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Tuesday, October 9, 2012


i trust you are well, i am learning so much from the letters you have been posting lately, may Jehovah keep blessing you with more accurate knowledge.
This morning i was reading the book of Acts, can you please tell me who wrote the book? I think it is Paul but verse 14 of chapter 2 got me thinking - if the book was written by Paul why does he say "Peter, standing with the eleven" if he thought that Matthias was not an apostle chosen by Jesus?


Good question!
As far as I can see, Acts was written by Luke in Rome, and it was completed around 61 AD. This would help explain why Luke included Matthias in "the eleven"
(see Acts1:26--literally, "reckoned in" by men. Greek "reckoned" is like our English "assumed".).
We see that even today, Matthias continues to be "reckoned" in with the twelve. All who are inclined to proudly put their trust in the power and authority of men, have this confidence.
It takes fear of God and humility, to realize that the placement of God's founding agents of the Kingdom, is the exclusive right of God, along with the One whose blood paid for such placement.
(1Cor.12:18; Acts7:48; Mark14:58; Rev.5:9,10; John15:16; Acts9:11,15)  (Gal.1:1)
There are twelve apostles.....not thirteen (Rev.21:14; John15:16; Acts9:15; Gal.1:1).

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