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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today we have a treat....
a letter from our dear Romanian brothers who have heard of our tribulation due to the hurricane.
I have posted it below, as well as my reply.....

Dear Sister Pearl,
(I am Virgil writing to you, in Bro. Sas house trying to translate Sas'  words )

I thank to Jehovah for our brotherhood and for His Holy Truth in which we have communion and in which our Faith is built.

In the present  circumstances I feel very helpless regarding physical help ; my wish is to help you  but my physical posibilities are so limited/restrained , due also to the geographical distance between us. We would love to live next to you to be helpful  in some way.

With our spirit we are with you , praying  Our Heavenly Father in behalf of you and trusting that ...
..."The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."   James 5:16b

Our wish is to hear good tidings from you /    regarding both  your spiritual  situation  as also the physical circumstances you are living.

Please send our Brotherly greetings to all  who are with you in Faith
We greet you all with Brotherly love / we wish Jehovah  be with you all .

With Love in Christ,
your brothers in Romania .

Hello brothers!
Your words are a much needed strength to me now.
The love of Christ and his generosity and light, keep our hearts held up
as the world about us is in turmoil.
Do not be concerned about our basic needs here. We have more than enough.
But I also wish that we lived near to you. Thank our God for the help He has given, in that
we can have an interchange between us, despite the distance.

I went to New York City to get my mother.
Her house was destroyed, and the cold has come.
Other strong storms are also due today and tomorrow.
I brought her and her pets home with me, so life here has changed.
I am happy to make her safe and comfortable, during all her sense of loss.
Soon after arriving, I became very ill with a respiratory infection...likely caused by
the cold and filth in the rubble. There is a black slime on everything that was underwater,
and a terrible stench. I have begun medicine to take care of the infection.

My prayers now, are in hoping that my new load, will not hinder my work for God.
For this, I do ask you to pray, as I have so much still to do. I am so behind in expressing,
the things I have already been given.
Only by YHVH's guiding light and power, will I be able to finish.
My husband is working extra so that our extra expenses will be satisfied,
and we hope to still be able to send you support.
Do not be anxious about the evil winds that blow hard against us.
Our heavenly Father is our Arm.
Love in Christ,


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