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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Man of Lawlessness

Updated and augmented by scripture, to clarify identities further:

(2Thess.2:4) "He" is said to raise himself above the anointed in God's Temple, and show himself a god, with the power to dominate even the anointed. If that were false priests and kings ("what seemed to be crowns like goldRev.9:7) in Jehovah's temple...empowered to kill/expel the anointed...Would that not be a disgusting thing "standing in a Holy Place"? (Matt.24:15) Remember, that disgusting thing is not an anointed one, but those uncircumcised and of the Nations (see La.1:10Eze.44: 6789Dan.11:31) (First fulfilled by the Roman soldiers in the sanctuary.) THEY enter and stand (rule), where only the priests of Jehovah should be (Zech.1:14,15).
If this were an anointed one, there would be no violation for him to show himself as one of the gods/priests in Gods Temple.
Just as the Jewish religious leaders used the Romans (John19:15,16) against Christ (who challenged their power and exposed their wickedness); so too the Harlots ("Wormwood" who is over the locust/scorpions/Beast --Rev.2:1,5; 8:10,11 Rev.9:1,2,3; 11:7) use the Gentile Elders/False Priests/Wild Beast/Man of Lawlessness/Son of destruction/Anti-Christ/"the adversary"/"forces"/"foreigners"... (who also defile the Temple Sanctuary), against Christ's brothers (...who also challenge the power and expose the wickedness of today's religious leaders who are over God's named house.). 
The historical pattern follows through...As the Romans later turned on all the too will the Wild Beast/locust scorpions turn on these Harlot Leaders, and destroy all potential for spiritual life (green) wherever they go, (Rev.7:3; 8:7; 9:3,4; 7:3) once enough of the unsealed men, are sealed (to amount to a total of 144000) Rev.12:5; 10:5,6; Dan.12:7

***The disgusting thing (Gentiles) standing (ruling) in a holy place (Temple Sanctuary), is the Man of Lawlessness/Wild Beast, ruling in God's Temple, over the anointed that are not sealed yet.***
 Those anointed are God's chosen priests, who have been thrown out of their rightful position in the sanctuary, by that Wild Beast/Man ...who rules FOR the Harlots (Ruling anointed who have left the Covenant with God.)

Also, there is an update to ""Wormwood" article.

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