Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I was discussing the decisions of an anointed one, with another anointed one who knows us both...

"Xxxx has made clear to me that she excuses her continued association with the Harlots, Beast, and their king, Satan.
It is not necessary to have your thinking (forehead) marked by the Beast.
If one's hand is marked, that is enough for Jehovah to consider you an idolater (Rev.13:16).
It does not matter what truth she perceives, if it does not make her leave (James2:17,26; 4:17).
I myself had to realize this need to repent in sackcloth (Rev.11:3; Joel1:13; Matt.11:21; Jonah3:8,9; Neh.9:1,6).
If she stays in the Organization, it does not matter what she understands....
she will still lose her crown and life (Rev.3:11).

Your "right hand" can be marked, even when your "forehead" is not marked.
This means that even though you might not think  as directed by the Organization (forehead) (Deut.6:17,8; 11:18),
if you let it's lies control your power (right hand) (Isa.44:20; Psalm144:8) (meaning: Psalm60:5; 63:8; Exo.15:6)
by staying inside the Organization instead of letting it "kill"/expel you;
then you are still showing worship/subjection to the Beast, by letting it mis-direct your power, instead of subjecting your power to Jehovah.

Only those who are thrown out, are sealed.
See Rev.6:9,10,11; 20:4; John16:2; Isa.66:5; Rev.11:7; 13:7,15;   (Hosea1:10; Rom.9:26) Isa.59:20,21

Even if Xxxx does not accept the teachings of the Organization (so that her forehead is NOT marked)
she is letting the mark of the Beast be put on her right hand (will power, decisions, actions)
if she stays inside the Organization.
See Luke 9:24; Matt.10:33,38,39. (1Pet.2:21; John8:40)
There is a harvest underway which is segregating the anointed.... the "wheat" from the "weeds". 
Time is running out to be on the fence. 
It is time for those loyal to Jehovah to make their stand known (Mal.3:16,17,18; Matt.10:17,18,19,20,22,24,25,26,27,28,32; John15:20; Acts1:8).
Since she is choosing to fear the Organizational Beast Idol, and tailor her behavior to it's demands; I must withdraw from her (1Cor.5:11,12,13; Rev.21:8).
(Luke12:5; Rev.14:7)

The elders will NOT leave her alone. If she obeys the scripture you sent me...Acts5:42...they will "kill" her (Rev.11:7).
You send me 1John3:21,
but if you read 1John3:22, then you know that Xxxx's confidence is unfounded (Rev.16:2; 13:8; 18:4), 
when she believes that her standing with God is alright.


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