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Monday, March 18, 2013

Who Should Partake ?

Addition added.

The following is a comment from Paulo, and anointed brother slain by the Beast for the sake of Truth:

"Emblems are for all those putting faith in Jesus Christ,

Anointed followers of the Master Jesus Christ helped others to be one in the past, and they should be doing that exact thing in the present time.

I preach door to door and in the public shouting the ONLY TRUE GOOD NEWS to my neighbor:

Acts 2:38 Peter [said] to them: “Repent, and let each one of YOU be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of YOUR sins, and YOU will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. 39 For the promise+ is to YOU and to YOUR children and to all those afar off,+ just as many as Jehovah* our God may call to him.”

True sons of God ALWAYS have concerned (offered HELP) so that others could become sons of God as well (John 1:12-14, Matthew 5:45,48)

“Did you receive holy spirit when YOU became believers?” (Acts 19:2)


I wanted to address his comment in this following post:
I will put Paulo's comment in bold.

"Emblems are for those putting faith in Jesus Christ"

Paulo....please read John 8:30; 12:11,42; 7:31; 11:42,45; 2:23.

There were "many" who "put faith in Jesus", even among the Jewish leaders. None of them were at the Lord's evening meal, except the ones Jesus "chose" (John 13:1,18; 14:3; 15:16). These four verses were spoken only to the 11 during that last evening meal.
Of those few Jesus said, "I chose you twelve, did I not?", and
"You did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you to bear fruit...fruit that will last." (John 6:70; 15:16) These can only "bear fruit", because they are branches of the one vine, Christ (John 15:5,4,8
A bridegroom chooses his own bride. But when we choose to simply put faith in Christ, that is our own choice. Putting faith in, and being chosen, are two different things.
So which is it? Did Christ die for his bride? Or, did he die for all those putting faith in him?
The answer, is that he first dies (during the period of the New Covenant with spiritual Israel) only for his bride (Eph.1:3-23; 5:23,25,26,27,30; Rev.21:2; 5:9,10; 20:6). The members of the body of Christ are "firstfruits"...first to be ransomed (Rev.20:6; James 1:18; Rev.14:4) under the new mother covenant, "Jerusalem above", established by the blood of Christ (Gal.4:24,26). How do all others receive life? (1John 2:2) This Bride becomes one with Christ, and she symbolically demonstrates that unity by taking Christ into herself, making him one with her (Matt.19:6;  1Cor. 6:17; Eph.2:18; John 17:21) (Gal.4:19; Rev.12:2). The result is the "woman's" "seed", who are the second ones to receive life...THROUGH THE WOMAN / sealed Bride of Christ (Rev.22:17; John 7:38; Matt.10:40-41; John 6:63; Phil.2:16)
The following scriptures demonstrate that the purpose of the emblems, is initially for that bride of Christ...
"For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread." (1Cor. 10:17)
This partaking of the bread, is for those who are the parts of the body of Christ (1Cor. 12:27). Can you see that?
Who is one body with Christ, if not his chosen wife? He is the savior of that wife/body, through the ransom of his blood (Eph.5:23,25,26,27,30; Rev.21:2,3; 5:9,10). He also becomes the savour/life giver/everlasting father (1John 2:2; John 10:10; Isa.9:6;  1Cor. 15:45), to those of his children, who come through his heavenly wife (Eph.2:6; Luke 10:20; Gal.4:26; Rev.12:2; Heb.12:22,24,23; Matt.5:48,45; Rev.22:17)
The Memorial intentionally takes place, as the fulfillment of the Jewish Passover (1Cor.5:7).
Who were the recipients of God's protection, salvation, and benefit of the original Passover?
Was it for all of God's nation, Israel?

No. Neither is it's fulfillment within the Memorial. 
 The fulfillment of God's "Passover", is for the salvation of the "firstborn" from the Destroyer
(Heb.11:28; 12:23; Luke 10:19-20).

Regarding those chosen who prove their faith in Christ in very specific ways, Jesus said;
 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." (see parallel to John 15:16)
When Jesus spoke of these Chosen as being given Holy Spirit (John 14:26), this is a clear reference to being anointed with it (1John 2:20,27). (both say that the spirit will "teach you all things")
All these things were spoken of that very same night, to the 11 only, after Judas had left (John 13:31), despite the fact that "many" others "put faith in him".
When Jesus said;
 "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you." (John 14:16,17)
...notice that he said that the spirit would "dwell with you and will be in you." 
(1Cor. 6:19,17; 3:16; Rom.8:9; James 4:5; Eph.2:21,22).
This is specifically for the Temple priesthood, in which "Temple", the Holy Spirit makes it's home 
(John 14:23;  1Pet. 2:5,9,10;  1Cor. 3:16) and dwells within them.
I know that many believe that the Covenant for a kingdom was what Christ established with the 12 apostles; and that the New Covenant and it's forgiveness of sins, was for all...established separately.
There are two reasons to begin with, why this is error.

First, Jesus' sacrifice was for two differing groups....
"for the sins of MANY" (Matt.20:28; Heb.9:28)
"for the sins of the whole world" (1John 2:2; 4:14; John 4:42)
These two groups are not both under the New Covenant.
How do we know?
Please let me explain.
Are these ("many";"world") really two different groups?
YES. Why?
Because the sins of "many" are atoned for "first". That "many" are the 144,000.
Yet this is not "the whole world".
This is the second reason why the New Covenant (which is NOW) is for the "chosen" only, just as the emblems were for the 11 only (during the Lord's Meal).
Please read Rev.20:4,5,6
Notice in verse 6 that the "first" resurrection (or "coming to life") is for the "priests".
The only way to "come to life" is to have one's sins forgiven (James 1:15; Rom.5:12;  1John 3:14; John 5:24; 6:47), through being a chosen priest, and displaying the obedience and faith required through a specific test of that faith and obedience. (Luke 17:33).

There is no escaping a fact.
Although those other than chosen priests can put faith in Christ; these do not have their sins forgiven, nor "come to life" first, under the New Covenant by means of Christ's blood (Heb.9:22; Eph.5:25).
So then, why did we also read that Christ died for the sins of the whole world?
If we return to Rev.20:5;  we see that in time, the "rest" "come to life".
This is "after the Thousand Years".
Clearly, the timing of forgiveness involves two different times, for two different groups. One is first, the other is second.
Christ's sacrifice pays for both, but not all at once.
The first group is first. These were at the actual Lord's evening meal. They were chosen priests...
just as Rev.20:6 states. These partook of the emblems in symbol of the New Covenant by virtue of Christ's blood. It was a covenant with those to be priests and kings (Rev.5:9,10). This would not be possible for those chosen, without this forgiveness.

It is by means of these priests and kings that the "rest" "come to life".
This is not under the "New Covenant", which is symbolized by the "woman" "mother"..."Jerusalem Above" (Gal.4:26,24).
Jerusalem in heaven above is the mother covenant/promise to the Chosen Priests only. These are given the promise to become the New Jerusalem Above (New Heavens -2Pet. 3:13).
When the New Covenant is fulfilled, those virgins within that "woman"/Covenant/Mother, become the Bride of Christ (Psalm 45:14;  2Cor. 11:2) and are sealed into Temple Priesthood/Holy City. The promise/covenant toward them, is then fulfilled.
What then?
The completed Jerusalem above "comes down OUT of Heaven", to the earth,
bringing with it a new "woman"/covenant......The realization/materialization, of the collective Bride of Christ. She is no longer a promise in heaven, but a reality on earth. That Kingdom Covenant Bride will "come down out of heaven". (Rev.21:2) [Rev.12:1 (in heaven)>> Rev.12:6,14 on earth)]
It's members bring the restoration and healing to all of Creation (Rev.22:3,2,17).
THIS IS HOW THE "rest" are forgiven and "brought to life" (Rev.22:17).

This total fulfillment of the promise is not now, nor is all creation now under the New Covenant/Jerusalem above from heaven.
The only ones to partake of the emblems of the New Covenant, are the chosen priests.
When Christ arrives and all those faithful chosen are taken to heaven, the emblems stop, because that Covenant is now fulfilled (1Cor. 11:26). The first resurrection has then already taken place.

It is very serious if one does not understand who properly partakes.
Such a lack of understanding means that one does not discern "the body" of Christ (1Cor. 11:29). That "body"/Congregation is one spirit with Christ (1Cor. 6:17) (as a wife is one flesh with her husband), and he is the head of the anointed Congregation.
These are those who become his Bride (Col.1:18; Rom.8:29; Rev.1:5,6; Eph.5:23,31,32,26;  1Cor. 12:27,12,14,18,20,27,28,29,30). These are chosen ones, designated to be a part of the cleansed body of Christ, to render the priesthood service according to your assigned place in that body and Temple priesthood.
As already discussed in previous posts, it is clear that this service is only for those who are cleansed and "circumcised" Temple priests 
(Rom.2:28,29; Eph.5:26; Eze.44:9;  2Chron. 23:6; Num.3:10)
Is each partaker certain that they are a part of that "body" of Christ's holy priests? (1Cor. 11:28,29; Eph.5:23)  (compare Eph.5:25; Luke 22:19)  (compare Rom.8:17;  1Cor. 10:16)

Regarding Acts 2:38; John 1:12-14 :

First, look at the context of John1...
10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but born of God."

Please note that it was to "his own" that Jesus came (Matt.15:24; 10:6; Rom.15:8).
THE JEWS WERE ALREADY IN COVENANT WITH GOD. They were the physical seed of Abraham, and as such, had the first right to become heirs of the promises (Rom.11:28). They were the natural branches of God's vineyard. They would need to however, to transition over to the New Covenant, by accepting God's Son. The Old Covenant was passing away. Those who rejected Christ, would be "lopped off", and others grafted in to compensate for the deficit.

If a Jew accepted Christ, and proved their faith (Luke 22:28; Rev.14:4) he automatically entered the New Covenant, according to the promises made to Abraham's seed. These are the ones who had "the right" to become "children of God" if they received his Son. (John 1:12)
Because not all natural Jews did accept Christ (and were "lopped off" John 1:11; Matt.3:9), the rest of the chosen priesthood was made of those "grafted in" (Rom.11:17; Acts 13:46; Rev.5:9,10).
Do not assume that everyone putting faith in Christ is the same as the first century Jews in Covenant with God.
You have misapplied who become "sons of God" in this era in which we live.
In both Acts 2:38 and John 1:12; John 1:13 ;  Peter was speaking to the Jews while yet in Covenant with God... not to "the whole world".

Only in the Kingdom to come, (under Christ and his completed Bride), will the rest of Creation be made "sons of God" (Rom.8:19,20,21,24,25; Heb.9:28; Rom.8:19; Heb.1:6; Acts 3:21; Rom.8:21).
this is not the first resurrection, but a latter one (Rev.20:5; Acts 24:15;  1John 2:2)...
as well as a latter forgiveness of sins and a latter coming to life (Rev.20:5,6).
The fulfilled promises to these are in God's Kingdom,
not under the Covenant to the bride-priest-kings-heirs-those called.
Also worth mentioning is John 1:13.
Faith and obedience of those NOT anointed is of their voluntary free choice of will.
Those "sons of God" being spoken of here, did not choose themselves, but were chosen by God (John 1:13; 15:16;  1Pet. 2:9; Col.3:12; Isa.43:10)

All are tested and judged now, but not all gain life and sonship now.
When the scrolls are fully opened and the mysteries of God are accomplished, all will be judged by the full revealed truth of what was written in them. (Rev.20:12,13; John 12:48; Rev.10:7,8,11; 1:1;  1Cor. 13:9,10; Rev.10:7)
The ambassadors of the Bride on earth offer truth and life to all now.
(John 7:38; 4:14; Rev.22:17;  2Cor. 2:16; 3:5;  2Cor. 5:19,20; John 20:22,23)
How these are treated by the world now,
determines how the world is judged (Matt.25:31-33,40,45-46; 10:40-42).
Christ's Thousand Year Kingdom is in our midst now (Luke 17:20,21).
Now is the day of reconciliation with God, and the acceptable time to gain salvation (2Cor. 6:2,1).

Regarding Acts 19:2...
Notice that these did not receive Holy Spirit when they believed in Christ.
They received it when Paul
(one of the 12 apostles -
"laid his hands on them"
 "And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied." Acts 19:6
Paul was asking a question, not stating a fact. In fact, the context shows that they had NOT received Holy Spirit when they became believers.
Only the 12 could choose anointed (Matt.16:19; 18:18; John 20:23; Luke 22:30; Rev.7:4; Matt.16:18) from those invited tribes.... to receive forgiveness under the New Covenant. The apostles are the "foundation" of the Holy City, upon which the rest of the Temple is built.
(Luke 22:30; Eph.2:20; Rev.21:14).

You have mis-applied Acts 19:2 also, to support non-chosen, as partakers of the emblems. Taking the emblems of Christ's body and blood into our own body, is to symbolize the union of the one flesh/spirit Bride with Christ, for whom he gave his life) (Eph.5:25; Luke 22:19;  1Cor. 6:17; Rev.5:9,10).

Regarding John 17:20:
I give you John 20:29 and  1Pet. 1:8.
Jesus was speaking of those who would become anointed chosen priests, after Jesus could no longer be seen in the flesh. Yet these too, would have a tested faith 
(Luke 22:31; James 1:3;  1Pet. 1:7; Job 23:10;  1Cor. 3:13; Mal.3:3; Rev.3:18)
Jesus says that they "put faith in him" "because of their message" (Mal.2:7; Matt.10:20; Rev.6:9-11). This is the test of those future priests to come
(John 17:20; Rev.6:9,10,11; 19:8; 12:11; 20:4; Mark 8:35)


1Cor. 11:27... "So then whoever eats the bread and drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord."

If we go on to read verses 18 and 19, it explains what would make one "guilty" of this. They read:

"Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread or drink from the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ, eat and drink judgment to themselves."

From these we may see that if we do not discern the body, in comparison to ourselves, we "sin" against the very body we do not discern.

The Bible tells us what body we are referring to. At first glance it seems simply, that we are talking about Christ's literal body. What is Christ's body, according to Eph.5:23,24,25,26,27,32;  1Cor. 12:12,20,27,28,29,30 ?  If you read these verses, you may see that the "body" of Christ, are the anointed wife, under Christ as Head. It is this "body" we need to discern when we examine ourselves. The members of the "body" of Christ are referred to as Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, etc. according to the gifts of the spirit (Heb.2:4;  1Cor. 12:11) as God distributes that spirit to these parts of the Body.

If, when you "examine yourself", you do not discern this "body" of Christ....and discern whether or not you truly are a part of that wife, (as an apostle, prophet, etc.), (who will later "come down out of heaven" for the benefit of faithful mankind Rev.21:9,10) and yet you eat and drink these symbols of sharing in Christ's "one flesh" (1Cor. 10:16; Rom.8:17) "unworthily", and share in the life's ransom he gave for "her" (Luke 22:19; Eph.5:25); then this action is referred to, as having the consequence of "judgment".

In supplication and expectant Faith in the unity of Christ's body,



  1. John 7:37 Jesus was standing up and he cried out, saying: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 38 He that puts faith in me, just as the Scripture has said, ‘Out from his inmost part streams of living water will flow.’” 39 However, he said this concerning the spirit which those who put faith in him were about to receive; for as yet there was no spirit, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.

    "concerning the spirit which those who put faith in him were about to receive"

    Axiom: He that puts faith in Jesus Christ receives Holy Spirit. Because Jesus has been glorified. (Acts 3:13, Acts 2:33 )

    John 3:17 For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. 18 He that exercises faith in him is not to be judged. He that does not exercise faith has been judged already, because he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God.

    Jonh 6:28 Therefore they said to him: “What shall we do to work the works of God?” 29 In answer Jesus said to them: “This is the work of God, that YOU exercise faith in him whom that One sent forth.”

    He that puts faith in me, living water will flow

  2. Paulo, I understand- I discern the "body" of Christ ( yet I am not anointed )
    What about you ?

    rus v.

  3. Once again...If you check the context (John7:28), at John7:37, Jesus was speaking to the Jews in Covenant with God. This is who he was sent to, that this is who he is referring to (Matt.15:24; 10:6; Rom.15:8). These were Abraham's seed, and already eligible for the Kingdom, according to God's promise to Abraham. All these yet needed to do in order to receive the anointing (and Holy Spirit), was to accept Jesus Christ, and the "way, truth, and life" he brought to them as the Old Covenant was being fulfilled and the New One begun. Again, these scriptures you refer to are directed to the Jews already in Covenant with God. This applies equally to John 6:28.
    Regarding John 3:17 and the "world"; the scriptures tell us that those who accept the faithful anointed, receive the same reward, and pass through judgment to life (Matt.10:40,41,42; 25:34,35,36,37,38,39,40; John13:20). This does not mean that those who accept the anointed ones who Christ has sent, also become chosen priests who have received the anointing by Holy spirit. Please try to see clearly.

  4. John 16:8,9 And when that one arrives he will give the world convincing evidence concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment: 9 in the first place, concerning sin, because they are not exercising faith in me;

  5. Good day sister D

    if i may ask: When Jesus said "keep doing this" was he not talking to the 11 apostles that were there with him? and if so why must others be present when the anointed/chosen keep the Master's command? I think Jesus was telling the apostles to observe that command and due to the fact that it was a private matter (He and the apostles only) - don't you think it is only the anointed who should do that and be present as was the case in 33 C.E?

    Thank you

    1. Yes Modise, this does seem to be the case. I have never turned anyone away from joining in and listening to the gathering of the anointed, because they may find interesting or educational what is discussed. But yes, "keep doing THIS" would point to imitating the circumstances of only the Chosen partakers as being in attendance.


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