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Friday, January 27, 2012

For those interested, here is an answer to a question about the correct pronunciation of God's name YHVH. 
Dear Anon,
I will first comment on your last question... regarding the pronunciation of God's name, YHVH.

At Gen.11:1,4,5,6,7,8,9 we read:
1 "Now all the earth continued to be of one language and of one set of words. 4 They now said: “Come on! Let us build ourselves a city and also a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, for fear we may be scattered over all the surface of the earth.”
5 And Jehovah proceeded to go down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men had built. 6 After that Jehovah said: “Look! They are one people and there is one language for them all, and this is what they start to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be unattainable for them. 7 Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another’s language.” 8 Accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth, and they gradually left off building the city. 9 That is why its name was called Ba´bel, because there **JEHOVAH HAD CONFUSED THE LANGUAGE** of all the earth, and Jehovah had scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth."

Notice that all mankind originally spoke one language. Under such conditions, all men would have one word for each person and thing. 
Now note verse 7 again....
7 "Come now! Let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not listen to one another’s language.” 
Who was it that caused men to have different words for the same thing?

We see in verse 9 that it was God and his Son themselves who did this. Should we then think that they do not expect each language to have a different sounding word for the same item or person? Should we think that the instantaneous Creator of many tongues can not understand those tongues?

Please reason on these simple facts.
God well knows that each language has a different set of words. 
For... He Himself, made it so.
In each language, ...even the same name will sound very different among them. The same is true of the name of Jesus, and the name of YHVH. 

If a Spanish speaking person thinks and says "apple" in Spanish, does not God know what he means?
If a French person thinks and says "apple" in French, does not God also know what he means?

Which person...the Spaniard or the Frenchman, is saying "apple" correctly???
Which one?

Fleshly thinking people think that God is petty. They imagine that knowing God's name means uttering it according to a peculiar sound. How shallow! 
Accurately knowing God's name according to what Christ revealed to his disciples, is not a dialect at all! (John17:6; John1:18)
It is an understanding of who God is...and all that His name stands for (Isa.43:10,11,12; John17:3; Prov.2:5).

If Jesus hears his name as Yeshua, Joshua, Jesus, or you think he recognizes it?
If YHVH hears his name as Jehovah, Yahweh, Eovah, or you think the Creator of mankind's tongues knows who each one means? Those names however, should not be presumed to be the way in which God's name is pronounced. Such knowledge is not available at this time. We can't go wrong in imitating Jesus, who is never recorded as using God's name, but he simply always called the true God, "Father".

What matters to Him, is not how one's lips and tongue move, but that each one worships Him in "Spirit and Truth" At John4:24, Jesus did not say that the true worshipers would worship the father with a certain sound.

Thank you for this good question. There are many who are confounded by this idea of differing tongues, and their effect upon the sound of Our Heavenly Father's name. In actuality, it has no effect with Him... For, He does not listen to physical sound waves...but to hearts. And He searches the earth, not for the tongue possessing an impossibly correct pronunciation....but for a heart that is complete (2Chronicles16:9) toward Him (however they pronounce His name, according to the various languages that He Himself gave them).

I will answer another one of your questions next time.
Best wishes,


  1. Hi Pearl

    Now that my lady was a superb line of reasoning and exspresed pricisly.. I have heard the line of resoning many times before, just never discribed the way you presented it..

    Truthseeker from E-JW

  2. So good to hear from you! I miss the old crowd. Jehovah constantly compensates for my defects. Otherwise, this assignment would be impossible. I would so enjoy if you would contact me.
    Keep the Faith,


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