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Friday, April 26, 2013

John the Baptist, Yesterday and Today


In speaking of Matt.11:11 and the Organization's doctrines of error, (which claim that anointed ones are greater than John the Baptist, and that John did not qualify to be anointed), I would like to add to yesterday's post, the following:

John the Baptist, who suffered deprivation, was filled with God's spirit, and was beheaded for his faith (Luke7:24,25,26,27,28; Matt.14:11), is greater (Matt.11:11) than any anointed one before they are resurrected into the kingdom.
Why do many of those called and chosen, prove to become despicably unfaithful?
 (Matt.24:48,49,50,51; Heb.10:26,27; Matt.22:8; 25:30)... and thereby, do not enter the kingdom? (Matt.5:20; 7:21; Luke13:24; Heb.3:11). They leave holy spirit, and it's direction (Col.2:19; Rom.8:9,11).

Jesus referred to John as "a reed swayed by the wind".
This "wind" is God's spirit (Ec.11:5; Eze.37:9; Acts2:2,4). Those who allow it to move them....
those "swayed" by it are referred to, at John3:8, where Jesus said:
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Those born of this wind are directed by it and relay it's sound, though others do not understand how these are directed. John fully fulfilled Christ's description of him, as a reed swayed (and born) by God's spirit. He referred to him as Elijah the Prophet (Matt.17:12,13; Isa.40:3; Matt.3:3) which figure stands (along with Moses) as a symbol of the greatest anointed prophets in the kingdom (Matt.17:2,3). This symbol is also for one of the last two prophets (Matt.17:10,11,3; (Acts3:21; Rom.8:21; 1Cor.13:10; Matt.25:6; Rev.16:12) Rev.11:3,4; Zech.4:3,4,9,11,12,14), as referring to the purpose, responsibility, and role of these last two; along with the meaning of what it means to be "Moses".

All those of "Elijah" prepare the way just before God's arrival, call God's people to repentance and preparedness.
All those of "Moses" give a witness to the Gentile powers which hold God's people captive. They lead God's people to freedom, and relay God's laws and requirements, previous to their entry into the longed for Home of Paradise.
These two last prophets to God's people (according to God's promise and prophecy) are needed, and present at the end of our age, just as the scroll of Revelation establishes.

Here is a link with more information:



  1. Hello Sister P. I of course could be wrong, but it appears to me from the verses that Jesus did not refer to John as a "reed swayed by the wind". He was asking the crowd what they went into the wilderness to see. And that you don't go into the wilderness to see these/certain things e.g. a man dressed in fine clothes etc. Rather it seemed it was a rhetorical question leading to his point that John was a prophet and that's what they went to see. What am I missing?

    Love in Christ... Anon

    1. Jesus was not acknowledging that the people went to see a prophet. In fact, he was pointing out their inability to recognize the true nature of John the Baptist. Jesus made a different point with each and every phrase. None of his words were wasted.
      The context is very important.
      Please note that the situation that brought about Christ's words, which can be found at
      "When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the Messiah, he sent his disciples to ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” Jesus replied, “Go back and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”
      Did you notice that John just asked Jesus publicly who Jesus was? This was not because John did not know. It gave Jesus the opportunity to teach the people that when a prophet fulfills God's very own description of him, then that one is genuine.

      Jesus finishes his testimony about himself IN HARMONY WITH GOD'S WORDS (Isa.35:5,6). Jesus knew also, that John would be aware of the consolation Jesus was sending him personally, as John faced death, located in the verse just before (Isa.35:4). [SIDEPOINT: Isa.35:5 also applies today, in regard to the understanding of Revelation
      (Isa29:18; Dan.12:4,9; 8:17; 10:14; Rev.22:10).]
      To get back,
      Jesus is speaking of what people tend to expect, based upon the flesh, which makes them spiritually blind. When men are focused on the flesh, they forget to view things (and people) according to God's word. This is why Christ's words at Mark6:4 are so true. After validating his own identity by means of scripture (Isa.35:5), Jesus proceeds to do the same about John.
      These verses (Matt.11:2-6)lead right into Jesus' question in verses 7-10:

      "As John’s disciples were leaving, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear fine clothes are in kings’ palaces. Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written:

      “‘I will send my messenger ahead of you,
      who will prepare your way before you.’"

      As you can see, this is consistent with the previous verses. Jesus points out the insensibility of people's perspectives.
      What caused them to gape at John? Was it because they knew him to be "a reed swayed by the wind"? He follows by saying "If not" [if they did not come because they recognized who his was (according to scripture)], then what? "A man in fine clothes?"
      Physical men indeed! If not, did they really know who he was?
      Then Jesus reveals to the crowd, that they can recognize "Elijah" the same way that they can recognize the Messiah....
      through God's prophetic Word. (Mal.3:1)
      The natural inclination of men is to view things and people physically. Believe me...I deal with it all the time. They do not search according to God's Word alone, which they should, and need to do. This unreasonableness blinds them to the truths of prophecy, and causes an inability to recognition the true messengers of God. Our eye must be "simple" (Matt.6:22), meaning that we view things through the scriptures alone.

      Jesus finished by saying,
      "Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.”
      Because people reject the true prophets, because they are not what they expect to see (1Cor.1:27) and then they are stumbled. By using only God's word and viewing things spiritually, those searching will not be "stumbled" by their flesh.

  2. "If John the Baptist, who suffered deprivation, was filled with God's spirit, and was beheaded for his faith (Luke7:24,25,26,27,28; Matt.14:11), is greater (Matt.11:11) than any anointed one before they are resurrected; why do many of those chosen invited prove to become despicably unfaithful?
    (Matt.24:48,49,50,51; Heb.10:26,27; Matt.22:8; 25:30)"

    "yet whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

    Jesus said IN the Kingdom of the heavens...that is,those who were sealed and had proved faithful...not those who were invited apostate. Why would Jesus be comparing John to them ?? They wont be IN the Kingdom as sealed faithful. Jesus was talking about faithful anointed ones.

    1. I was not stating my own view,
      I was disputing the published view of the Organization.
      It is they who say that all anointed ones are greater than John the Baptist.
      But I will add,
      that even the faithful anointed are not greater than John, PREVIOUS TO RESURRECTION.
      I invite you to explain to me, how it seems to you that faithful anointed (previous to resurrection) are by virtue, "greater than John the Baptist".
      One more look at

      "yet whoever is least IN the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."

      reveals that while sealed anointed may indeed have their names written in heaven (Luke10:20; Heb.12:23),
      they still await the fulfillment of the heavenly promises to come, and that Kingdom of Heaven to arrive. They are not yet glorified IN that kingdom (Rom.8:24,18; Heb.9:15; 10:36; 13:14; 11:1; Rev.3:12; 17:12). Anointed or not, neither was John the Baptist.
      The organization says that anointed are and always will be, greater than John the Baptist.
      The Bible says that FAITHFUL anointed IN the kingdom are greater than John the Baptist.
      In truth, John the Baptist was not in the kingdom...NOT because he was Not Anointed,
      but because like all anointed, he was not yet in the kingdom. Yet of all not yet in the kingdom, he was greatest.
      Matt.11:11 does not prove John to be UNanointed. It only proves that those IN the kingdom of God, will then be greater than John was.


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