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Friday, May 25, 2012

I thought I would post this response I wrote to another anointed one, because it contains scriptural understanding for Rev.14:4, and 2Cor.11:2,3.

I believe each of our Faiths is the intimacy we have with Christ, through his recorded words and the spirit he gives...
the light of day which he promises for each of our hearts (2Pet.1:19).
That Faith within our minds,
is only for him. That is our chastity.
I believe this to also be the essence of the warning at Rev.14:4...the virginity of Faith...not "defiled with women".
"Women" ( are covenants. These are the refuges of Faith. Those teachings which we accept and cling to, become our "mother". We become slaves to these, either with life in view, or death. Those who make a lie their refuge, are in the Covenant with Death...Babylon the Great...the "mother" of the harlots (not virgins). (Isa.28:15; Rev.17:5)
These have betrayed Christ...turning away from his spiritual care and the table of his bread from heaven, 
to buy doctrines of men. (Heb.12:25; Matt.25:8,9; Rev.13:17; Matt.25:10)

The reason I raise these things,
is because Jesus has never mislead or left me. I trust him. He has taken charge of my being lead into increasing light and truth. 
It is unthinkable to me, that I should defile that chastity, in order to enter a covenant with you...according to your Faith and teaching. 
I clearly see that to make that decision, is to not keep my mind, chaste for Christ. 
He must be kept as my only head...and the Covenant of promise and faith, which he bought for me with his blood,
my only mother (Gal.4:26).
I do not claim perfection in Faith (1Cor.13:9,10). But I do trust that Jesus knows me well and that as always, he will continue to lead me into increasing light (John16:12,13,14,15),
provided that I remain chaste for him alone. 
I am constantly learning from him (Matt.10:27; Heb.12:25). 
Should I not be grateful, appreciative, and satisfied enough to remain loyal?
He knows that for everything I receive, I slave to provide others. This is one of the requirements in order for one to receive more (Matt.24:45,46; 25:29,21,35,40).
If you are compelled to also work for Christ, according to what he gives you, and according to that same submissive spirit...
you are free to take up the same work, that you might not be found a sluggish slave (Matt.25:30).
Your letters remind me of an aggressive young man in the back seat of a car, 
with your heated desire to dominate my mind and faith.
I am already promised in marriage.

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