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Thursday, September 24, 2020

How are the Faithful Anointed, Sealed?

Question received:

What does getting "sealed" mean, for God's anointed servants?

My Reply:

The seal is placed upon the forehead (Rev.7:3).

That mark establishes and identifies that person, as an obedient slave to God's Laws, and therefore, a member of Zion

(Jer.31:33; Deut.11:18; Rev.14:1).

The reason for Rev.7:3 and Rev.9:4, is Rev.13:16-17,7.
There we learn that the reason why some are not yet sealed as God's slaves, is because;
instead of having the seal of God, they have the seal of the Beast (and according to the meaning of the seal... they obey the laws of the beast, rather than the laws of God)
(1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13-14; Matt.24:24-25). The "kings of the earth" that are drawn into the battle, are anointed kings
(Rev.5:9-10; 1:5-6; 2Cor.10:3-5; Rev.17:14; Eph.2:6; Rev.19:11,14,8; 2:26-27)

The anointed receive their seal, through Jesus Christ (Eph.1:13-14) who is pre-figured by "Zerubbabel" (which means, "Against/Defeater of,  Babylon"), who receives the signet ring/seal, of YHVH.
(Haggai 2:23; Zech.4:9; 1Chron.17:10-14; John2:19; Heb.9:11,24; Zech.4:9; Eph.2:20-21; Rev.21:14; John6:70; Gal.1:1; John15:16; Rev.7:2-3; Eph.1:13; Col.2:11; Rom.2:29).


  1. Where did you get that meaning of Zerubbabel from? I have been looking up the meaning of Hebrew words and names and usually look at this site, which is a page on Zerubbabel.
    Hebrew appears complicated with layers upon layers and a potential meaning of Zerubbabel appears to be seed scattered via a pressing action (threshed) out of Babylon.

    1. Yes, as your reference link says;
      "From (1) the verb זרע (zara'), to scatter or sow, and (2) the name Babel, from the verb בלל (balal), to mix unto saturation." AND "From (1) the verb זור (zur), to press down and out"

      The verb "zara" means to scatter, thresh, or winnow (Isa.41:15). Zara is also a root of the name, Nazareth (which means, "one of the scattering/winnowing"). We know that prophecy says of Jesus, "He will be called a Nazarene" (Matt.2:23), because "his winnowing shovel is in his hand" (Matt.3:12; 13:30; Luke 3:17) when referring to the sorting of the sons of the kingdom, from the sons of the wicked one.
      Regarding the "PRESSING DOWN and out" and SCATTERING, see how this applies to conquering...
      [Ps.110:1; 44:5; 47:3; 60:12; Luke 10:19,17<(Rev.18:2); 1Cor.15:25]
      (Num.10:35; Ps.18:14; 68:1; 92:9; 144:6; 45:5,6,4; Rev.19:11).

      If we view these names and descriptions in a spiritual, rather than a physical sense, their meaning, opens.
      Now for the rest of the meaning of Zerubbabel...
      We combine the meanings from the above, into ZERU. Then we add BBABEL.
      The spiritual meaning brings about a threshing/winnowing/pressing down.
      of Babylon (meaning "confusion") or a lack of perception and spiritual insight, to be in spiritual darkness, under the mother covenant of Death (Isa.28:15; Rev.17:5; Gal.4:24,26).
      Please consider:
      Jesus referred to himself as the light of the world, and that whoever follows him will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life (John8:12). He was not speaking of literal light and darkness, but of Hades/pit/abyss (see link above)... the realm of those without spiritual perception, which IS, spiritual Babylon. (Matt.13:10-11,13-14).
      Through the light of Christ, "Babylon" is made powerless (1Pet.2:9; John12:46; 1:5; Eph.5:8; Matt.16:18).


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