Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Addition to: "How to Pray" as follows...

ADDITION to post: "How to Pray", as follows:

In light of Stephen praying to Jesus, at Acts 7:59; is it proper to pray to Jesus?
My Reply:
Imagine that Jesus is our father (Isa.9:6) and Yhvh is our grandfather.
[There is no distinction between fathers and grandfathers, in the bible (John8:39), so all ancestors, were called "Father". 
So when Jesus taught us to pray, he called his Father, our Father (Matt.6:9] even though in a sense, he is our grandfather, because Jesus is the direct father (Isa.9:6; John1:4).

We have a relationship with both fathers. We also have a relationship with our spiritual mother (Gal.4:26; 1Thess.2:7; Gal.4:19).

When we have a loving relationship with those who are responsible for our care, do we not speak openly to each one of them?
There are times when we need to speak to our father...
other times when we want to speak directly to our grandfather (through the name of Jesus)...
and times when we need to talk with our mother.

It was the mindset of JWs, that gave us the rigid idea that we should be cut off from speaking to our mother and father... but only speak to our grandfather, by name (whose name belongs to the Destroyer).
How interesting! How well would a child do... who could not speak to it's parents... but only to an outside impostor who sought to mislead and destroy them?

My point, is that whoever it is that you need to speak with, that is the one you should pray to.
Love in Christ,
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1 comment:

  1. Dear Pearl, thank you. Your scriptural answer has literally brought tears to my eyes, both in joyful relief, and sadness when looking back on the ritualistic and rote use of Jesus’ name taught by the false prophet. May God continue to bless you generously with Holy Spirit. Love, Rachel


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