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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My struggle with the counterfeit "congregation"/"church" continues. (Heb.12:22,23)
I have shared this experience with another faithful anointed one. I thought that by sharing that letter below, others may understand why I have not been writing and posting here recently. I hope to be back to work as soon as I am able. Please continue to pray for your prayers have proven to have power!

Hello Abe,
I just wanted to share with you what's going on. I am on a very interesting and stressful journey. The "battle" continues to rage with the judicial committee. I have refuted hours of charges, with scripture, and they seem torn between doctrine and "arrangement"; and their conscience. 
I am sure their conscience will eventually lose, but in the meantime, each time I deal with them, they are the ones being "stung" by the truth. Last night was a long conversation. My poor sick body was weak, to where my lips and tongue stuck together and I was dizzy...but Jehovah kept giving me the scriptures to refute everything, until the elder lost it. 
I do regret calling him a coward, but I tell you that it suited his behavior. He kept trying to say..."I'm sorry this upsets you."...This must be some psychological trick they've learned. Finally I laughed and said for the third time, "I'm not upset. :) " (very cheerfully--and I meant it). 
He then finally said he had to go, because he was very upset. He refused to look at the scriptures any longer. Then I regrettably added insult to injury, by repeating, that he was a coward.

I don't think they know what to do with me. They have never had such difficulty executing protocol. I don't think they are used to anyone who does not fear them and their authority, nor is able to see through their lies. Jehovah is to be praised, Abe! He makes a sick, exhausted old lady a mighty to stamp down rulers with His own sword.
I am certain this will not end well for me. But in the meantime, please pray that I will continue to endure in wisdom and spirit. This gauntlet is being drawn out...the judicial committee keeps turning back to the "society" for further instructions. I believe that this past week they found my blog articles (which includes my letter to the congregation) and that the Society now knows who I am...though I don't think they have told the elders.
They now want me to come to headquarters to "talk".
Please just pray that my body my spirit is being renewed by Christ. I still have so much writing to accomplish about what Jehovah has already given, and each week there is more. I need to physically survive.

Jehovah is great! He is Faithful! Just as he helped David with Goliath, he is helping me.
...Although I know the end of this is to enter the death of Jesus, in whatever way they finally accomplish it. At least they will know that they do what they do, because of directions from wicked men, and not to "cleanse the congregation" or "protect Jehovah's sheep".

I feel badly that the Memorial arrangements are being neglected while Satan has me occupied with this part of my journey. I hope that it will be over by then. I want to partake completely and formally, free of the beast. I think soon, they may throw me out and announce me at the meeting, despite not doing things "legally". They grow more weak and defenseless with each session. Perhaps, if it is alright with Jehovah, I will just tell them to "get it done more quickly".

My heart can't help but hope that you will partake with me this year. I feel it in my spirit, that it is time for us to gather...and pray together for the end. The "incense bowl with the prayers of the holy ones" is the signal for the last things to unfold. Jesus tells us to ask for the "fig trees" (with their unripe fruit) and the "mountain" to be "thrown into the sea". He said that "if" we "had faith", we could do it.
Let's do it Abe. Let's pray for this powerful counterfeit mountain of Satan's, to be thrown into Satan's own sea/abyss of death. Let's have faith, that "whatever we ask, he will do it". Let's have faith that our prayer of faith, the "prayer/request of the holy ones", can help to bring the end...just as the scriptures in Daniel and Revelation say.

I hope that if you still desire to partake alone, that you will pray with me once again...and that we might ask the very things that prophecy indicates we will ask. This is according to God's will and purpose. Imagine Abe. He will bring it in His own time...but we can express our desire for His Kingdom to be "on earth, as it is in Heaven".

Thank you so much just for being here. This would be near impossible to go through totally alone. I don't know how you did it.

For those who are interested in reading the letter which I sent my congregation, a copy of it is located at:


  1. Hello Sister Pearl, I do hope and pray you are able with Jehovah's Spirit to endure and it not "be done more quickly". By such endurance it is my hope that Jehovah will let your light shine for others to see. It is certainly having an encouraging effect on myself and those I've shared your blogs with. Thank you for your efforts and steadfastness. I have often wondered how one can be accused of going or told not to go ahead of the organization when the teaching is that interpretations belong to God (Gen 40:8) i.e. if interpretations are in accord with and backed up by scripture surely it is because it is Jehovah will. Am I missing something?

  2. Hello my dearest sister Pearl
    While reading your letter the tears just started flowing. I relived every moment of my ordeal with the elders while reading your letter. I had to go through it all alone, but do you know what? Jah and Christ helped through it. They put the words in my mouth at the right time. I was so calm and so sure of my convictions, while they had to make every effort to control themselves. The main elder just looked at the ceiling rolling his eyes trying his best to control himself.
    When got out of there I was so relieved and at the same time sad that never again would my brothers and sisters be able to speak to me. And the irony of it all is that I didn't the reasons why. Now that I have found your blog it all explains it. It could only be Jah and Christ helping me. This has taught me that no matter what happens in the future they will always be there to strengthen us and direct us and put the words in our lips when we need to defend the truth.
    Love from your sister Rose Alves


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