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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Who is Wormwood ?


Hello Pearl,
 I noticed that in the last two posts, you used Rev.8:10 three times, with various applications.
We have been taught that the "fallen star" "Wormwood", is "Christendom". I will give you the three places you used that scripture:
1.  "To accept power, riches, or dominion within Satan's world, would also
      cause an anointed one to "fall" (1John 2:15,16,17; Rev.2:5; Rev.8:10; Rev.9:1; 12:4; Mark 10:42,43).
2.  "There is SOME truth in it (Rev.8:10)."
3.  "We saw at Matt.24:24, that Satan is going to try to mislead the Chosen in the time of the end,
       by means of Powerful, prominent, "fallen" anointed (Rev.8:10,11; Rev.13:11;
         2Thess. 2:1,2,4; Luke 12:45).

Please prove by scriptures, that the "fallen star" is really anointed ones who rule. And then, please explain how Rev.8:10 applies in the 3 ways you have used it.


I am glad that you spoke up when having trouble seeing exactly what my writings mean. The disciples of Jesus also did this....Yet others, just walked away. Jesus rewarded those who were willing to "keep on asking" (Matt.13:36; 24:3; 7:7).
First, lets establish more clearly, who the anointed are.
Gal.3:29 reads:
"If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
(Rom.4:13; 8:17; 9:8)
Can you see from these scriptures, that the 144000 are considered "Abraham's seed", and "heirs" of the promise given to Abraham? Abraham was promised that his "seed", would inherit the earth, and bless all of mankind (Gen.22:17,18; 28:13,14). This "seed", was symbolized by heavenly "stars" (Gen.15:5; 26:4; Dan.12:3). The Greek scriptures also speak of these heavenly bodies of "light" which are to shine during the  "night" (1Pet. 2:5,9; Matt.5:14,16; Phil.2:15NIV ; Rom.13:12), as "stars" ...both the faithful (Heb.11:12; Dan.12:3;  1Tim. 4:16) and the unfaithful (Jude 1:13).
And so, when we wish to understand the symbols of the book of Revelation (Rev.1:1 "presented it in signs"), we must allow God's Word to give it's own interpretation (Gen.40:8;  2Pet. 1:20;  2Tim. 3:16,17).
Aside from the scriptures we have already considered, we can go to the words of the glorified Christ to learn more about these "stars". (Rev.1:16,20; 2:1; 3:1; 12:1)
According to those scriptures, Jesus "holds" "seven stars" in his "right hand". He then tells us that these "stars", are "angels" of the "seven" "Congregations" (Mark 12:25;  1Cor. 15:51). If we harmonize this with the rest of the previous scriptures, we know that these stars are "heirs" of the promises given to Abraham....the anointed. For, Jesus would not "hold" in his right hand of power, and use as beacons of light, counterfeit "Christians" not in Covenant with him, would he? What "light" would such agents of darkness have? (Matt.6:23; Eph.4:18).
No.....the "star" "angels" in Jesus' right hand, are the anointed in Covenant with him.
At Rev.12:7 we see that there are "angels"/messengers "battling" along with "Michael" (2Cor. 10:3,4,5).
This battle is also pictured, at Rev.19:11,13,14. Those "battling" alongside Christ, wear "white robes". These warriors are anointed (see Rev.19:8; 6:11; 17:14). At Rev.19:15 it tells us that Jesus here, will "strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron". Those riding with him then, have the same right (Rev.2:26,27). So according to scriptures, these "star"/"angels", are conquering anointed.

Now to get to the "star" at Rev.8:10....
"The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing as a lamp, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water."
Let's look at the rest of Jesus' description of this "star". It is also said to be "blazing as a lamp".
How does this help our identification?...
In Matt.25:1, the "kingdom of the heavens" is compared to 10 virgins (Rev.14:4) with lamps (Luke 12:35; Matt.5:15,16). Again, these are anointed ones. If one of these virgins was "blazing" as a lamp...surely it's teachings would be bright, and seen by many over a wide area.
If we continue to read into verse 11:
"The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter."........
Can you reason that previous to the "fall" of this "star", all the waters beneath this star (John 4:14), were wholesome?
Even after this star falls and defiles the waters under it, the waters are said to be partially poisoned (one third).
Does this all sound like "Christendom" to you?
If we return to Rev.8:10...
"The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water."
According to Matt.5:19; a "great" star, would be one who was doing and teaching the one Truth from Christ (Eph.4:5; John 14:6). We are told that this great "star" has enough authority, to fall upon "the rivers and on the springs of water". Christ tells us that these are the teachings of his truth (John 4:14; 7:37,38). These pure waters do not come from, nor are they under the power of, "Christendom".
Finally, Rev.8:11 tells us that the name of this "star", is now "Wormwood" (meaning: bitter). It has become "bitter'... unfaithful (Heb.12:15; Isa.1:21; 59:14;  2Pet. 3:17).
If we allow God's Word to teach us about this identity, it becomes clear that this is a name he calls the unfaithful among his own Covenanted people.
(Jer.2:13,19,20,21,22,32,37; 9:15; 23:15; Amos 5:7; 6:12; Deut.29:18; Lam.3:15,19,40,48,49,50,51). 
(Read all
There is no such thing as "apostate Christendom"....for, "Christendom" was never anointed, nor in Covenant with God, that she could become "apostate". "Christendom" could never become an adulterous Harlot....for she was never in a pure marital covenant with God.
False "Christians" are Satan's Counterfeit...A decoy to prevent the Chosen from seeing their current circumstances under the genuine apostasy, those unfaithful who really were in Covenant with Yhvh God. Jesus tells us that the "wicked Steward" IS one of HIS SLAVES (Luke 12:42,45).  
2Thess. 2:4,3 makes crystal clear, that the end-time apostasy, is within and over, God's Temple of anointed ones (1Cor. 3:16).

When Rev.8:11 tells us that "many people died from the water", this tells us that previous to taking in the waters of "Wormwood"...they were living. Waters that provide life, are traced to Jesus Christ (John 4:14). Do you believe this is the case with those taking in waters from Christendom? 
If we look once again at Rev.8:10...
"The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water."
....this anointed star has charge of the "light" being shed as well as the spiritual "waters" being offered, throughout the world. Why? Because only the "Steward"/Gov.Bdy. has had the authority to determine what all are fed (Luke 12:42).
Finally, by falling "from heaven" (Rev.8:10; 2:5), it is established that this is one who had  been "enrolled in the heavens" (Heb.12:23; Eph.2:6)(Phil.2:15; Dan.12:3), and can not possibly be anyone belonging to "apostate Christendom", even if there were such a thing.

Hopefully by a consideration of all the previous scriptures, you can clearly see that the "Great Star", "blazing as a lamp" is a prominent anointed one. By reading that this one "falls" (Luke 12:45; Rev.2:5; 6:13; 8:10; 9:1), and thereby poisons the spiritual waters it's sheep are partaking of; you can deduce the implications and repercussions (which are symbolically expounded upon in the rest of Revelation).
Now for the places in which I referred to that verse:
1."To accept power, riches, or dominion within Satan's world, would also
      cause an anointed one to "fall" (1John 2:15,16,17; Rev.2:5; Rev.8:10; Rev.9:1; 12:4; Mark 10:42,43).
Hopefully you can see that if an anointed Steward broke Christ's command at Mark 10:42,43 [as well as John 13:34 (Luke 12:45;  1John 4:20); Matt.23:10,8,11;  1John 2:15; John 17:16] they would "fall" from Christ's approval (Matt.25:11,12; 7:23; Rev.20:10).

2.  "There is SOME truth in it (Rev.8:10)."
I agree that reference is a bit obscure. I am now referring to Rev.8:10 C.
"The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water."
My point is that even after "Wormwood" defiles the waters of Truth, only "a third" are poisoned at first. This means that the teachings, temporarily still contain mostly Truth! So we would expect that even though the "waters" have become unsafe for a "third".....there is still "SOME truth in it.".
  Waters stand for life-imparting teachings (Rev.22:17), but they also stand for peoples (Rev.17:15). 
This symbol applies to both, because the teachings within us, mark the very nature of our soul within the regard of God.
So... there is more to this "third" who become poisoned. God's prophecies highlight the identity of the "third", because that symbolic third consists of those who will repent and advance the purposes of God in the time of the End (Zech.13:8-9; Dan.11:33,35), though for a time, they are robbed of life in a spiritual sense (Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; Rev.3:1) because of their being deceived for a time. The other two-thirds are considered spiritually dead already, as concerns God's purpose and will.

3.  "We saw at Matt.24:24, that Satan is going to try to mislead the Chosen in the time of the end, 
       by means of Powerful, prominent, "fallen" anointed (Rev.8:10,11; Rev.13:11; 
        2Thess. 2:1,2,4; Luke 12:45).
Matt.24:24 reads:
"For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."
What determines whether or not it is possible?
Are the elect relying on human doctrine and an organizational Idol? 
Are they relying on Scripture and Spirit (John 4:23-24)?
If they are relying on an image of idolatry, rather than God...
...then certainly, their being deceived is possible (Matt.19:25,26).
The original Greek word for "Christs" is....."anointed ones".
Again, these are found among "Jehovah's Witnesses". Verse 24 continues that these false anointed brothers (2Tim. 3:5;  2Pet. 2:1,2,3) will "arise" in power, and "perform great signs and wonders". This is for a certainty a parallel to the "false prophet" of Rev.13:13,14,11; Rev.19:20.
And then we are told that if it is at all possible, these "false christs and false prophets" WILL mislead the "elect"/anointed (Dan.8:12; Rev.13:7,10; Col.2:8; Luke 21:21,24).
Can you see that these deceptions come upon the Chosen, AFTER they are anointed and considered by God's Word, as already belonging to the "elect"/"chosen"? (Matt.24:24,25)
If you know any anointed ones personally, they will attest to the commonality, that all of us were not fooled by "Christendom" in the least, previous to our anointing. More so, after it (1John 2:20,27)!
Therefore it is unlikely that this masterful deception (backed by all of Satan's power--2Thess. 2:9; Rev.13:13; Matt.24:24) is "Christendom".
This dangerous trap to mislead the Chosen, would have to be baited with much Truth, in order to ensnare the Holy Ones......perhaps with as much as two-thirds Truth?
And finally, 2Thess.2 confirms to us, that this last day deception (2Thess. 2:1,2,3) (when a deceiving power takes over --2Thess.2:4)....takes rulership in the midst of the Chosen Ones, God's true Temple 
(2Thess. 2:4)....not in "Christendom"
See  1Cor. 3:16,9; Heb.9:24; Eph. 2:22;  1Pet. 2:5.
Finally I will add this link that I wrote more recently. It interprets Rev.12:4.
  LINK: (

I hope these thoughts address your questions. If there is anything else, please let me know.
May our Heavenly Father bless your pursuit of life and truth,


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