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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Can the Genuine Anointed, recognize one another?

 At Acts 2:4 and 1Cor.3:16, we learn that the anointed have God's spirit, put within them 
(2Cor.1:22; 5:5; 1Cor.6:17; 12:13; Rom.5:5; Eph.2:18; 4:4; 1John3:24; Heb.8:10; Eze.37:14). 

Those who work for the Devil, also have a spirit, within them (see Ephesians 2:2). 
Please notice at 1Cor.12:7,10, what the holy spirit of God can enable an anointed one to do... it is a gift of the holy spirit... 
It reads; 
"10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another *discerning of spirits,* to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues." 
The holy spirit lets an anointed one, discern spirits/"distinguishing between spirits". 
That means, that this anointed person can discern, which spirit is inside a person. 
That anointed one can know, if another person has God's spirit (and the anointing that puts God's spirit inside them), or, 
if the spirit inside them is not from God. 

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