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Friday, August 3, 2012

In light of the current apostasy, idolatry, and the effect it has had upon the baptism vows of "Jehovah's Witnesses"; I have given a reply to this question I received...

Where would one go to be baptized now? 

We can turn to the Bible to find your answer.
Please read Acts8:26,27,28,29,30,31,35,36,37,38,39.
Can you see that according to the Bible, one does not need to be baptized before a crowd of people...nor in a special place?
As long as the Bible's requirements of an education in Truth, Faith on the part of the candidate, baptism according to the words at Matt.28:19,20, and the person's body being fully submerged is followed; then the baptism is valid.
Thanks for that question.


  1. Wow... Meant to ask this question last week in light of those who may be studying and before I could get around to asking it here's an answer. Way kool :-)

    Pearl, I had sent an email a few weeks ago (I think you were having spam issues) did you receive or should I re-send. Thx again for your continued efforts.

  2. Please re-send. Mark the subject as "letter resent".
    Thank you,


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