what is involved.
Those deemed worthy of rescue (Mal.3:16; Nahum 1:13; Psalm 107:10,14; 86:13; Jer.30:8;  1Pet.2:9,10; Rev.9:6,10,14), are those whose heart can repent of the idolatry of the Image of the Beast (Joel 1:13; Rev.11:3; Mal.2:4; Isa.22:12; Jer.4:8; Eze.7:18; 21:12; Joel 1:8,9; 2:14).

Knowing that the last remnant of Chosen ones desperately need assistance to survive the demonic deceptions of the last days (1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13,14,15;  2Thess.2:2,9-10; Matt.24:4-5,24-25; Rev.12:9)...
"Michael"/Jesus Christ goes to his "temple" (1Cor.3:16; Eph.2:21-22;  1Pet.4:17). This is an augmented arrival to his Temple in comparison to his presence with Chosen ones throughout the previous centuries (Rev.2:1; Mal.3:1; Rev.7:3). During this time of test, they are being refined and sorted (Isa.1:27-28; Prov.17:3; Rev.3:18-19,21-22; Luke 21:36; Matt.24:42-43,44; Luke 12:40; Matt.3:12)...wheat from weeds/ faithful from unfaithful. Those chosen which are not inclined toward repentance, are not considered awake (Jer.8:6-7,8-9; Matt.25:5; Rom.13:11; 11:8; Isa.29:10; 56:10; Jer.51:57;  2Pet.2:1). They are drunk with power, hatred, and the doctrines of men (Jer.51:7; Rev.18:3; Joel 1:4,5,6,7; Rev.9:8,3; Matt.24:49;  1John 3:15; Jer.5:11-12,13; Jer.23:16-17,18; Jer.23:21-22; 14:14) which doctrines are, in reality, sourced in Satan's Abyss of darkness and death, and it's agents (Rev.9:1-2,3,10-11; Eze.2:6; Luke 10:19; Rev.11:7; 16:13-14; 12:9,15; John 8:44; Jer.9:2-3,4-5,6; 1:15; 5:15; Isa.39:3; Luke 21:20; Jer.4:18). Just as God's people before them, they do not realize the time of their inspection (1Thess.5:6-7; Matt.24:42; Luke 19:41-42,43-44; Mark.13:37).

As soon as the required number of the remnant becomes sealed...the rest of the chosen ones miss out (Matt.25:10-11,12-13; 22:14; Eze.13:9; Luke 13:24;  2Cor.6:2). The opportunity to become sealed in this time of the end, is limited (Zeph.2:2-3).

So to get back to your question,
Hopefully you can see that the last days bring a great spiritual test upon the Chosen ones.
(see )
Without Christ to assist them, they would not attain to salvation (Matt.24:22 "saved" Matt.19:25-26). Jesus "comes" to be present with his chosen temple, to refine them and lead them out of sin, into repentance (Isa.49:8; 55:6; Rev.7:14; Jer.30:7). He does this by sending his final prophets (Rev.11:3; Mal.3:1; Matt.25:6). These herald the other candidates to awaken (Rev.12:6; Isa.40:3; 60:1; Eph.5:14; Isa.2:5; 52:2; 58:8; Matt.22:3-4; Mal.4:1,5-6; Matt.17:11)...sacrifice their lives to the Beast (Rev.6:9,11; 11:7; John 16:2; Isa.66:5; Luke 6:22; Rev.11:9-10), and join in the battle for Truth (Joel 2:1; Zeph.1:16; Jer.4:5-6,4,8,14,18-19,21-22,27,31; 50:2; 8:19; Eze.21:22; Rev.9:16-17,18-19; 19:11,14-15; Heb.4:12;  2Cor.10:4; Rev.1:20; 12:7,10-11).

If this has not answered your question, please follow up.
Love in Christ,


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