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Sunday, January 10, 2016

The New Creation - Four Rivers

(More scriptures added)

We know that God's original creation to which we belong, failed God's purpose for it 
(Hosea6:7; Rom.5:12; 3:23).
Yet, God's purpose that was originally expressed within physical creation, will not fail 
(Isa.55:11; 45:18; 44:26; 46:10; Ps.37:11,29; Num.23:19; Jer.23:20).
The scriptures speak of a "new creation" (Gal.6:15) that is "made new" by the forces at work in the mind (Eph.4:23-24; Col.3:10; Rom.12:2; 6:4), creating a new man in the image of Christ (2Cor.5:17; 3:18; Rom.8:29; 13:14; 1Pet.2:21; 4:1; 1John2:6; Eph.4:13; Col.2:9-10). 
  Those of the new creation, are of "heaven" and "earth", and are righteous (2Pet.3:13-14; 1:4). They are patterned after the model of Christ, rather than Adam (1Cor.15:22,48-49; Rom.8:13). 
The new spiritual creation (1Cor.15:44-49; Isa.65:17; Rev.21:1,5) comes about by the same pattern by which the physical creation came into existence 
(Gen.1:2-3; Jer.4:23; Amos 5:18,20; Matt.24:29; Gen.1:3; 2Cor.4:6; 1Pet.2:9; Gen.1:2; Isa.31:5). 

Much could be written about each of the creative days, and how they represent the emergence of the NEW, eternal Creation... 
the dawn of light, the dry land appearing, the separation of the waters above and below, 
the green grass given all, for food, 
the heavenly luminaries, 
the Garden of God, and its' trees...
But for today, I just wanted to present what we are told about the waters that gave life to God's garden.
We are told at Gen.2:10-14 that there was one source of water (John4:10,14; 7:37-39), that branched into four. Each of those four rivers, were named.

The Pishon (פישון), meaning "spring up to be shattered/torn in pieces and scattered" 
(Eze.22:15; Nahum 3:18; Lam.3:11).
The Gihon (גיחון), meaning "to burst - gush forth" (Job 40:23; 38:8).
The Haddakel (חדקל), meaning "to prick, sting, sharp" (Micah 7:4; Prov.15:19).
The *Parat (פרת), deriv. from "parah", meaning "fruitful" (Isa.32:12).
(*See footnote

I would like to offer an illustration Jesus gave about those of the Kingdom, which seems to connect to these four "rivers". By my own meditation on that connection, I gained understanding. It is my hope that you also may benefit.

It is Jesus' illustration about four kinds of hearts, and how they respond to receiving the "waters of truth" ("seed" -Luke8:11), from Christ. 

The first sort of heart, is described at Luke 8:5.
Within this first heart, the seeds of truth are crushed, and taken away by birds.
Pishon River (פישון), meaning "spring up to be crushed/shattered/torn in pieces and scattered
(Matt.13:19; Luke 8:12)

The second sort of heart, is described at Luke 8:6.
Due to landing on "rock" (Job 41:24; Rev.9:9), the unconcealed, exposed root can be seen as soon as it immediately sprouts (Matt.13:5); only to wither away due to it's hardened circumstances (Matt.13:20-21)
(Exo.7:13; Ps.17:10; Zech.7:12; Matt.13:15; Mark 6:52; 16:14; Rom.2:5; Eph.4:18; Heb.3:8).
The Gihon River (גיחון), meaning "to burst - gush forth".

The third sort of heart, is described at Luke 8:7.
The seed now falls onto a heart that is already sown with briars. Such oppressive circumstances need not lead to failure (Matt.13:24-26,30). But in the case of this third heart, the "thorns" were able to choke out the "word" from that heart, so that it became "unfruitful" (Matt.13:22) (Phil.4:6-7; Luke12:24-25,30-31).
The Haddakel River (חדקל), meaning "to prick, sting, sharp" (Micah 7:4; Prov.15:19).

The fourth sort of heart, is described at Luke 8:8.
This heart is blessed with discernment. (Matt.13:23,43; Dan.12:3-4,10; Matt.13:11). These are willing to die for truth (John 12:24), so that they can be fruitful, according to their own assigned ability (Matt.25:14-15; 1Cor.12:18,28) (Matt.13:23; Luke8:15; John 12:24; Rev.6:9,11; Rom.6:5).
The Parat River (פרת), meaning "fruitful" (John 15:8,4-5; Rev.22:2).

Each of us has Christ's warning parable before us. Each of us has free will, to decide what kind of heart we will work to have. 
If we truly desire to be healed by God, our heart can be made pure 
(Ps.51:9-13; 24:4; James 4:8; 1Kings 18:21; Eze.18:31; 36:26; Matt.13:11-15; Rev.22:2 c)
(Rev.13:8; 2:20,22; 17:2; 3:19,17-18; Zech.13:9; Mal.3:1-3).
[Rev.17:2; 1:5; 5:10 (]
If we choose to have a heart of fine soil toward God's Word; we will enter the "Garden of God" (1Cor.3:9; Eze.31:9; Ps.1:1-3; Rev.21:6-7; 22:1-4,14,16-17) and remain there, forever.
[Rev.22:4 - (]
[Rev.22:2 - (]

*FOOTNOTE: Although the fourth river is often translated as the "Euphrates", that is not the original name of the fourth river, as recorded with only one occurrence within the Hebrew scriptures. (Link 1) (Link 2) (Link 3) (Link 4)
From LINK:

Parat meaning
The name Parat means Fruitful. Neither NOBSE Study Bible Name List nor Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names treats Parat, but for Euphrates (=eu-parat; the good parat), NOBSE reads That Which Makes Fruitful, and Jones reads Fruitfulness.


  1. Hi Pearl,
    Thank you for this beautiful description.

    It seems that each one of these conditions of the heart can be considered phases of an individual’s own heart. In time and with circumstances, each of these seed descriptions could come upon us and with your words, “each of us has free will to decide what kind of heart we will work to have”. This certainly seems to be the case when we are “shattered” with affliction under beastly rule, “withered” under such circumstances, while facing the “thorns” that choke out our ability to be fruitful.

    I like the way Ezek 18:31 puts it: Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, people of Israel?

    The living waters of truth - the seed - is always present, but it seems how we plant it, water and care for it is up to us. There could be many plantings, but it takes hard work to produce a fruitful crop, well watered to bring forth life.

    "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither-- whatever they do prospers." Ps 1:1-3

    Much appreciated!

    1. Thank you for your comment Peely.
      "whose leaf does not wither"... I was just learning about that this morning, as well as the "green" grass, and "green" pastures where our Shepherd conducts us. Leaves (and blades of grass) turn sunlight into food. That is our job, isn't it?
      We will continue to be able to do that, providing the proper food at the proper time,
      if we continue to "meditate on His Law, both DAY AND NIGHT", along with the blessing of God's spirit... our "chlorophyll". Jesus spent 40 DAYS AND NIGHTS, meditating on God's Words, not allowing himself to eat or drink other food... knowing that man lives on "every utterance coming forth through God's mouth". Christ's under-priests also, serve "day and night" in the "Temple" (1Cor.3:16)... basing our sacrifices of praise on God's truths, found in the face of Christ, our "morningstar/Sun" (Mal.4:2; Luke 1:78; 2Pet.1:19; Isa.60:1; 2Sam.23:4; Rev.22:16).
      In the "Garden of God" (New Creation Eden), the trees are so lush and green, their leaves so perfect, dense, and moist. I saw them, and was told, "These are your brothers."! The more I see, understand, and learn; the more my heart is moved to tears as I remember all I was shown. I only hope that I will share as much as possible, while there is yet time. I will, on the strength of God and His will.
      I too appreciate all the fine work you are doing, as you offer truth and light to all those you can.
      So few appreciate the source of what we put before them. Like Paul and the other apostles, we are hindered and looked down upon. But our trust remains in God, whom we know will be victorious, when He speaks from heaven, and the earth and everything in it will rock, sway, and melt... and no longer will His Words be denied.

  2. Pearl, in harmony with your depiction of what you saw in the New Creation Eden, I was reminded of the of the "trees of righteousness" in Isa 61:1-3.

    “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
    Because the Lord has anointed Me
    To preach good tidings to the poor;
    He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
    To proclaim liberty to the captives,
    And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;
    2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
    And the day of vengeance of our God;
    To comfort all who mourn,
    3 To console those who mourn in Zion,
    To give them beauty for ashes,
    The oil of joy for mourning,
    The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
    That they may be called trees of righteousness,
    The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”



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