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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Source of Wisdom / Pillars ...for the Congregation of God [] Victor Rewards


The True anointed have always taught with the 4 legs, holding up the truth.  
What are they? You should know, they were taught by Russell, Rutherford, McMillan and the other old school anointed before 2010. Do you know what the four legs of the Truth consist of? 
What happens to the organization of Jehovah's witnesses,?  
I have been eating in the east gate with an anointed one Ezek 44:3 for 10 years, 8-10hurs weekly,  ever since we were killed out of the congregation in 2012. I appreciated a lot of what you are teaching. If you truly are anointed you should have no problem getting at least three of the four legs supporting the Truth, since they were taught to all the anointed by Holy Spirit.
Look forward to hearing back when you can.


1Tim.3 reads; 
"15 if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the congregation of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth."

The Bible itself defines these "pillars" of support.
It also defines the "foundation".

Jesus spoke of such pillars of wisdom...
 "12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God." (Rev.3)

How do such pillars support truth?
"Wisdom has built her house;
she has set up its seven pillars." (Prov.9:1)

The house of Wisdom ("the congregation of the living God"), has seven pillars. 
They are given their wisdom from Christ, when he blesses those victorious ones with 
the tree of life (Rev.2:7), 
the morning star (Rev.2:28), 
and the hidden manna (Rev.2:17). 
Those symbols represent wisdom from Christ, in the form of 
fine fruit (Luke 6:43,45; John12:49-50; 6:63), 
spiritual light (Rev.22:16; Mal.4:2; John8:12), 
and bread from heaven (John6:35,49-50,57-58) 
     that is hidden (John14:21,6; 1:18; Luke 10:22; Matt.13:11,16-17,34-35).

Those seven pillars are mentioned by Jesus, at 
Rev.1:12,20; Matt.5:15; Rev.3:1; 4:5; 5:6; 1Cor.14:32; 4:1; Heb.1:1; Rev.22:6; Eph.3:5,2-3,4-5. 
Each of those messengers of wisdom, are sent out to his congregations. 
They are the ones made capable of interpreting prophecy (Rev.13:18; 17:9).

As regards the "foundation" of the truth and divine understanding,
again those seven are mentioned, along with the 12 apostles (Eph.2:20-21).

I am a student and servant of Christ and the Word of God,
not of Russell, Rutherford, or McMillan... though I must say, I was a JW from 1975-2010 and I never heard of the doctrine you refer to, which you claim they taught others.

The only four "legs" mentioned by my teacher, are the 4 living creatures/watchmen over God's people (Isa.62:6; Rev.4:8). 
They are charged with preventing God's nation from being ambushed, taken captive, and conquered. 
They do this in a spiritual capacity (Col.2:8; Rev.13:7,10), by always proclaiming to God's people, the supremacy of God (Rev.4:8). 
Those reminders prevent apathy, selfish greed, lust for power and dominance, and idolatry... 
which is at the root of going astray.

Perhaps you are referring to 1John5:6-9? (spirit, blood, water, truth)? 
Hard for me to say, since your claim that the actual anointing involves some kind of disclosure regarding these, is false. 
It is true that spirit makes contact with us during the anointing, filling our heart with the token of the love that is to come. 
It is also true that the blood of Christ and his faithful, is essential for salvation. 
We are washed by Christ with the water of God's word (Eph.5:25-26) which sanctifies us (John17:17), 
and of course, that living water is the truth (John4:10,14,24).

Please tell the anointed that you are associated with,
to read 1Corinthians, chapter 12.
I hope they are able to see and discern, that in order to have the truth bestowed upon the anointed Body of Christ;
every part of the Body must be associated with the other genuine and faithful, anointed members.
Each member is given their own place... their own portion of spirit (1Cor.12:7-11), and their own gifts,
"for the building up of the Body" as a whole (Eph.4:11-12). 
One of those gifts, is the wisdom of understanding/revelation (1Cor.12:8; Eph.1:17).

As regards your other general questions about what happens to the organization and why; your continuing studies at the blog should fully address them. 
You can start with this: 
and this:
(the second link contains the scriptures of prophecy, pertaining to the WT)

To be concise, I could give you Rev.8:8 (Matt.21:21) and Rev.20:10,15. 
But that does not provide much good, if you have not yet learned 
who the beast and false prophet are, 
why names are recorded, omitted, or removed from the Lamb's scroll of life, 
what the lake of fire is (Jer.23:29; 5:14; Rev.11:5,3-4; Zech.4:11,14,6; Matt.10:20)... 
...and why the Lake of Fire is called the second death (Rev.20:14; 11:5; John20:22-23).

If you have a particularBible question, please ask.
I suggest trying out the search box in the right side column of the Main Page.
If during your studies, a question arises, please contact me again.


  1. Pearl, I don't understand the question submitted as I do not put weight into Russell/Rutherford false teachings, but the question referenced "4 legs," and whenever I hear of "four," I think of the four horns of the altar (e.g., Ex.27:2; 38:2; 43:15,20)...

    1. I'll just put Eze.43:15,20, to enable the verses you cited above.
      Yes, we know from Rev.17:12, "horns" represent kings. Those 4 anointed kings/watchmen, are the 4 living creatures.
      They "stand guard" over the spiritual altar of God, where sacrifices are offered (Rev.6:9-11; Mark 8:35).


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