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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Who Eats the Little Scroll?

 Still editing

    (translated from Italian)
"Who is in the apocalypse eating the booklet?"

Eating a scroll, symbolizes that we are learning information.
When a scroll is shut and sealed, we cannot learn it (Isa.29:10-11). 
When information is opened to us, we have gained understanding of the information 
(Rev.4:1; 3:7; Matt.13:11; Luke 24:32 NKJV ).
If you read in Revelation 10:7-9,10-11, it reads;
"7 but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.
8 Then the voice which I heard from heaven spoke to me again and said, “Go, take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the earth.”
9 So I went to the angel and said to him, “Give me the little book.”
And he said to me, “Take and eat it; and it will make your stomach bitter, but it will be as sweet as honey in your mouth.”
10 Then I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter.
11 And he said to me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.”

Please take notice of these things:
In verse 7: (Rev.10:7)
The seventh angel is the one to declare the last of God's mysteries. He is able to do that, because God's spirit declared that information to him, because he is a prophet (Amos 3:7).
In verse 8: (Rev.10:8)
The seventh angel has the scroll opened, in his hand. The seventh angel knows what is in the scroll. As verse 7 indicates; God's mysteries in the scroll were "accomplished" as the seventh angel goes about "sounding". That angel is declaring, what he has been given to understand (Jer.31:33; Luke 6:45; Rev.10:7).
In verse 9: (Rev.10:9)
The angel gives the scroll to the apostle John. He tells John that the scroll will taste sweet, but it will give John a belly ache. How does the angel know about the taste of the scroll? Because he was the first of the two, to eat it. Eating a scroll means that we have taken in the information. That is why the scroll is open in the hand of the seventh angel. He understands the contents, because he has already ingested it himself.
In verse 10: (Rev.10:10)
John takes the scroll from the angel and eats it. The scroll also tastes sweet to John, but it also makes his belly, turn bitter.
In verse 11: (Rev.10:11)
After the apostle John consumes the information contained in the little scroll; he is told to prophesy again about people. "Prophesy AGAIN", means that he has already prophesied about them. He did that in Revelation, chapters 1-3, when he gave a message from Jesus, to the 7 congregations. 

Now that John knows the information in the little scroll, he must say more about Christ's congregation. 
John must declare the dangers, expose what they are guilty of, and exhort them to repent. He describes in symbolism, what they need to do to stand successfully before the judgment seat of Christ (2Cor.5:10; John12:48-49; 14:6). 
As John's declaration of Revelation draws to completion; 
those who have faithfully obeyed Christ's counsel to his congregations, and those who have rebelliously disobeyed, 
will be made plain (Mal.3:18; Rom.8:19)
(2Thess.2:3,6,8; Rev.17:8; 2Pet.3:10; Jer.13:26; Rev.16:15; 17:16). 
That exposure, will be manifested throughout the spiritual battle of Armageddon. Each anointed one will have clearly taken a side in that battle. 

On one side, 
there will be those who have become agents of Satan's demonic deceptions...
(2Thess.2:8-10,11-12; 1 Kings 22:21-23; Rev.13:11; 16:13-16; 19:19; 1Tim.4:1) (Rev.12:17; 20:7-8) 
...and those who follow and serve those agents (Eze.14:10; Rev.2:20; 17:1-2; 13:7,11,14-16,8). 

On the other side, 
there will be Jesus Christ, and his faithful messengers ("angels") of truth.
(Rev.3:14; 19:11,14; 17:14; Eph.2:6; Rev.3:21; John18:37; Rev.1:16; 2:16; Heb.4:12) 
(2Cor.10:3-5; 6:7-9; Eph.6:10-11,12,13,14-15,16-17)

The experience of sweet - turned bitter teachings, comes from taking in doctrine, sourced from a harlot 
(Rev.10:10; Prov.5:3-4; Rev.8:10-11; 17:1-2) and then awakening to the reality that what you came to believe, is demonic deception. 
Both the seventh angel and the apostle John have revealed to them, this great End-time apostasy... 
cloaked in the disguise as being truths from God (Ps.119:103; Rev.10:10).
Due to believing that the harlot is a source of God's truths (honey);
the anointed are led by that harlot, into sin 
(Matt.24:24-25; Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; Luke 21:24);
(Revelation 17:1-2; 2:20) (2Cor.11:4,20,2-3,12-15). 

Christ's entire, end-time congregation, falls into apostasy (Dan.8:11-13,17-19,24-25; 11:16,31-33; Mark 13:14) due to the Wormwood waters of the fallen star/wicked steward/false prophet/unfaithful harlot (Jer.23:15; Rev.8:11).
Disclosure of all that information, has been learned by the seventh angel, from Christ (Rev.1:1; 22:6,10) and then the seventh angel in vision, gives it to John. 
John must prophesy about it, and he does. That prophecy is in the book of Revelation.

To summarize the answer to your question; both the seventh angel and the apostle John, ate the little scroll.

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