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Friday, July 26, 2013

The Steward's Sacred Trust

Dear Pearl,
I do have a nagging question, one I have shelved until now.  I had read your essay, "Three Parables, One Meaning"  to my husband, and on getting to this part:

"We see in Matt. 25:25 that, eventually the brightness of spiritual light coming from the other domestics becomes intimidating, causing this wicked slave to "become afraid". This moves him to bury what he views as a threat. This is in strange harmony with what the Governing Body has done with the letters of understanding coming from other faithful slaves around the world, discarding (burying) and discouraging them, from contributing." made my husband wonder how talents could be given away (in the form of letters) when each has received a specific amount; in essence, the burying of talents belonging to another slave.

And contrasting that with this, your comment in ""Our Accounting with the Master"", it says:

"Then another servant came and said, ‘Sir, here is your mina [Rev.3:18; Eph.5:16)
What is this "Mina"?
TRUTH and TIME to use it-- 1Thess.2:4; Gal.2:7; Mark4:11; Acts20:24; Rom.3:2; 2Cor.5:19; 1Tim.1:11; Matt.16:27; 1Cor.1:8; 4:5; 9:17; 1Pet.1:7]. What will each anointed one do with the precious truths Christ has entrusted him with?....
Wrap them in a cloth? (Luke19:20)
Bury them in the "earth"? (Matt.25:25)"

I hope I am making this question clear. These definitions, I guess, need clarification in my mind...and his.  I am just grateful my husband listens from time to time as he is so sick of hearing what the Watchtower has done and is doing.  Your article about moving forward was very helpful to me - progressing instead of digressing.  Prophecy involves the organization, but when hearing truth and understanding that prophesy, one can't ignore the involvement of the organization and those needing to know truth.


I hope to make plain to you that these two statements are not contradictory, but are complementary. will help to review a few simple points...
In the illustration of a Master giving his slaves "talents"/"gold";
are we talking about literal monies?
The Master is Christ (Rev.3:18). The gold he dispenses is a knowledge of truth, or some assigned responsibility within the Body of Christ. The work of the apostles/prophets/teachers, is to use that truth, by sharing it (Matt.10:7,8 B; Isa.55:1); or to use that gift (1Cor.12:4,5,6,7,9,25,30) in building up that Body.
Can you consider that the very responsibilities ("talents") which the slaves receive, they must give away in order to use them correctly? Yet, when you share (give away) what you know, do you lose it?
No. You still have the same amount in yourself.
We do not lose what we know, even if the person we shared it with, throws what we gave them, away.

You asked;
"he is wondering how talents could be given away (in the form of letters) when each has received a specific amount; in essence, the burying of talents belonging to another slave."

So besides asking how one could give away what one receives from Christ,
you seem to also question how one slave could bury the knowledge of a different slave, right?
I hope to give a full answer to both questions...

Okay, first see how the slaves of Christ (given "gold"--Matt.28:20) need to "invest" it...give it away in order to get a return (Matt.25:20). This is a parallel to Ec.11:1:
"Ship your grain across the sea; after many days you may receive a return"
Can you see that "grain" is a symbol for spiritual food (John6:51,27)?
This spiritual food can certainly be encapsulated within "letters", such as they are, even within the Bible's books. Those entrusted with this "gold"/truth (Matt.25:14; 1Cor.4:1; 1Thess.2:4; Deut.15:10; Acts5:20) must both... remain in union with Christ's progressive teaching, and "bear much fruit" (spiritual food for others) as a result (Matt.10:27; 7:17,20; John21:17; Prov.11:30; Ps.92:12,13,14; Joel2:22,24)....

"5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples." John15:5,8
This compares to the faithful slaves, who gain talents for the returned Master/bear much fruit.
Should that gold/fruit/truth/light, be buried? (Matt.5:14,15,16)
Could it be distributed to others, even in the form of a letter?
Yes!...The apostle Paul did it all the time, and those letters are recorded for us in the scriptures.

By sharing the insight Christ gave Apostle Paul, he did not lose any of the truth he possessed. But by working with the Master's treasure, he received more (Matt.25:29,23; Prov.4:18).
I understand this experience...Because the more I am faithful with the treasures of Christ (writing and teaching what I am receiving), the more spiritual food Christ gives me to share (Luke12:37; Matt.25:10; 13:12).

 That fruit (John15:8) is what the faithful produce, based upon the same spiritual truth that the Master entrusted to his slaves. That truth is depicted in the illustration as "gold" talents. Putting the "gold" to use, is the same as bearing fruit/spiritual food for others. Not only is this food to be used/dispersed/given to others (1Cor.9:16; 1Tim.4:16), and not to be buried....
it must also be forwarded to the "Steward" of the anointed household. 
    That steward has been appointed within the body of Christ as "abilities to direct"/"administrations"/"guidance" (SEE 1Cor.12:28). The steward slave has the responsibility to receive all the domestic's contributions, and forward them in a "digestible" orderly format, such as a literal steward would use the provisions from the other slaves (workers in the garden/cooks/herdsmen/etc.), and use those provisions to plan, prepare, and serve a meal to all, from those provisions (Luke12:42).
Link:A "Steward's" responsibilities

In this way, the steward is not chosen to be an apostle or prophet (1Cor.12:12,18,19,20,29; Rev.2:2; 2Thess.2:2), but rather one who organizes/oversees/manages, the available provisions from all.
All of the "gold"/spiritual food/truth, that the steward gains possession of, is by means of the work of other slaves who are apostles, prophets, and teachers (1Cor.12:28,29). Because the sweatless Steward does not have to "dig" or "beg" himself for what is sent to him, his job might be considered only "one" talent of responsibility (Luke16:3; Matt.25:24,25)....that of household manager. That is his responsibility/"talent".
The steward can choose to dispense the spiritual provisions forwarded to him
in a timely, efficient manner (Matt.24:45)
He can beat those who obey the Master by contributing their lot,
and can choose to bury what he is receiving from his fellow slaves (Matt.24:49; Luke16:1,2).
This would be at the same, burying his own "talent" of responsibility.

At Luke chapter 16, you can see that such a steward is considered "wasteful" of the goods coming from the other slaves. Yet all goods really belong to the Master who provided them for use. This is why all slaves must answer to him for what they have done (or not done -Mark13:36).
(See link:
The "specific amount" each apostle/prophet/teacher slave receives from the Master is not literal money, but rather a distinct possession...
a growing personal perception and understanding of scriptural truth, and the responsibilities that go along with that treasure...whether our assignment is to hear, see, record and forward truth...or to accept and publish it.
The Master expects each one to accept their individual calling, invest their life into accomplishing it, and be ready to receive more direction. They must prepare to present the Master with what they have accomplished (Matt.25:20). All anointed are expected to move on after their anointing, and to grow in knowledge by means of spirit and scripture (Heb.6:1; 5:14; 1Cor.2:6). Those assigned to teach or prophesy, must then "invest" what life-imparting treasure they have received from the Master (2Cor.4:7; John3:27; Eph.2:20), within the hearts of others (1Thess.2:13; Acts20:20; 2Cor.3:2; John4:14).
According to whatever each "Body" member was assigned to do (1Cor.12:4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,28), they should do, without a comparison or overlap into, someone else's assignment.
For the Steward slave, his "talent"/responsibility, is simply to manage the provisions coming in.
If he rejects/buries those provisions coming from his fellows, he also buries his own responsibility/"talent".

Christ foresaw that in the time of the end, the Steward slave would be wicked and powerful. Revelation is full of symbols depicting this. He knew the tribulation this would cause for all his household. What would the rest of the anointed household do under such conditions? All this was prophesied about. The other slaves are not without direction from the Master.

I think your second question surrounds this statement...
"What will each anointed one do with the precious truths Christ has entrusted him with?"

While each individual anointed one can choose to betray their own individual assignment/stewardship (1Pet.4:10; Gal.6:4), by burying (not sharing) the insight they have received by spirit...
             ...or by not building up the body of Christ (by healing, prophesying, interpreting, managing)...
...The steward slave in particular has been entrusted with the insight given to other slaves.
He too can choose to bury what is his sacred trust.
To perhaps grasp this more clearly, please consider:

As usual, I could have done better in making things clearer at the articles you cited. I am always disappointed in myself for not doing a better job in writing. I often review and improve what I previously wrote, adding scriptures and clarifying a thought by a better choice of words.
The "Three Parables" article was my first published article. I have learned much more since then.
Even so, I decided though not to overhaul it (as if there is "nu lite"), but rather allow readers to see the progression which occurs over time as anointed remain in union with Christ (1John2:28). While the information is elementary in comparison to recent posts, I don't know of anything at this point, that needs correcting.

Because of the volume of letters I sometimes receive, I am hurried in my responses. I try my best to take care with each one and satisfy their individual needs, but I often fall short. If this is the case with this response, please follow up and I will try to hit closer to the bullseye :)
Thank you for all your loving support,
Please let me know if this info. addresses your husband's need.


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