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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Abomination" -- Gentiles or Harlot?

There is an important update to the article,  .
It is the addition of scriptures, to prove the point that the "disgusting thing standing in a holy place" (Dan.9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Matt.24:15), is the un-anointed Gentiles, the "Man of Lawlessness" ruling in God's Temple Sanctuary over God's people and the unsealed anointed (anointed who are not part of those Harlots who rule over that Lawless Wild Beast.)

The reason why these scriptures have been added to prove that the defilement of the sanctuary, IS the presence of invited Gentiles in the Sanctuary, is because:
I have seen others teach that this defilement of the Sanctuary, are the "dungy idols" and other spiritual adulteries of those anointed who are ruling (the "Harlots")

Both interpretations are correct. You see, the "dungy idols" (male genital images) and the spiritual Harlotry, ARE representations of the relationship between the "Man of Lawlessness" and the "Harlots". 

The Harlots ride this Beast, who exercises authority for the Harlots, from within God's Sanctuary. The Harlots exercise their authority over God's people, THROUGH the Beast (the Man of Lawlessness/Gentiles in the Sanctuary/False Priests).

Those who are teaching that the "disgusting thing standing in a holy place" is not the presence of "Nations" in the sanctuary, but is rather the defiling acts of the unfaithful anointed, are wrong... in that the placement of the Gentiles in the Sanctuary by these harlots, IS a defiling act. The harlots greatly desire the power of the "Beast/Man of Lawlessness", to serve them, which power is represented by those "dungy" male images. 
This gift of authority to rule that she gives the Beast/Man of Lawlessness, and the relationship of alliance that ensues, is her harlotry! 

The "sanctuary" (holy place) represents the intimacy between Jehovah and His virgin priests. She has sold that place of intimacy (the Temple sanctuary), and given it to foreigners (Gentiles). She has lusted after the power they afford her (the male organ), in exchange for that authority to be counterfeit "priests/princes" for her. 

Among these who fornicate with the harlots, are the "ten kings" who have joined to rule with her Wild Beast. [These "kings" are the unsealed anointed who accept the mark of slavery/alliance to the Beast (and have left off being slaves to Jehovah.)]

These Gentile ones (and ten kings) do not enter the Sanctuary against the will of the Harlots, but at her bidding! When this Gentile "Man of Lawlessness" seats Himself in God's Temple to "Stand"/Rule, ...He rules over all the other anointed that are not the Harlot Leaders. Those anointed priests have been thrown out from serving Jehovah in His Sanctuary....replaced by those Gentile Elders and unfaithful anointed "kings" 
(who the Harlots have installed due to their loyalty to Her)
Only those Leading/Ruling Harlots, ride and control the Beast/Man of Lawlessness...
not the rest of the lesser anointed who are ruled and "stung", BY THEM.

These lesser anointed who are not yet sealed, are being disciplined. Jehovah is allowing their domination by these Gentiles. Why? Because these ones have voluntarily subjected themselves to this Harlot and accepted the rule of her Gentile Priests, in idolatrous betrayal to Jehovah and Christ, their true Lords and Kings.

Until these ones wake up and remember their True Lord, Head, and Master; they will not get sealed. 
These must remember the grace and mercy their Father Jehovah showed them...the glory to which they were called. They must stop selling their heavenly reward away, out of fear of, or enticement by, the glory of rebellious men.

Here is an excerpt from the article, that contains that update...(I have highlighted the new scriptures in yellow)...

(2Thess.2:4) "He" is said to raise himself above the anointed in God's Temple, and show himself a god, with the power to dominate even the anointed. If that were false priests and kings ("what seemed to be crowns like goldRev.9:7) in Jehovah's temple...empowered to kill/expel the anointed...Would that not be a disgusting thing "standing in a Holy Place"? (Matt.24:15) Remember, that disgusting thing is not an anointed one, but those uncircumcised and of the Nations (see La.1:10Eze.44: 6789Dan.11:31) (First fulfilled by the Roman soldiers in the sanctuary.) THEY enter and stand (rule), where only the priests of Jehovah should be (Zech.1:14,15).
If this were an anointed one, there would be no violation for him to show himself as one of the gods/priests in Gods Temple.
Just as the Jewish religious leaders used the Romans (John19:15,16) against Christ (who challenged their power and exposed their wickedness); so too the Harlots ("Wormwood" who is over the locust/scorpions/Beast --Rev.2:1,5; 8:10,11 Rev.9:1,2,3; 11:7) use the Gentile Elders/False Priests/Wild Beast/Man of Lawlessness/Son of destruction/Anti-Christ/"the adversary"/"forces"/"foreigners"... (who also defile the Temple Sanctuary), against Christ's brothers (...who also challenge the power and expose the wickedness of today's religious leaders who are over God's named house.). 
The historical pattern follows through...As the Romans later turned on all the too will the Wild Beast/locust scorpions turn on these Harlot Leaders, and destroy all potential for spiritual life (green) wherever they go, (Rev.7:3; 8:7; 9:3,4) once enough of the unsealed men, are sealed (to amount to a total of 144000) Rev.12:5; 10:5,6.

***The disgusting thing (Gentiles) standing (ruling) in a holy place (Temple Sanctuary), is the Man of Lawlessness/Wild Beast, ruling in God's Temple, over the anointed that are not sealed yet.***
 Those anointed are God's chosen priests, who have been thrown out of their rightful position in the sanctuary, by that Wild Beast/Man ...who rules FOR the Harlots (Ruling anointed who have left the Covenant with God.)


  1. Fascinating; Pearl

    You ether have an untapped million dollar ability to write fiction or you have been given understanding from Jehovah explaining the most perplexing questions I have had since my first exposure to this whole sordid wham boozell 3.1/2 years ago (starting with Robert) and to the mystery of the “Man of Lawlessness”
    How could the organization that has taught literally “millions” of people copious showers of pure bible truth, teach such vast lies during the same time period smashing the faith of so many by promising the end was just years away and that “there self produced” great crowd was living in a spiritual paradise. I can only think of one Proverb to express it -- 13:12 “Expectation postponed is making the heart sick”

    Your addition of Ezekiel 44: 6, 7, 8, 9, sealed the deal for me, your not a fiction writer after all Pearl  Ezekiels temple vision prophecy has always intrigued me and for millenniums has baffled many would be bible interpreters…

    How refreshing! My brain is speeding like a run away freight train!

    To be continued:


  2. I am so glad to hear that you have been refreshed. If you come across any others who you think could benefit from Jehovah's graciousness, please offer them a look too.
    Now that my eyes are open, I am amazed at how blind I had been. The white-washed exterior really makes the corruption go down easy while our trust is being exploited.
    Your comprehension is so refreshing to me. Thank you for expressing it.


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