Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)

Friday, June 29, 2012

A note to those who have made comments that have not been posted:
I feel soberly responsible before Jehovah for anything I put on this site
for others to take in. If your comment was an assertion of your own conviction,
yet was not 100% based upon spirit and scriptural truth, I have declined
posting it.
If your comment is a sincere question or expression, I will post it
as soon as I can make time to post a response. This is not to say that I am perfect
or complete in my understanding; but according to what I do understand of
scripture, I must be loyal. (1Cor.13:9; Eph.4:15; 2Thess.2:13; Prov.4:5,6)

This site is not a free-for-all discussion forum. It is my means to obey my Master
in the things of which he requires of me. For those wishing to express their own
opinions, such forums exist elsewhere. (2Tim.3:7)

If your comment contains a link, I must delay posting it until I have the time
to read everything at that link site. Only after I screen the information at the site of
the link, comparing it to my present understanding of scriptural Spirit and Truth,
will I be free to post it.
I thank you for these contributions, but it may take me time to do this comparison,
due to managing many demands upon my time. In good conscience, I can not skim over
this screening first.
I hope you can extend me patience and understanding, as we all do our best to
handle the Word of Truth, aright. (2Tim.2:15,16)



  1. Hello pearl. Can you help me with this. You know how you have false prophets and true ones. How long do you give a word spoken by a person claiming to be a prophet, before you can say it was true or false. Is there a time scale for this. Many tks

  2. Hello,
    Thank you for this question.
    I have answered it in article form.
    You may find it at


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