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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wasteful Steward

Updated definitions, from the article
for Luke 16:1-15 .....

The Wasteful Steward:
Over God's household, wasting the spiritual provisions entrusted to him. Those who have been given spiritual provisions by the Master are indebted to the Master. These provisions must be handed over to the Steward and put to use by him. The wasteful, wicked steward refuses and punishes those seeking to be faithful.

the account of the stewardship:
the position of administrative director over the anointed household of God. 1Cor. 12:28:
"And God has set the respective ones in the congregation, first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healing; helpful services,abilities to direct,”
(This position of directorship is not the same as apostle, prophet, etc.) 1Cor. 12:4,7-8,10-11,14-15,20-21,25,27

(note: while the scriptures say that tongues will "cease", the other gifts are said to be "done away with". This is relevant, since the Greek for "done away with" means, "made without effect". This does not mean that they have ceased. It means that all prophecy will eventually lose it's effect. That will be true when all prophecy is finally fulfilled. "Knowledge" is also said to be "done away with" or made without effect. That does not mean that knowledge will cease. No, but it also will be made ineffectual when it advances (as when we compare "milk" to "meat".) Therefore, the doctrine that proposes that prophecy no longer occurs is error. Acts 2:17-18,19-20; Rev.11:3 and Num.12:6 cannot be nullified.
(see article, Has Prophecy "Ceased"? )

the house: God's anointed household (Eph.2:19)

dig: cultivate the ground to sow seed (Luke 8:11; Ec.11:6), as well as to seek for it's meaning (Matt.13:44; Luke 11:9)

ashamed to beg, ask, implore: too proud to allow others to share the work of providing spiritual food. They are also too proud to worry about the reconciliation of other anointed slaves with God, (Matt.9:37-38) (2Cor. 5:20) or their brothers being able to fulfill their God-assigned responsibilities (1Cor. 12:18; Eph.4:11) thereby discharging their debts (Luke 12:48).

the debtors: those whom the Steward is over. The Master's slaves who owe him a return on his provisions (Luke 17:10).

practical wisdom: Prov.3:21; 2:6   Thinking ability is based on God's advice, and making decisions with input from all anointed prophets and teachers (Prov.11:14; 15:22). Working in isolation will result in the selfish pursuit of more unrighteous riches (Prov.18:1). It is according to practical wisdom to protect your own interests and welfare. In this, the  "sons of light" lack "practical" wisdom (Luke 16:8; Rev.12:11), because rather than think of their standing in this world (1John 2:17; Phil.3:8; Matt.6:33) (1Cor. 7:31; Rev.12:11), they are focused on the kingdom. (Heb.13:14,13)

sons of this system of things: Anointed rulers previous to the Kingdom rule (Luke 16:8; Rev.8:10-11; 13:11; 17:1; 18:4,24; Matt.23:35,37; Rev.11:8)...whose power will end (Matt.24:3;  1Cor. 15:24).

generation: all anointed "generated" by incorruptable seed... "the word" 
(Luke 21:32;  1Pet. 1:23; Gal.3:29; James 1:21; Eph.5:26,27,25).

sons of light: those who have no interest in position or a "ruling" type of stewardship over God's household. Their only concern is in pleasing the Master and promoting his interests of truth. They wish to work under a loving spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. (1Thess. 5:5) How these are treated, will determine how others are judged (John 20:23; Matt.25:40,46).

friends for yourselves: favor with other anointed, who may later prove to judge those who had exalted themselves (Matt.23:12; John 20:23).

unrighteous riches: power and authority over the anointed household of God  (1Cor. 4:8; Mark 10:42-44).

when such fail: the end of this religious system, which will make way for the Kingdom administration of Eph.1:10 and Rev.21:2. (2Pet. 3:11; Matt.24:2-3).

they may receive you: that the faithful anointed may welcome the Steward into the "tent of God" (Rev.22:14) of which the faithful ones belong; rather than complaining to the Master for justice. 
[note: the "friends" that the steward stands to gain by cancelling debt, is not the Master (Jesus and the Father, for these are not indebted to the Steward); but the one's whose debt the steward cancels--the other slaves.] 
(So this is not talking about making friends with YHVH by donating money to the WT.)

everlasting dwelling places: the Kingdom inheritance that lasts forever. (Matt.25:34) 

entrust you with what is true: all Christ's belongings that he shares eternally with the sealed anointed Matt.25:23). This includes the crystal clear river of truth that will flow in the Kingdom (Rev.22:1) from the throne of God. (1Cor. 13:10)

faithful with another's: trustworthy handling of the provisions given other anointed from Christ. (John 13:13-14; Phil. 2:3;   1Cor. 4:7)

riches: rulership (1Cor. 4:8; Rev.3:18; Matt.6:19)

what is lofty among men is disgusting in God's sight: 
ruling with a sense of superiority over your brothers is against the will of Christ and YHVH (Phil.2:3,21). Those that take their worldly rule (Luke 4:5-6) and oppress their fellow slaves (by means of the "disgusting thing"...Gentile priests in the Temple/Wild Beast/"Man of lawlessness"), will be viewed as wicked/disgusting, by the returning Master. (Matt.24:15; 7:21-23,15,19; 25:11-12,28,30,41,45; 22:8,5-7)

At 1Cor. 4:8 it reads:
"YOU men already have YOUR fill, do YOU? YOU are rich already, are YOU? (unrighteous riches) YOU have begun ruling as kings without us, have YOU?"

Hopefully, when you now read Luke 16:1-15, you will glean more understanding and benefit. I hope so. If you do, it will be through the blessing of Holy Spirit toward us all.
(Luke 12:59)

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