Saturday, March 1, 2014

Enduring Ridicule


Hello Pearl
Been reading a few posts of yours!
I seem to understand that your aim is to keep yourself clean in the eyes of God and Christ, and away from human hostility, things that could or would take God's anointing away from you!
How do you get past caring what they say?
These are things that I struggle with also, from time to time.
There's doing Gods will, and wanting to do it.
However, do you struggle from time to time with this?

Nice to see you back.
Take care,



Hello Anonymous,
I have written less here, recently. Many things are going on in my life that make working much more difficult. Yet I am determined to continue working. I also know that God will supply me with what I need in order to do His will. We are not always able to do the same amount, but we continue to do what we can.
Regarding your questions...
Those who are wise, do seek to be clean in God's eyes (2Cor.7:1; 2Pet.3:14).
We accomplish this through an obedience to the things taught by Christ (2Pet.1:5,6,7,8,9,10; Matt.28:19,20; 2Cor.10:5; 9:13; Eph.5:26; John 3:5; 15:3) in addition to the forgiveness of sins afforded us by the blood of Christ (Titus 2:14; Matt.20:28; Heb.9:14; 10:10,14; Rev.5:9,10; Acts 20:28; Heb.12:23,24,28).
I avoid continued exposure to the hostility of men, because the reaction men have to the truth/light of the scriptures, manifests their heart's desire (John 13:20; 8:47; Gal.4:14; 2Thess.2:10,12; Matt.13:11). Once the wrong choice of a man is made clear, we are to be done with them (2Cor.2:15,16; Luke 9:5; Matt.7:6; Prov.9:8; 23:9; 26:4; 2Tim.2:14,23; 1Tim.6:3,4; Matt.12:18,19).
Jesus himself felt frustrated, and at times, even angry with those who were spiritually dull, senseless, proud, or self-righteous (Matt.17:17; 14:31; 13:58,57; 23:37,13; Luke 24:25; John 2:24; 5:42). This did not remove his anointing. Like Paul, we ourselves may even feel "wrathful" (Gal.3:3). Yet we must not go so far as sinning (Eph.4:26,27,29,30,31,32; James 1:19,20).
We know that continuing to do the will of God, matters more than how the reaction of men may make us feel (Matt.12:50; 7:21; 1John2:17).

How do I get past caring about what those who ridicule and oppose might say?
Jesus taught us to expect adversity (John 15:20; 16:2; 2Tim.3:12; 2Pet.3:3; 1Pet.4:12; Matt.5:11,12; Mark 13:13). This does not mean that unkind words and deeds do not hurt us, because they do (Acts 14:22; 2Cor.6:4; John 16:20,33; Matt.5:4; Ps.80:5; 126:5; Prov.12:18; Matt.12:35,36,37; James 3:6). We also care greatly, about the harm false teachers can do to their hearers (2Tim.3:13; Luke 6:39; 2Cor.4:3).
If we care more about the approval and pleasure of our Heavenly Father, our Master Jesus Christ, and the welfare of others; we are strengthened to endure in fine works, despite the pain others cause us (Matt.25:23; Mark 8:34,35; Rev.2:10; 1Pet.1:6,7; 5:10; 4:13,14; James 1:2,3,4; John 15:8; Gal.6:9; Rom.2:29).

Chosen servants of God cannot fully avoid spiritual conflict with the "stumbling blocks" (Matt.18:7; 1Tim.4:1; Rev.16:13,14; 13:8,7,10). In fact, those called and chosen are to war against their false doctrines (2Cor.10:3,4,5; Rev.17:14; 2:16; Heb.4:12; Rev.19:11,14,8). This conflict between the "wheat and weeds" helps to prove the quality of each Chosen one's work, by which they will be judged by the Master, Christ; (Matt.12:37; John 12:48; 2Cor.5:10) and will manifest to searchers of truth, which teachers and prophets are approved of by God (1Cor.3:13; Jer.23:29; 1Cor.11:18,19; Mal.3:18; John 7:17,18; Matt.7:15,16,17,20).
(Who are the "fine trees"?)

I hope this reply answers your question.
If not, please follow up.
Love in Christ,


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