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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Ripping of the Curtain

I was reading and wanted to ask ya  something.
When a jew died, the male relative, a expression of sadness grief, , I think male- -Father  would rip his garment.  -I always thought it was a sign of grief. 
When Christ died and the curtain  ripped  from top to bottom; I thought  it was because  it was, a sign of our Fathers the all Mighty Fathers grievance -  Jesus his son, being  the sacrificial lamb and fulfilling  what was needed.
How or does this ripping of the clothing and the curtain -are they related? 
Can you help me understand if they are related - and if so, how-?

Ripping of one's garment is surely a sign of strong emotion related to regret, fear, repentance, or grief.
(Gen.37:29,34; 44:12-13; 2Kings2:12; 19:1; Judges 11:35; Acts 14:13-15). 
It can also be done, to feign strong emotion (Matt.26:64-65).

Ripping the curtain can also represent an opening up that was previously closed 
(Matt.27:51; Heb.6:19-20; 10:19-20,21-22; Eph.5:25-26). 
It can also represent an uncovering of something that was secret (Matt.27:51; 2Cor.3:16). 

The ripping of the curtain to the most holy where God was thought to be present, takes on a few of these meanings.
 Certainly, God was very distraught over the death of Jesus, causing not only the curtain to be torn, but also darkness and an earthquake (Matt.27:50-51; Luke 23:45). The torn curtain, revealed that the most holy was empty (the Ark of the Covenant was not there), and signified that God had left/abandoned the Jewish Temple... and He would no longer be their protector. 

That is why Jesus foretold to them, "Your house is abandoned" (Matt.23:35-38). 
He meant, that God would abandon their Temple. 
That was demonstrated when the curtain of the most holy room for God's presence, was ripped apart. 
God left that temple, in a rage.
Thereafter, God's condemnation rested upon the nation (John3:36), 
and His protection was withdrawn (Luke 19:41-44).
That was why God permitted that Temple, to be torn down (Mark 13:2).

Those Jewish leaders turned to Rome in order to have Jesus executed (John18:28-30). 
God's nation had turned to Gentile nations in the past, and was always punished for it (Jer.17:5; Isa.31:1; 36:6). 
The Jewish religious leaders even claimed that their king, was Caesar (John19:15). 
When the whole Jewish crowd that was present at the condemnation of Jesus, 
heard Caesar say that he didn't want the blood of Jesus on his hands... 
they all said "Let his blood come upon us and our children" (Matt.27:24-25). 
They were referring to blood-guilt (Isa.1:15)... not to salvation (John1:11-12; 15:22-25; Ps.69:4). 

Those with spiritual perception, recognize a similar situation today.
There are religious leaders in power over God's spiritual nation, who as in the first century, act in unfaithfulness. Please consider the verses I site within the quote of Luke chapter twelve. They aid our understanding of Luke chapter 12. (The links give deeper information)

Luke12: "42 The Lord answered, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? (LINK) 45 But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ (Hab.2:3; 2Thess.2:1-2; Luke 12:40) (LINK) and he then begins to beat the other servants (Acts 5:17,27-29,33-34,38-40; John16:2) (LINK), both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk (Isa.28:7-8,9-10,14-15; Rev.17:6) (LINK). 46 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of (Rev.3:3; Luke 12:46) (LINK). He will cut him to pieces (Hosea 6:5 NET Rev.2:26-27) (LINK) (LINK) and assign him a place with the unbelievers." (2Cor.6:14; 4:4; Rev.22:15; Matt.25:41; Rev.20:10; Matt.7:21-23; 25:11-13).

The harlot/false prophet and beast are also condemning to death, the faithful servants of Jesus Christ, today (Rev.13:11,15; 11:7) (LINK).
The same consignment awaits the unfaithful, as that which befell the apostate leaders in the first century 
(Rev.19:2; 18:24; Matt.23:37,34-36,35; Rev.18:24). (LINK)

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