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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Little Flock


The little flock is thought to be all anointed, while the "other sheep" are thought to be not anointed.

This is not correct. The little flock are the fleshly Jewish anointed, and the "other sheep" are the fleshly Gentile anointed.
When Jesus said I have other sheep and these too I must bring in (to be one flock -John 10:16), he said this because Jesus and the apostles only "invited" fleshly Jews to inherit the kingdom during his 3 1/2 year ministry (Matt.15:24; 10:6), out of a preference which resulted from the promises given to Abraham. When as a race, they rejected and slaughtered God's Son (Matt.21:38,39,40,41), the deficiency of the new anointed priesthood (1Pet. 2:9,10; Rev.5:10), was compensated for by fleshly Gentiles (Acts 13:46; 3:25,26; Rom.15:8; 1:16; Luke 24:47; Acts 11:9,12,15,17,18; 2:33; 10:45,46,47) to make up the lack of the "full number" (Rom.11:25; 9:18; Rev.14:1). It was not until later that Gentiles were also being brought in by holy spirit, which spirit was sent because Christ returned to the father and sent it (John 14:28,16; 16:7). This was how he fulfilled his words..."these also I must bring in".

These anointed (both fleshly Jew and fleshly Gentile) became one anointed flock. They were no longer separated by their flesh
(Eph.2:11-22 --(click on, to read);  Gal.3:26,27,28,29; Acts 10:34,35; Gal.6:15,16), but rather all together became spiritual Jews, the "Israel of God", God's new nation under a New Covenant (Heb.8:13) to become New Jerusalem.

The designation "little flock" no longer matters, because it has been almost two thousand years since that little Jewish flock was gathered together with the other sheep into one flock. There is no longer "Jew" or "Greek" (Gal.3:28), but rather, the temple of God, made of all nations (including Jews), tribes people and tongues (Rev.5:9,10) chosen to become the New Israel of God (Rev.7:4). One's flesh no longer matters, because it is through Faith, that the kingdom promises given to Abraham are inherited (Gal.3:29,28; Heb.6:12)


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