Additional Pages for Study (coming soon)

Monday, November 28, 2011

A new addition has been added to the article

"Do we need to get out of God's House?"

The addition begins 3/4 of the way down the page...dated 11/28/11
It is written in response to an anointed one's question, as to how long
to remain in the Congregation.

Dear "Anonymous",
I appreciate you sharing your comments with me, but I invite you to please write to me directly, at
For now, in answer to you. Matthew 7:21,22,23; Luke 12:51,52,53
Jesus did not teach unity with false religious leaders.....he preached unity with truth, (see Matt. ch.23) no matter what the cost (Matt.10:17,34,36,37,38).
Satan does not attack an "organization". He attacks the anointed, by means of an organization.
Again, if you wish to have a discussion, write me.

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