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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Our Accounting with the Master

All chosen slaves of Christ, face inspection by their Master (Matt.25:19; Rom.14:12; Luke 21:36). They should all be quite concerned that they examine Christ's parables which speak about them. Jesus lovingly provided many illustrations to warn his chosen of the dangers they would face (Matt.11:15; 24:25). I hope to highlight one such verse, it's interpretation, and it's warning.


"So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’
“But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, ‘We don’t want this man to be our king.’
“He was made king, however, and returned home. Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it.
“The first one came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned ten more.’
“‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’
“The second came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned five more.’
“His master answered, ‘You take charge of five cities.’
“Then another servant came and said, ‘Sir, here is your mina; I have kept it laid away in a piece of cloth. I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.’
“His master replied, ‘I will judge you by your own words, you wicked servant! You knew, did you, that I am a hard man, taking out what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow? Why then didn’t you put my money on deposit, so that when I came back, I could have collected it with interest?’
“Then he said to those standing by, ‘Take his mina away from him and give it to the one who has ten minas.’
“‘Sir,’ they said, ‘he already has ten!’
“He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’”

The verses I wish to highlight today are Luke 19:20-23:

Then another servant came and said, ‘Sir, here is your mina [Rev.3:18; Eph.5:16)
What is this "Mina"?
TRUTH and TIME to use it-- 1Thess. 2:4; Gal.2:7; Mark 4:11; Acts 20:24; Rom.3:2;  2Cor. 5:19;  1Tim. 1:11; Matt.16:27;  1Cor. 1:8; 4:5; 9:17;  1Pet. 1:7]. What will each anointed one do with the precious truths Christ has entrusted him with?....
Wrap them in a cloth? (Luke 19:20)
Bury them in the "earth"? (Matt.25:25)
Fill their lamp instead, with the spirit/inspirations, of men's doctrines? (Matt.25:9)
All three of these decisions involve hiding what Holy Spirit teaches and directs.
This is what brings adverse judgment upon Christ's anointed servants.
Let's see what this particular slave did with the spiritual truths he was given responsibility for.....

I have kept it laid away in a piece of cloth
(Matt.6:19; James 5:2; Job 13:28; Isa.50:9; 51:8; Luke 17:33).
(This slave held onto his present life like a garment. That life in this religious system conceals the treasure of truth the master has given his anointed ones. That garment represents what others see as our identity. Such an identity is an illusion that will be eaten away and taken, just as the moth devours a garment (Isa.34:3,4; 51:6; Psalm 102:26; Rev.6:12,13,14;  2Pet. 3:10,12; Heb.12:27).
So this particular slave disowned his divine treasure, in order to retain his "life"...his present identity  and standing in the present religious system. Who can he blame for succumbing to this pressure, and making this compromise?

 I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. 
This slave of Christ describes Jesus as "stringent, harsh, austere" (Greek: austhros).

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) Strict, precise, and exacting.
severe - strict - austere - stern - rigorous - rigid

  In reality, it is the house manager, the "steward" over this household slave, that is "stringent" (Luke 12:42,45; Isa.28:10,11,12,13,14). This slave has forgotten that his master is NOT the Steward, but that his Master is quite different in personality (Matt.11:28,30; Isa.28:12;  1John 5:3). This unfaithful slave exposes the fact, that he himself has left the authority of his real Master, and has instead, become a slave of the unreasonable "stringent" Steward (1Cor. 7:23; Gal.1:10;  2Cor. 11:20; Gal.2:4; Luke 12:45).

You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.’
Here we see that the unfaithful slave discloses the reasons why he calls his master "stringent". This is his excuse for refusing to do the work his master assigned him.
He accuses Christ of being a thief....taking what he is not owed.
He accuses Christ of not "putting in" nor "sowing", yet the Master "takes out" and "reaps".. Matt.25:24 adds, "harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed."
     Here we see that the unfaithful servant believes two lies...
1. That the steward is his master
The "steward" is the thief; not the Master.
The steward takes what does not belong to him (puts in his own storehouse, the resulting profit of the productive work of all the slaves, for his own benefit. Or, he wastes and discards it), rather than giving it to his Master.
The abusive steward wants the mina buried (1Thess. 5:19). In fear of the Steward's beatings, the unfaithful slave cowers (Matt.25:25), and so he obeys, and buries the "mina" entrusted to him by his real master. By obeying the Steward, the Steward has become his real master (Rom.6:16;  2Pet. 2:19)
2.That the Master does not contribute his own work to the results.
When the unfaithful slave says that the Master does not "put in", "sow", "scatter seed", contributing his own sweat to the results; he is saying that Christ does not support the work he assigns, but he merely expects results.
This reminds us of Pharaoh, who unjustly demanded that the Israelite slaves make bricks without the necessary material provisions they needed (Exo.5:16).
Is this the kind of Master Christ is? Or again, is this in reality, the policy of the wicked steward?
Please read God's words... (John 5:17;  2Cor. 9:10; Gal.3:5; Matt.11:30; John 14:16,26; 16:13; Acts 2:33;  1Cor. 2:10; 3:7;  1John 2:20,27; Matt.28:20; Isa.41:9,10,13;  1Pet. 4:11; Eph.1:19; 6:10; Phil.4:13,19; Rev.11:3,4).
If God and Christ are contributing their own support to Christ's slaves; why does the unfaithful slave not recognize that?
Because the unfaithful slaves are no longer fellow workers with God (1Cor. 3:9;  2Cor. 6:1; Luke 11:23; Rev.17:12,13).
God supplies His Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13; Gal.3:5) to enable Christ's slaves to accomplish God's will (see scriptures above; John 9:31; John 11:22;  1John 3:22; 5:14). The unfaithful slave no longer has the support of Holy Spirit, because he is not a slave of God, but of the stringent wicked steward. That steward is unable to supply the needed support or materials to use Christ's mina. He is not supplying the "proper food at the proper time". Instead of being concerned with preparing the Master's marriage night refreshments (Luke 12:36), by using all the provisions the household slaves work to produce (1Cor. 10:17; Eph.4:16); He is eating and drinking to the point of intoxication, and is spiritually drunk with power.

So when this unfaithful slave accuses the Master Christ, of taking the fruitage that results from the laborious toil of his servants; this unfaithful servant has replaced his master with the wicked steward, and works under that wicked one's commands.
The unfaithful slave has no regard for God's will, nor the Holy Spirit He lovingly provides His faithful sons.
The True Master recognizes the traitorous disloyalty and cowardice of the unfaithful slave. That slave lost his love of truth (Rev.2:4;  2Thess. 2:10) and left his unity with the True Master (John 15:4,5,6,7;  1John 2:28;  1Cor. 6:17,16,15; Rev.17:1,2) to bow to the wicked steward.

“His master replied, ‘I will judge you by your own words, you wicked servant!
(Rev.16:13;  1John 4:1;  1Tim. 4:1; Matt.12:36,37,33; Prov.18:21; Matt.7:20; John 7:18)
The unfaithful slave has admitted who he is a slave to, and it is not his master who paid for him (1Cor. 1:13; Gal.5:1)
When the "foolish virgins" arrived for the marriage feast,
Jesus said "I tell you the truth, I don't know you." (Matt.25:12,13)
Because the light they had burning in their lamps was not by means of the "oil" God supplies, Holy Spirit. They "bought" their "oil" from men (Matt.25:9,10; Mark 7:7), and their "light", was in fact,  "darkness" (Luke 11:34,35,36; Matt.6:23) as if buried in the earth, or wrapped up in a cloth.
They will be like a barren vine or a fruitless tree (Matt.7:19; Rom.11:21). Anything they have to "shine", or words they have to teach, will be like rotten fruit, "words" that will condemn them. (Deut.32:32,33; Jer.23:14)

You knew, did you, that I am a hard man, taking out what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow?
Here Jesus points to the folly of assuming that we know Christ, through someone proving wicked (2Cor. 11:4; Eph.4:20; Rom.8:15; Gal.1:8).
Should we not instead, observe all the things he himself commanded? (Matt.28:20;  2John 1:9; John 8:31) This becomes impossible if we leave our scriptural freedom, our being taught by Holy Spirit directly (for the anointed- 1John 2:20,27), our subjection to the Bible, and our teacher and Head being Christ alone (Matt.23:8,10,11; Eph.5:23).

If we have been chosen by God, but we allow men to tell us what scriptures we are allowed to read, or apply to a subject or question....
If we let men teach us their doctrines, arrangements, and commands, instead of following what Christ commanded....
If we subject ourselves to men to become their slaves....handing over our thoughts, faith, power and will to them...
because we assume that they represent Christ,
(without even checking Christ's direction in this
when he asked,
"Who really is the faithful and discreet slave???")

then you must be told......
you are, the unfaithful slave,
and as the two witnesses are depicted,
you must repent in sackcloth-- Rev.11:3.

Why then didn’t you put my money on deposit, so that when I came back, I could have collected it with interest?’
Here Jesus essentially tells the unfaithful slave....
If you really are in subjection to the steward, why then, did you not give him what I gave you?
Was it perhaps because you wanted to avoid a beating? Who do you fear more?...
the steward, or the Master? (Luke 12:4,5; Jer.1:8; Eze.2:6; Isa.54:4)
The time is fast approaching, when the wicked steward will pay back all that he wasted and threw away.
In fact, he will pay back double.
Jesus forgave his sins, as he did all his anointed ones. But the steward is not willing to extend any forgiveness for the imagined sins of his fellow slaves. (Matt.7:1,2; Rom.14:10; 8:33)
The steward imagines that his fellows are being disobedient, and deserve to be beaten (Matt.24:49), as if HE is the Master who holds the accounting (Matt.24:46).
The steward imagines that he deserves honor and power, but feels he is being blasphemed instead. He himself blasphemes the Son of God by making himself the household/Temple Master (Rev.13:11;  2Thess. 2:4). Although Christ forgives him (Mark 3:28; Matt.12:32), the Steward refuses to forgive those whom he imagines blaspheme against him. (Matt.18:21,22,33; 5:7; 7:5)
It is not the steward's blasphemy that condemns him. It is his lack of forgiveness for his fellows....his beating disfellowshipping them in shame (Luke 6:22; Isa.66:5), removing their loved ones from them (Matt.10:36,21,37; Micah 7:5; Luke 12:52,53), and making them pay for their loyalty to the true Master. (1John 4:20,8; Luke 12:9; Rev.13:15; John 16:2)
For these lawless, loveless sins, they are condemned (John 13:34; Matt.7:23; 24:12;  2Tim. 3:5). They will pay back every last "coin" of small value (Luke 12:59; 8:18).

What does this have to do with the unfaithful servants under the wicked steward?
At Luke 19:23, Jesus tells this coward that he should not have buried his light/mina/knowledge by Holy Spirit. That at the very least, he should have given it to the "bankers"/"on deposit" (Matt.25:27) who oversee the spiritual "buying" and "selling" (Rev.13:17). This means that at the very least, he should have sent it in to the "steward" who determines what "proper food at the proper time" will be released, and when.
At least then, the slave would have shared it with those who are responsible to use it. If the steward is wasteful and discards that "fruit" of Holy Spirit,
at least Jesus can call the steward into account for the rejection of Holy Spirit, and
the lower household servant will be excused.
Jesus will call the steward into account....
and he will pay back,
 all that he owes,
with interest.


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