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Friday, July 6, 2012



Increasing numbers of anointed are writing me about their disfellowshipping experience...all for remaining loyal to Jehovah and Bible Truth. I thought it might help these, as well as non-anointed who are going through the same experience, to read some of these expressions. It is also Faith-strengthening, to see prophecy being fulfilled.
Here is one I received today...

 Dear Pearl
How are you?
I thought I would be disfellowshipped yesterday....but not yet
I preached after meeting to elders and brothers in loud voice....I explained to them that they should not put any other earthly thing , as an "organization", while praying (worshipping) to Jehovah  (Deuteronomy 4:24, Deut 6:15, 1 Kings 19:10, Exodus 34:14, Numbers 25:11, Joshua 24:19, Ezekiel 5:13, Song 8:6) . Jehovah God demands exclusive devotion insistently. 
I told them that it was not a great thing I beeing expelled by them, cause it is what a annoited should indeed make: tell the truth always.
And I said to them that other brothers were doing the very same: telling the truth and beeing expelled.
Well...they scared with this fact...they ask me if I knew other annointed one who disagrees with 1914 interpretations...And I told about you..That you were under trial in the beginning of this years as I myself was..
If they don't have courage to "kill me" (that is indeed good) any rate.. I will be "killed" by a "prince" among them for sure. 


 Yes Xxxxx,

I have become acquainted with quite a few anointed brothers who have already been expelled for being loyal to Jehovah, Jesus, and the Truth.
Some are presently going through it as you are.
You can view some examples at the forum below:

It seems that this takes time, because local elders sometimes hesitate. They usually contact headquarters to see what they should do. 
After headquarters commands the local elders, then the elders will obey as they are directed.
This process has been recently expedited.
This is how the "steward" beats his fellow slaves. "He" uses the local elders. The elders are the "Locust-Scorpions", under the "fallen star", "Wormwood" (Rev.9); just as the "wild beast", is under the "false prophet"/"two horned beast"/"Harlot"; of Rev.13 and Rev.17. 
Jesus has used multiple illustrations to depict the same identities, as he often did.
Like the Locust/Scorpions, that "Beast" also attacks the faithful anointed (Rev.11:7; John16:2). 
We now see in the reality before us, these symbolic identities being fulfilled.

The time of pure Truth is yet ahead of us, and many who made it through the test of the Organization, 
are later to fall because of additional tests (Dan.11:35).

There are also those who are not anointed, who are also being disfellowshipped for their loyal integrity. I have a few in my own congregation, but they are writing me from all over the world. Everyone who recognizes the "disgusting thing", has been commanded by Jesus to flee (Matt.24:15,16); not just anointed ones.

I will be praying for you my brother. I know this is a hard time.
I commend you for visiting door-to-door, all those in your local Congregation.

I know that soon the time will come, when we will campaign Jehovah's proclamation of
MENE MENE TEKEL PARSIN to all anointed around the earth who are still associated with the Beast and it's Harlot. Time is running out for them to wake up and take their stand at Christ's side...leaving behind the mark of the Beast and subjection to the "Covenant of Death" (Isa.28:14,15; Rev.17:5).

Prophecy in Jehovah's Word tells us that the Organization WILL Turn on it's leadership.
Perhaps, by the elders realizing that the GB is causing many of us to be thrown out, will help the Organization to arrive to that point...
of seeing that the GB are the wicked steward who is beating his fellows.
When they then decide to get rid of that unfaithful slave, it will fulfill the prophecy about the Beast turning on the Harlot.

Yet we must be careful not to return to the Organization when this happens. The Organization will still be the Wild Beast. Even without the Harlot, it reigns as the eighth king (Rev.17:11). 
It is destined to be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
We do not want to be among the "ten kings" of the earth...anointed who "rule with" that Beast (Rev.17:12,16). They (the ten horns of the Beast Rev.17:12) will be pitched into Gehenna along with the Beast (Rev.20:10).

Yes...above all else, we "tell the Truth always" (Rev.14:5; 12:11)
Love in Christ,

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