Monday, October 27, 2014

Eyes to See, Ears to Hear...A Mouth to Speak

A letter received:

Dear Pearl,
What I  cannot understand is why all those Jw's in the watchtower organization do not see the false things within it or question certain teachings as I have done. I am nobody special just a simple imperfect man yet I can see these things & truths have been revealed to me through the scriptures & the likes of ones like yourself. You though, are so much more intense with a deeper understanding than most & I find myself captured by your writings & insight & the way everything you say is backed up with scriptures. But what about the ordinary ones like me that may not be anointed but just love God & Christ & want to live by heed their word? What are we to do? I feel I need to do something, it's like a burning fire to act on what I know.


Remember what Jesus said about some being taken and some left behind in the time of the end?
(Luke 17:34,35). Jesus tells us where they are taken... (Luke 17:37; Matt.24:28,16; Rev.11:7,8; Eze.36:8; Matt.22:8,9,10) (Matt.7:20; 12:33,35; Luke 6:45; John 15:16; Eze.36:8; Matt.24:16) 
...and what the requirements are for being awoken at "dawn" (Gen.19:15,14; Luke 17:28,29,30,32; Matt.25:5,6,7) 
...and gathered (Isa.11:12,10; 56:8; 60:4; 62:10; Ps.60:4; Jer.23:3; 30:17; Matt.24:31,15,16).

There is a reason why some understand and see clearly, and some don't.
God tells us why (2Thess.2:9,10,11,12; Prov.2:1,2,3,4,5; Jer.29:13; 2Chron.16:9).
Jesus also explains why (Matt.13:15,16; Matt.11:15,25; 1Cor.2:10; James 1:5; Luke 11:10).
There will only be few saved (Luke 17:26; 1Pet.3:20; Matt.7:14; Luke 18:26,27; Matt.24:22; Isa.10:22).
Any saved, are due to the decision and salvation of God, who reads hearts (1Sam.16:7; Dan.10:12; Eze.9:4).

The reason why I am able to perceive more than fellow called ones, is because within the body of Christ, with it's many and various assignments and members (1Cor.12:28,29,18);  I was called by God to be His last prophet.
As such, I was given educational visions (Num.12:6; Matt.10:27). Any understanding I am able to provide, I was given. There is no reason to boast (1Cor.4:7). 
It is to God's prophets that He reveals His sacred secrets (Rev.10:7; Amos 3:7; Eze.29:21; Zech.4:9,11,13,14; Rev.11:3,4). This is why they are a part of the foundation (along with the apostles -1Cor.3:10; 15:10; 2Pet.3:15), upon which the work of the rest of God's spiritual temple priesthood, is supported (Eph.2:20,21,22; Rev.18:20; 1Thess.5:19,20,21; 1Cor.14:32; Prov.9:1).


Christ's prophets are the "seven stars"/"angels", of the "seven congregations" (Rev.1:16,20; 2:29; 1Cor.14:32,33;  Jer.26:5; 25:4; Rev.1:1; 11:3; 22:6,9; 10:7).
Each star/prophet/"messenger" --("angel" in Greek) (Mal.3:1; 2:7,4; 3:3,4,1; Rev.1:1; Isa.40:3; 63:9; Zech.4:9,14; Rev.11:4,3; Matt.17:11; Matt.25:6),
is the light/lamp/flame (Jer.1:9; 23:29; Rev.11:5; 1Thess.5:19,20)/prophet/messenger,
for each "lamp stand"/congregation/Holy Ones, present during that prophet's era (Rev.1:20; Matt.5:15,16; 1Cor.14:32,33).

(You can use the search box, "seven stars" for more information.)

Just as there are "seven angels"/Stewards/Watchmen, of  the "seven Congregations"
(Jer.6:17 watchmen/"watchers" have eyes Rev.5:6 and a trumpet/voice Eze.33:6; Isa.58:1; Jer.6:17; Eze.3:17)
which depict the "seven horns" (kings -Rev.17:12 a)/faithful true prophets of, and directed by, Christ as their Head (Rev.5:6; 1:20);
There are also "seven hills"/"seven heads"/"seven kings" directing the body of  the Beast as "heads", (Rev.17:9,10), which depict the UNfaithful false prophets/(Stewards), 
(Lam.2:14; Rev.19:20; Jer.2:11) (Jer.14:14; Isa.56:10; Lam.4:14; Rev.18:24; 17:6; Isa.29:9,10) who were of Christ (Col.2:19; Jude 1:10,11; 1John 3:12; Rev.2:14; Heb.6:4,5,6).
These "heads" have received a kingdom of this world, now 
       [1Cor.4:8; Matt.6:1,2; Luke 20:46,47 
            (Who are the "Orphans" and "Widows"?)] 
       (Rev.9:1; Heb.6:6; 1John 2:15),
over the "Wild Beast" organization of spiritual Gentiles.
These two sets of "seven" kings 
[seven horns (Rev.5:6,10) against seven heads (Rev.17:9,10]
are the ones battling in Armageddon (Rev.16:13,14,15; 17:14; 19:11,14,8; 12:17,7; Gen.3:15).
Jesus should be head over them all (Rev.19:16; 5:10; 1:5,6); 
(John18:36 -- "Who are Kings of Earth?")
but the unfaithful have left their Master's service (Col.2:19; Jer.2:20; Rev.17:2; 2:20; 19:20; 13:15,7) (Matt.24:24,25,10,11,48,49,50,51; Hosea 6:5).

The "TEN horns" on those seven "heads", proudly give credit, and surrender their future kingdom (Dan.7:18,22; Matt.25:21), and present "royal authority" (Luke 10:19), to the beast (Rev.17:7,12,13,17; 13:4,7,8). They don't rule over the beast (as the "heads" do), but rather, 
they submit to the beast, 
while supplying the Beast and it's "heads", with the power and authority of their royal horns. 
Over the seven heads (hills/kings), their ten horns, and the entire the Mother Covenant of Death (Rev.17:18,9,5; Isa.28:15)
"Mothers", are Covenants (Gal.4:26,24)

In contrast
the faithful horns/kings of Christ, humbly give credit to and surrender their royal authority, in submission to God and Christ as "head" (Rev.4:10,11) (Rev.5:6; 1:5,6; 19:16; Eph.1:22; Col.1:18).
("Who are the 'Kings of the Earth'?")
These remain under the Mother Covenant of Life (Gal.4:26; John 8:32; 6:63; Rev.22:17).

Despite the faithful work of God's prophets...
God's people (who are the Chosen -1Pet.2:9,10), with few exceptions, reject the prophets God sends to them (Matt.23:31,34,35; Rev.18:24) (Rev.11:3,7,10; 16:6; 6:9,11; Matt.5:11,12).
I am no different in being rejected by the great majority of those claiming to be God's chosen nation 
(Luke4:24)(Rev.2:2; 11:3,7; 13:15)(Jer.6:17). 
A prophet arises among God's people when they are rebellious [Micah 3:8; Neh.9:26 (Rev.13:5); 2Chron.36:16; Matt.23:34,32; Rev.17:6; 11:8], and need to be warned before destruction arrives (Eze.33:2,3; 16:2; Rev.8:2; Isa.58:1; Joel 2:1,11,15,2; Matt.24:21; Isa.28:21)....a deserved destruction that is due for their idolatrous abominations (Rev.13:8; Jer.5:7; Isa.1:21) (Ps.135:15,16,17,18; Isa.43:8; 42:19; Eze.12:2; Mark 4:11,12).
 After refinement (Mal.3:1,2,3; Zech.13:9,8; Rev.8:12; Job 23:10; Isa.48:10; Rev.3:18; Dan.12:10; Hosea 2:23) a remnant will be saved (Eze.22:30; 13:15; Isa.59:16; Ps.106:23; Zech.3:9 (Isa.66:8); Zech.3:4,8; Isa.1:18; Jer.50:20; Isa.64:4; 10:22; Joel 2:13,17,18,19,31,32; 1:14,13; Rev.11:3; Joel 3:14,15,16).

Yet as you and many like you demonstrate; God does not allow the righteous to be destroyed along with the wicked (Gen.18:25; Job 34:10). He has called you out of "Sodom" and "Egypt" (symbols for God's rebellious nation)(Hosea 11:1,4; Rev.11:8; Matt.16:21; 23:37,34; Rev.18:24) (Jer.23:14; Deut.32:15,16,6,18,19,32,33; Rev.14:19)
and you have responded
Although this is an era filled with tribulation, confusion, desolation, captivity, and calamity (Rev.13:7,10; Isa.49:24,25; Jer.31:11)
our being rescued is a boundless reason to rejoice in our God! (Rev.7:10; Luke 18:26,27)
I hope you will join Our Facebook Group to give and to gain support, with others also going through the end with opened eyes, and all the persecution that the choice of obedience entails (Matt.10:22; Mark 8:35).

Remember that the marriage banquet was filled with guests, both righteous and unrighteous (Matt.22:10; Rev.19:9). God surely wants to feed His "true words" to all that will accept His invitation (Matt.5:45; 22:10; Rev.21:6; Isa.55:1). You have accepted. Therefore, you will be fed. 
If you obey the scriptures that are teaching you, you will be saved from this dreadful day (Luke 21:36; Eze.33:11; Prov.7:2; Deut.30:11,16). The ones who are drunk and asleep (1Thess.5:6,7; John 12:35; Matt.25:13) do not know at all the day upon them, because they are physical, and do not discern the tumultuous Battle now taking place spiritually (Luke 21:34; 1Cor.2:14) 
Like the Jewish religious leaders of the first century, they do not discern the hour of their inspection 
(Luke 19:42,44; 21:36; 1Thess.5:4,6; Eph.5:14; Rev.2:28; 22:16; 2Pet.1:19; Eph.5:14 C).

If you, as a "hearer", are moved to share the things God is gracing you with, you can 
(Rev.22:17; 21:6; Matt.22:9,10).
There are many forums where people gather to discuss the Bible. Most are former witnesses who are "leaving the city" (Matt.22:9). Although prophecy tells us that this "searching" for the words of God will be widespread (Dan.12:4; Amos8:11);
few will accept and find it (Amos 8:12; Matt.7:14; 10:40,41,42; 25:37,40).
Despite that, those who are able to "hear", should also speak (Eze.2:7).

In the future, I hope to have a campaign to warn as many as possible among the Israel of God (Matt.10:23) about the desolation of "Jerusalem" presently at hand [the Gentile abomination (Rev.11:2; Joel 1:6,7,4,10,15; 2:2,4; Rev.9:3,8,7,11)],
and also the destruction that is coming [Jer.25:29; Eze.7:2,5,6,8,16,26,14; Joel 3:14; Eze.21:6,7,14,12; Ec.10:7]. 
I would be very grateful if you offered yourself at that time.
I am in the process of writing a short series of articles on the genuine fulfillment of Matt.24:14.
They are under the subject of "Good News". Only the first one of three has been published. As I finish the other two, you will find them released upon the front page. They will give the suggestions for what to do at that time.

Thank you very much for writing me, and I hope the scriptures contained in this letter address many of your present thoughts.

Love in Christ,

(For making and reading comments in language other than English)

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