Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Trampling the Temple

I am still sick, but here are more scriptures to consider,
concerning how YHWH feels about having his priesthood "trampled",
and His "Temple" trespassed by the UNanointed "priests"/"shepherds"...

(1Cor.3:16,17; Rev.11:2; Matt.24:15; 2Thess.2:4,9; Lev.20:26; 1Pet.2:9; Isa.43:21; Dan.8:13; 7:23; Rev.6:10; Isa.6:11; 63:18; Luke21:24; Heb.10:29; Jer.12:10,9,11,12; Rev.9:3,11,7,10).   ---(

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