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Thursday, June 21, 2012

I am interested in what anyone thinks the "abomination that causes desolation" is?

The "abomination" is the same as the "disgusting thing" standing in a holy place, which IS an "abomination" to God.
This "disgusting thing" also "causes" spiritual "desolation" to the "holy ones"/"holy place"/"holy city"...or, "tramples" them "underfoot" [Matt.24:15; Dan.11:31,36--(2Thess.2:4; 1Cor.3:16); Dan.12:7,11; Rev.11:1,2].
Hopefully you can see from these scriptures, that the "abomination" enters the temple sanctuary/holy place (in among the "chosen" ones/anointed) and takes their power away from them/"desolates" (silences/disfellowships/makes impotent as priests).

What is this desolating power? It is identified there at Rev.11:1,2. The "Gentiles". The Bible defines these as spiritual non-"Jews".
"Jews" are those who have been chosen/anointed (see Rom.2:29). They are the "Temple"/"holy place" (1Cor.3:16).
Any not anointed, are spiritual "Gentiles".
So...the "Gentiles" enter in among the "Chosen" ...overcoming them and "throwing them out". This is confirmed at Ezek.44:6,7,8,9; 2Chron.13:9; etc.
Only the few "rebellious" "Jews" at the top (Stewards of the "Temple") who "leave the covenant" (Dan.11:32,33), bring the Gentiles into the "Temple". These few "Jews" who rule over the Gentiles and lower anointed Priests, are immune to this initial "desolating".
In fact, the ruling anointed priests, are the cause of it (Ezek.44:6,7). They have brought the "disgusting thing" into the "holy place" rule over, subdue, "trample underfoot", and "throw out" their fellow priests.
They are using the power of the Gentiles to enforce their dominance over their fellow anointed slaves (Matt.24:49).
But, only for a time. Soon those Gentiles who take over the "Temple", will also turn on the ruling corrupt over-Priests/Harlot (Lam.1:10; Rev.18:14; 17:16), and give her the same treatment that she sanctioned for her fellows (Rev.18:6).

Can you see how this has happened today? The un-anointed "Gentile" elders are throwing out the anointed who do not worship the "Image" of the Organization (as "spirit directed" Rev.13:15). These "Gentiles", "stand"/rule over the "Temple"/anointed.
That Organization is made up of "Gentile" elders, with a few unfaithful anointed at the top (Harlots). This merciless treatment by the Organization against Christ's brothers ("causing desolation"), is the "Wild Beast" of Rev.13, turning on the "two witnesses" Rev.11:7;
as well as the "Locust/Scorpions" under the "fallen star"/"Wormwood",
"stinging" the "unsealed men" (not yet sealed) in Rev.9:1-10 (Rev.8:10,11).

This is all fulfilled in the wicked steward (Matt.24:48,49,50,51)/Gov.Bdy./Harlot/Wormwood,
who rules over the "Gentile" elders/Wild Beast/Locust-scorpions/abomination/disgusting thing...with all the resulting oppression and expulsion ("desolation"), of the faithful anointed (John16:2)/Holy Place/Holy City/Temple.
It is of vital import, that we now consider Matt.24:15,16 !

If you have any other questions at all, I hope you'll visit me, at
Those wishing to contact me, can do so, at
All the best,


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