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Monday, June 4, 2012

Feeding the Covenant


Good day. Thank you for the food Jehovah has blessed you with. Just one question.
If the woman is a promise/covenant why does she need to be fed and not her seed?
Thank you so much for those kind and wise words. They brought tears to my eyes.
I'll take your advice and turn to Jehovah every night and every morning.
Had a question for Rando but he's maxed out. Wanted to ask him what do the anointed that have finished their earthly cause do in heaven and ask for relevant scriptures to back his answer.
I can see you are hard at work lately. I personally appreciate what you are doing
Going to love and leave you. Gonna drive home now. About 63km.


Hello Xxxx,
I am going to give you a small part of "The Woman" article. But first I will tell you...if you read Rev.12:1 and will notice a change with the woman/covenant. In 12:1, can you see that before she gives birth to the completed 144000, she is still just a promise/Covenant/sign/symbol  in heaven? (Rev.12:1; Gal4:24,26) At this point, she is not threatened with famine, nor does she need to be fed.
But now if you go to Rev.12:13, you will see that she seems stranded on earth (AFTER SHE GIVES BIRTH to the last of her seed). This is because, the "Promise" of the Covenant (to BECOME New Jerusalem) is fulfilled, once the 144000 is completed/child born (Rom.8:9; Gal.4:26). 

That promise/covenant/Holy City is now a reality...because the 144000 have been "born"/completed. The 144000 now become the Covenant. They become the reality of the fulfilled Promise...
That promise now transfers to it's originally intended purpose...
for the earthly creation to now get life (Rev.21:2,3; 22:2), through the materialized Covenant. Once New Jerusalem becomes a reality, the life-giving Covenant promises extend to the earthly creation, by means of the reality of the Promise...the fulfilled and materialized Kingdom administration (Eph.1:10).

The next point to make, is that once the 144000 are complete, those last ones sealed represent that real existing "Holy City"/Covenant, made up of the trees of life (Rev.22:2)
( the moment the last one is sealed on earth (fulfilling the promise), these are the only living representatives of the woman/fulfilled-covenant on earth, and they have not yet been "born again"...resurrected into perfect spirit beings in heaven (John20:17). Only after this ascension of all 144,000, will the administration be formally installed in heaven...
[when the sacrificial Lamb applies his ransom to Mt. Zion (Rev.14:1),
these cleansed ones are adopted in heaven as Sons of Jehovah,
they are fed crystal clear living waters directly from Jehovah's throne, and
they bring that water back down to the earth (to "cure" the Nations)
see "Holy City" and "Jacob's Ladder"].

Once the 144000 are completed, the members on earth then represent that real established "Holy City". This is why the "woman" is no longer seen in heaven, but her only living members are now seen on earth, with Satan able to go after her seed...because he is also cast to the earth.
Satan wants to drown any truth that might come from these Covenant  representatives. If he is able to get them to be hindered or deceived, that Covenant... which now represents life for the rest of Creation, is jeopardized. Satan does not want that fulfilled Covenant/her representatives, to offer living water to the rest of the world during Satan's "short period of time".
This is also the period where the earth is no longer protected from this spiritual tribulation by means of Satan's flood of lies and it's messengers (Rev.7:3; 12:16; 9:3,4) Once the "men" are "sealed" the Locust-Scorpions can expand the realm of their tribulation/testing...and go after the rest of the earth.

Here is the section from the article. It will give you the scriptures:

After the "woman" gives birth, she is seen on earth. This is because once the Covenant's members/seed are completed, her sealed members have now become the manifestation of that Covenant. All those sealed become part of the New Holy City, New Jerusalem (according to the promise). Once the promise is fulfilled, that covenant/woman having all it's member's sealed, it becomes a reality, it is not just a promise anymore.
(Just as Christ fulfilled the promised seed of the Old Covenant, and so brought about it's transition to the New; so too, the sealing and resurrection of all 144000 fulfills the promised seed of Abraham through the New Covenant/Free woman. This seed fulfilled, also brings about the next transition of the promise to the earth).

Once this completion occurs through the full 144000 being sealed, the "remaining ones" on earth, are the only ones on earth to represent her/Sarah/New Jerusalem/New Covenant. These living members are alive on earth, still awaiting Christ's arrival and their resurrection/transformation (1Cor.15:51).
This is why the woman is no longer seen as a promise "in heaven" (Rev.12:1,2) but after "she" gives birth to the full number, she is seen "on earth" (Rev.12:13,15,16,17). Those who are still flesh on earth, are also still her seed, until they are resurrected into spirits in heaven and installed into heavenly Mt. Zion. The woman/bride of Christ, is not a literal single woman, but is made of many members/"seed". They are BOTH, the collective woman and her individual "seed"/"virgins". These sealed ones are living in God's eyes. (John5:24; 11:26) If these survive to the "last trumpet", they will not die, but be transformed (1Cor.15:51,52,53,54). Only their fleshly bodies will pass away (1Cor.15:36,37,38).

Perhaps I can illustrate how the "woman"/"Covenant" is "fed", and how this compares to the "seed"....
Your family name is something that each family member must uphold. Each member bearing that name can detract or augment the reputation of the family's name. Yet no one single member IS the family name, for the name is not a tangible thing. Yet at the same time, the members of that family, are the essence and manifestation of that name. The family name suffers or prospers, depending on the individuals who possess and bear the identity of that name. The members also suffer or prosper, depending on the name's reputation.
In the same way, the woman/covenant can be fed and strengthened by it's individual members, while at the same time, these are, and represent that woman/covenant. 
If the members of the woman suffer loss, the Covenant suffers loss. If the members suffer spiritual war, famine, or sickness, so does the covenant. Her flourishing depends upon the attending and care that her members give her (Psalm45:14 b; 1Cor.12:26,25).
If the anointed "seed"/"virgins", "feed" the Sarah Covenant (Gal.4); all within it (her daughters) are strengthened (1Pet.3:6). The Covenant is fed, by all her children feeding one another in Truth, faith, and love (Eph.4:12; 1Cor.10:17).

Clearly, Satan at this point in Rev.12, has already been thrown to the earth. Yet, he is able to persecute the woman after she gives birth. She is then, no longer seen in heaven.
This can not possibly be the "heavenly wife-like organization of angelic spirit creatures". For, these are not bound on the earth. Neither are they persecuted by Satan, after he is "thrown down" (Rev.12:13)!

So, to prevent the members of the woman's seed/representatives from suffering from the spiritual famine Satan has caused, Jehovah feeds that Covenant with Holy the form of the anointed being able to feed on the "Carcass/slain Ones"...those slain who proved faithful to "death" (Rev.11:3,7; Matt.24:28). These "two witnesses" were caused to "prophesy"...providing spiritual food. This is the means by which, the members of the woman/covenant are fed... "that they (two witnesses) should feed her there" Rev.12:6. These feed one another (1Cor.10:17) and in this way, the woman/covenant is strengthened and nourished (Acts2:17,18,19,20,21).

Through the remnant receiving Truth, the Covenant they represent is kept strong...strong enough to offer that living water of truth to all who come to it (Matt.22:10), (even before New Jerusalem descends from heaven), by means of the "marriage feast". (This is not the same as the complete river, which will come to the earth by means of 120,000 living trees of life/the New Creation, when these descend to the earth. (Rev.21:2,3,4,5,6,7). (24,000 remain in heaven ("elders"), and rotate each month. There will be more written about this soon. )
This living water will increase as all of the 144000 are resurrected, and "come down out of heaven" after all 144000 are adopted in heaven, by Jehovah (Rom.8:23).

I hope that answers your question. If it is not all you were looking for, please just let me know. Perhaps Jehovah will continue to help me to provide more.

P.S. I hope you get to ask Rando your question :)


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