Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Because of the scriptures contained in it, I wanted to share
A letter I sent to a friend....

Thank you so much for trying to help others "see the light".
It seems that as long as it is Satan's world, that truth will be resisted and restrained.
But we don't give up for the few whom Jehovah will bless, and grant insight.

Remember when Jesus said, "Remember the wife of Lot!" ? (Luke17:32)
That's because the time will soon arrive, when all anointed left inside the org. (apostate Jerusalem) will be all unresponsive weeds. Like Lot's sons-in-law, (who thought Lot was joking), they will stay inside the "City" (Gen.19:14) condemned by God. Those men were destroyed along with Sodom. So too, any who do not get out of the "City" Jehovah is soon to destroy (Rev.17:18), anyone who is still in "Babylon the Great" (Rev.18:4).

I tell you this, because the time for faithful "wheat" to continue to draw Jehovah's spirit into the Org. is finished. Any "blessing" we perceive, is due to Satan's power (1John5:19; 1Cor.4:8,9,10,11,12,13,16). Faithful ones do not enjoy power and riches in this world (John17:14; 2Tim.3:12), but oppression and persecution (Luke9:23,24; Heb.11:24,26,35,36,37,38,39,40).
Just as the angels pulled Lot's family out of that wicked City of Old; NOW is the time for the faithful to "flee" (Matt.24:15,16).
If they don't have faith for the preserving alive of the soul (Heb.10:39); they will stay inside...falsely believing that Jehovah will not bring down His punishment for their idolatry ....falsely believing that Jehovah's spirit is still with the wicked who have not heeded His warnings...and still with an organization that is now being directed by the Devil. (Jer.25:29; Isa.11:15,16; Rev.9:14,11; 13:4,8)
I have reason to rejoice in that you have been granted to understand sacred secrets. There are so few who now do.
Yet, Jesus compared the few that will be saved in our day, to the few saved in Noah's time. Eight souls out of Millions. In Sodom...three souls out of Millions. (Matt.24:37; 1Pet.3:20 c; Heb.11:7,16; Luke13:23,24)

I have seen the end of The Nation which calls themselves by Jehovah's name (Jer.25:30; Rev.19:15; 14:18,19). I am so hoping with all my heart, that you do not doubt that end, like the sons-in-law of Lot doubted the end of Sodom. We hate to think of the Organization which we thought gave us spiritual life (1Cor.15:45; 1Tim.2:5), and all our loved ones; as heading for God's wine-press of wrath...but they surely are. My own daughter is among them.

Now is the time for any who have opened eyes, to sound the warning to those headed for death. The Organization IS the Wild Beast, and any marked as in subjection to it, are perishing (Rev.13:8; 2Thess.2:10). . The same outcome is for those deceived by the Man of Lawlessness; because the MOL is the Wild Beast of Revelation.
Thank you for helping. Our task is daunting...since Satan rules not only the world, but also now, the Organization. He got in through apostates at the top (Rev.9:1,11; 2Thess.2:4). He has designed this successful plan, to include a wall around Jehovah's that the light is locked out (Rev.12:9,16). We each need to try to reach whoever we can. It is very late. I and other anointed are planning a final witness to those who claim to be God's nation. It is, very very late.
We do not have long to wait for the end.
Love in Christ,



  1. Hello Pearl!

    I can only only thank Jah that i found you! After seventeen years as a JW, i found myself so disturbed and distraught (i.e., sighing and groaning) over what was going on that i just couldn't bring myself to attend the meetings anymore. Prior to my departure, i discerned that much of the Society's liturature was laced with poison so i completely stopped reading any of it and began studying the scriptures only. What a difference that made! While i secretly never agreed with some of the Governing Body's official doctrines, policies and procedures(i viewed them as unscriptural, even idolatrous in some cases), when i realized that they couldn't possibly be the "faithful and discreet slave" (that is a future designation and only Jah/Jesus appoint these individuals, not themselves), I got the last bit of courage needed to finally leave and begin searching. Eventually i found your blog and now check it nearly everyday for any new information. A very close friend of mine who has also left after nearly twenty years as a JW (she just couldn't deal with it emotionally/mentally anymore)also reads your blogs and is as electrified as I am to be finally experiencing the true meaning of the "light getting brighter"!

    So here's my question: How do we sound the warning that you mentioned? Since it's likely that no one on the inside will listen, what good will it do? Besides, you said yourself that a Christian is not obligated to sow seed among thorns. So while I have the desire to help others get out of symbolic Jerusalem, I do not know how to go about it nor do i see any point in it. Simply mentioning that i was no longer attending meetings (besides making a brief comment about the hypocrisy in the congregation) was enough for one person --someone i considered a good friend previously--to immediately cease all association with me. Thus, even hinting at the idea that the Organization is not all that its cracked up to be will send 99.9% of 'em running with their thumbs in their ears!

    Please advise...Thank You!

  2. Due to the length of my reply, I have posted it on the main page at
    Today is Aug.15, 2012


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