Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

For those who tied into the tele-conference...
I was cut off just before being able to give the scriptural answer
to the question about the 144000 returning to the earth.

For those interested in learning more about
what the Bible says about this subject...
This article was not written by me, but it does a good job in
providing many scriptures for this truth.
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  1. Hi Pearl, this is Jacqueline from I had a witness that came over to hear the call in so couldn't talk. I heard you and my, why would they DF you?!!! You are an asset to the congregation. I just walked away Pearl, I couldn't give them that much power over me. I left at a time when they thought I was just settled down with them. I was a witness for 61yrs. Now I am so happy with the freedom and liberty in Christ that O have as a Bible Student.
    I put out a plea to you to come on the friends site and tell us what happened in your experience of DF so that others can learn. I personally espoue the idea of those with family to lose just leave. It does not good for them to get DF. I hope you atr doing well and have non JW friends. Come on if you will and just say hello on the friends site.

  2. Hello Jacqueline,
    Thank you for writing me. I don't know how long it's been since your involvement in Kingdom Hall meetings, but things are rapidly changing. The GB is getting desperate at their declining power over the Flock, so the standards of disfellowshipping have changed. ANY dissension of the slightest degree is dealt with swiftly and harshly. What constitutes such dissension can consist of merely commenting on a scripture which has not been cited within the material being considered. Not even the context or surrounding verses of cited scriptures may be raised. It is spiritually suffocating, and this oppression makes it absolutely impossible to "speak truth, each one with his neighbor". It is impossible to remain a member, without consenting to absolute subjugation to the Organization. I view this as idolatry, as do the scriptures.
    Yet, really, this was all prophesied to occur among the Nation which calls themselves by the Creator's name. Current affairs within the organization are just as Revelation, chapter 13 describe them.

    To speak of my disfellowshipping experience...I dont' see how I can do that without touching upon it's relevance in prophecy. I don't view my experience so much as something personal, but as a small part of the flood of evidence for the accurate interpretation of the book of Revelation. The truth about my own conviction, is unique and obscure. Few recognize the glaring parallels between prophecy and these current events. Any discussion that leaves this truth out, would be valueless, and worse... negligent before Christ.

    I too have lost my entire family, except my husband thankfully. Most faithful disfellowshipped anointed have lost their mates as well. Jesus said that if we love anyone more than him, we are not worthy of him. When before today, have all these scriptures been so accurately fulfilled? There are too many of them to mention in this letter.

    It is no longer possible to "just leave". As soon as the elders notice the slightest change in a publisher...they pursue them and pin them down as to their feelings about the Organization and it's leadership. All are pressed to confirm their allegiance and subjection to "the faithful and discreet slave/Governing Body/spirit directed Organization. Any who hesitate, are publicly marked and soon disfellowshipped. The "damage control" is iron handed. To me, this is indicative of the desperation of the GB...and very telling as to what is really happening within their flock. Only they have the vantage point of knowing all the numbers who are leaving. They seem to feel that throwing out any possible "rotten apples" will hault the effect these might have on others in the Congregation, and the growing disintegration of their authority. They are aware..."A house divided can not stand".
    Any who do not actively support the authority of those ruling, are disfellowshipped. Even though you have expressed that you think this fate is a bad one, in God's eyes, it is not. This judgement by mere men removes the mark of the Wild Beast...something to be greatly desired. Any that retain that identifying mark of slavery, are not written in the Lamb's Scroll of Life.

    Please let me know your feeling on the comments I have made above. If you still feel there is a place on the "friends" site for the true import and content of what I have to relate, please let me know.
    Jehovah's blessing,

  3. Do you have to be disfellowshipped to remove the mark of the wild beast? Thankyou for all your hard work. Debbie

  4. Dear Debbie,
    I recommend to you that you read this article, to understand the "mark" of the Wild Beast of Revelation, chapter 13. ( Reading all the scriptures is vital. If you point on them, they will pop up for you.

    If our minds do not remain slaves to the lies of the organization (mark on forehead)...nor do we allow this idol to control our power (mark of right hand), we will be disfellowshipped (Rev.13:15). The true climate within the Organization does not tolerate anyone not enslaved to it. If you show that your mind or power is not controlled by the Organization, you WILL be thrown out (John16:2,4).
    The next question is, can you simply stay inside and hide how you really feel?
    Psalm 26:4,5 and Rev.18:4 should answer this for you. I will leave this up to your own conscience.
    Please take comfort in these words...
    Mark10:29,30; Matt.10:32; Rev.13:8; 21:7; 20:4
    and please feel free to write me anytime, at


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