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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Meat Sacrificed to Idols

What is eating meat sacrificed to idols, as found at Rev.2:20?


Ps.145:15 KJV mentions God providing "meat in due season". 
That meat is the solid food suitable for those who are spiritually mature (Heb.5:12-14 KJV 1Cor.3:1-2 KJV). 
The spiritual food that requires greater mental chewing, is referred to as "the deep things of God" (1Cor.2:10). 

That spiritual "meat" is provided through the faithful steward. A more literal translation of Matt.24:45 KJV reads; “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?" 

When we are cleverly diverted away from the true bread from heaven (Christ -John6:33), to learn from Satan through the false prophet and beast organization (Rev.16:13-14; 1Tim.4:1; 2Cor.11:3-4)
...If we progress and mature whole-souled in that deception, 
we come to know the deep things of Satan (Rev.2:24)... Satan's solid food... Satan's "meat". 
The further down we go into such deceptions, the further down we sink into Hades / the abyss of darkness. Satan gets a strong hold on us, as if we are in chains. 

Now as far as Satan's meat being sacrificed to Idols... 
Our preaching is a "sacrifice of the bulls of our lips" (Hosea 14:2; Heb.13:15). 
Note that according to Hosea; our testimony is compared to a meat sacrifice (bull). 
We properly grow and mature, to learn deep doctrine that instructs us about God, and then... according to what we have learned... We are devoting our lips to speak of God's praise, glory, and salvation... as if it were a meat sacrifice. 
Well, "meat sacrificed to idols" would replace our proselytizing for God, to that of for an Idol. We would be inculcated with doctrine that praises, glorifies, and credits with salvation... that Idol. 
We then take what we have learned, and teach it with our lips (Luke 6:43-45). 
Our devotion, service, worship, and "meat" sacrifice, would then be, 
to that Idol (Rev.13:11-12,15,8,4; 14:11). 

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